View Full Version : Off Topic Discussion

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  1. Tattoos!
  2. To sue or not to sue, that is the ?
  3. Quick question about name change..
  4. Thanksgiving??
  5. Bus accident in my town this morning
  6. What did you have for dinner?
  7. would you object?
  8. From Iraq
  9. Happy Thanksgiving
  10. Cool Clouds
  11. Okay To Say!!
  12. Be An Artist
  13. Laptop Computer
  14. Ever Wonder????
  15. Christmas shopping!
  16. Dance Man, Dance!!!
  17. Winding down!
  18. Winding down!
  19. If you could have a wild animal......
  20. What if you were president.......
  21. What if you had a genie.......
  22. What if you could travel back in time......
  23. What if you were stranded on an island......
  24. Mid-Life
  25. As We Grow
  26. Show on TLC
  27. Real or Artifical Christmas Tree
  28. Great topics
  29. make a wish game
  30. Decisions, Decisions!!!
  31. Rockerfeller Center
  32. Philosophy Of Housecleaning
  33. Natural Highs
  34. Bad Weather!!
  35. Internet Explorer Upgrade
  36. Snow and ice!
  37. The Positive Side Of Life
  38. Can you read this?
  39. Gift ideas for the boss
  40. Being Rich!!
  41. Eye Test
  42. What do you want for Christmas?
  43. How Smart Is Your Right Foot?
  44. Border Patrol
  45. Holiday Gift Cards
  46. Supplies for expresso/cappucino/coffee maker?
  47. My santa's helper!!!
  48. Is your family teasing you about 4WT?
  49. Farm Girl!!
  50. Tissue Alert!!!!!-----Miracles
  51. Send a Thank You card to a Soldier
  52. Harold, the Computer Guy
  53. The lady below me...
  54. Daddy's Empty Chair
  55. It's all about YOU
  56. Remembering at Christmas
  57. Fruit Cake Lady
  58. Anyone Work in the Missouri Court System?
  59. Have we gotten more judgmental?
  60. Alaska Ice Festival
  61. I caved and took the simple route
  62. Here's To You My Friends!
  63. 9 Things I Hate About Everyone
  64. Cats vs. Dogs
  65. Good Match!
  66. The Fruitcake Lady
  67. I Tried So Hard!!!!!
  68. little baby boy yorkie for sale
  69. Merry Christmas...
  70. Can anyone recommend any good books?
  71. DANGER - Read the labels!!!
  72. I have something to share..How true this is
  73. please can you give advice
  74. Help me out!!!!
  75. Eating Tips for the Holidays
  76. For all my WT family
  77. Tax Refunds!!!!
  78. Monitor information
  79. How to Bathe a Cat
  80. Funny Cats!
  81. how much to tip at Christmas?
  82. Anyone want a puppy?
  83. Happy Holidays Everyone!!
  84. Fog
  85. Christmas at my Mother's
  86. Last minute shopping again
  87. Kids.....?
  88. A.s.a.p.
  89. Monitor Talk Again!!!
  90. Cute little girl!
  91. Finished Reading Marley and Me!!
  92. The ball has dropped
  93. Happy New Year
  94. We didn't eat blackeyed peas.......
  95. Drive by shooting!!
  96. Keep Eye on Your Children!
  97. Happy New Year 2007 Everyone From Me..
  98. Got My New Monitor!!!!
  99. Car Is Ready
  100. Some People!!!
  101. I'm back! almost..
  102. Rec'd in Email
  103. I am exhausted!!!
  104. Are Wives That Complicated?
  105. Homosexuals
  106. Hootie and Hobbs are getting a brother!
  107. I've Done It Again!
  108. Drat!!! I hit a Deer!!
  109. Back to Normal
  110. Political Math
  111. Too Blind to See!
  112. The Year 1906
  113. Liver and Cheese
  114. Blizzard!!!!!!
  115. The Mole Family
  116. Reality
  117. This is Cute!
  118. Living In 2007
  119. Just thought I would share this with all of you
  120. Why does he YELL!!
  121. Crappy weather!
  122. No food...
  123. Taxes
  124. One more day to go???
  125. Tomorrow is the Day!
  126. Barack Hussein Obama
  127. Noah's Ark
  128. Hey Rebecca!!!!!
  129. Yucky weather!
  130. Afraid ???
  131. Thread Killer Thread on YT
  132. Cool Paintings
  133. Dakota Fanning ?
  134. Omg !!!
  135. Scrabble!!
  136. Digital Camera for sale
  137. Commercials
  138. Penny Postcards
  139. What a Week!!!
  140. Spending Spree!!! ?
  141. Piebald Fawn
  142. Her and His Diary Entries
  143. This Says It All:
  144. Go Colts!
  145. Real Newspaper Ads
  146. Colts Fan
  147. Hilarious Revenge!!
  148. Last Weeks Spending Spree
  149. Taxes Suck!!
  150. Cell Phones
  151. Very Anxious
  152. Are you worried about this?
  153. A Study......menstrual cycle
  154. Here is your awww for the day!!!!!!
  155. Anyone might be interested in a Canon Digi Camera?
  156. Peanuts
  157. Jesus Loves Me
  158. What a day!
  159. Selling Swimming Pool
  160. Anyone needing a simple website done?
  161. Anna Nicole Smith
  162. Oh No....Snow!!!!
  163. Finally Getting Dug Out!!!
  164. Bill Gates Advice
  165. The Ant and The Grasshopper.updated...
  166. Happy Chinese New Year!!
  167. Favorite cat food
  168. We Might As Well Dance!
  169. United States Map
  170. 2-hour delay!!
  171. My Poor Emilee..
  172. Weekend Alone!
  173. Snow storm forced hubby out early
  174. I'll know today!!!
  175. Here it comes again! SNOW!!!
  176. Driving Too Fast!!
  177. Baked Beans! >
  178. Emilee had her puppies!
  179. Pets?
  180. Puppy Pics
  181. This Song Really Touched Me
  182. Puppy Video
  183. Anyone have an RV?
  184. Spending Money
  185. What would you be wearing?
  186. Which one would you choose?
  187. Sportbike!
  188. Find the Man in the Beans
  189. Taking risks
  190. I'm infatuated with them!
  191. What do you think of Rudy?
  192. Anyone else having trouble accessing this site at certain times?
  193. How do u pick a DJ?
  194. Did you know??
  195. Laughing again
  196. Off-Topic?!
  197. Wonder who's watching us!!
  198. Referrals
  199. Needing Some Advice!
  200. A Friend
  201. 1000 Posts!!
  202. Game! Write a Story!
  203. My avatar
  204. Affaors
  205. I need opinions..
  206. Anyone Blog?
  207. Garden planning
  209. The Junos!
  210. No Toilet Paper
  211. Almost over!!
  212. Computer Question - for Angie
  213. Getting Old
  214. Finally!!
  215. MAJOR food for thought!
  216. Mandy, NO MORE PMs!?!?
  217. The evolution of dance
  218. Say HI Mom!
  219. want to know how mean Angie is?
  220. Things learned in Texas
  221. Prayers Needed
  222. It's 37 deg. & sleeting in Austin in April!!
  223. Question and Answer Game!
  224. iPod takes a bullet, saves soldier's life
  225. Friend in an auto accident
  226. Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?
  227. Don't Feed the Animals (NEWS)
  228. Had lasik surgery on Monday
  229. My Yorkie will be 1 year old
  230. Some question about this website
  231. Gucci's Test Results
  232. Something to think about
  233. How about a Believe it or Not stories!!
  234. MySpace
  235. Va. Tech Shootings (NEWS)
  236. Color wash faux paint technique
  237. Worked So Hard!
  238. 24 More Days!!!!
  239. HGTV Fans, Here's Something to Drool Over
  240. Yt Is Down!!
  241. Most Users ever! Could it be because YT is down?
  242. Any Other Texans W/weather?
  243. Please help... I really need some help
  244. HI!Im new....
  245. Important!!! Maddies Is Missing!!!
  246. Denise from YT needs prayers
  247. YorkieTalk !!
  248. Not new to all of you..
  249. Ostracized
  250. Still locked out of yt