View Full Version : Off Topic Discussion

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  1. For everything else...
  2. Grapes
  3. Sharing a Poem
  4. It is good to be a woman!!!
  5. help
  6. Amber_lv
  7. How to make a woman happy!
  8. Keepsake Quotes for Women
  9. Slogans for Women's T-shirts
  10. If you come softly (POETRY)
  11. How would your friends describe you?
  12. Who wants....
  13. Things my mom taught me.....
  14. Southern Football vs Northern Football
  15. Did anyone else notice
  16. ummm. question
  17. Sad Ending tomorrow!
  18. Oh, boy! Game day!
  19. Adam and Eve had the PERFECT marriage!!!
  20. Sad but true!
  21. I've made 100 posts. Now,
  22. Too cute not to share!
  23. Lesson Learned!
  24. Very Sad Day Today!
  25. Holiday Recipe
  26. 100th post
  27. Almost over
  28. Made with Marzipan
  29. Birth of a Hummingbird
  30. Beautiful Blue Planet
  31. High School Reunion (Hilarious Joke)
  32. Just a few more...
  33. Question You Just Have to Ask
  34. Rules of the Road
  35. Bumper Stickers
  36. Oxymoron's
  37. Which would you redo?
  38. In Remebrance
  39. Bath Tub Test
  40. I feel like I'm cheating on......
  41. The Rules!
  42. What do you do behind closed doors??
  43. Where did you get your avatar?
  44. What happens when........
  45. I Miss You, Daddy!
  46. What starts with F and ends with K?
  47. Wednesday Joke - Warning
  48. Kids are so cute!
  49. Funny translations
  50. Speaking of Waxing...
  51. Wishful thinking
  52. NO Water!!!!
  53. Thusday Joke
  54. I"m Building My 1st House!!!
  55. "Dog" The Bounty Hunter
  56. HALF Day
  57. About a Friday Joke
  58. Words of Wisdom
  59. Another Friday Joke
  60. Pick a Fruit
  61. Stress Reliever!
  62. Think before you speak!
  63. Rodney - No Respect
  64. Sweet IM smiles
  65. Things you hate!
  66. Sad Story
  67. Do you know what this is?
  68. Is anyone a decorator here?
  69. Puns!
  70. Waaaaaaaar Eagle, Hey!
  71. The Books Are Here, The Books Are Here!!!
  72. I'm so down right now!
  73. Painted Bathroom Floor
  74. 916!!!
  75. Call me stupid
  76. So Beautiful
  77. Reality Type Shows
  78. visa's
  79. Today is THE Day!!
  80. Coke or Pepsi
  81. It's a record! I've done nothing today!
  82. The Bounty Hunter
  83. How Many do you remember?
  84. 148 more!
  85. We Did It!!!!!!!
  86. Everything you need to know about pregnancies!
  87. 5000 posts!
  88. 1906
  89. Steve Irwin
  90. Drivers Test
  91. If you have sons!!!
  92. 4-letter Words
  93. YAA More Smilies!
  94. Tell me again, please!!
  95. Finish The Line...
  96. He Passed!!!!!!
  97. Closing your account?
  98. Permission Slip???
  99. just curious
  100. hot wax machine
  101. Happy Birthday!!
  102. Indiana & Jeff Foxworthy
  103. A Gift for all my 4WT Friends
  104. Puppy "size"
  105. Steve Irwin Memorial Service
  106. Let's Thank Our Soliders
  107. Do you notice????
  108. HoneyMoon
  109. Poor puppies
  110. Slinky fun
  111. Suzi! I've changed my mind re: Labradors
  112. Over 1000 posts!!!
  113. Death
  114. Market preacher!
  115. WW Update
  116. My Horse
  117. Wanted to share this....
  118. Check this out!!
  119. Cancel your credit cards!
  120. Sylvia Brown
  121. Quote of the day...
  122. Optical Illusion
  123. I have abandoned YT!!
  124. The Dash Movie
  125. I've been Subpoenaed
  126. Survivor
  127. Friday's Joke
  128. funny joke
  129. Your future husband in the mirror...
  130. The $500,000 picture...
  131. The Ear Ring
  132. Marriage...
  133. Want to know gas prices???
  134. Some quotes, some not!
  135. The Affair
  136. Prison vs. Work
  137. Killings in Pennyslyvania
  138. Goooooooo Chiefs!!!
  139. The Perfect Man And The Perfect Woman
  140. Do you know your states???
  141. Finished Defensive Driving Online!!!
  142. Jokes for Your Kids!
  143. Books Never Written
  144. Do You Know Where God Is?
  145. Any baseball fans?
  146. Skidboot the Dog....this is amazing!
  147. anyone know anything about civil weddings?
  148. Little Worm things
  149. Pictures...some freaky, some funny
  150. You learn something new everyday!
  151. Is it just me?
  152. Friends
  153. Farrah Fausett
  154. Scam---beware!!!!
  155. Skeleton Man
  156. Snoring Daryl
  157. UCLA Study
  158. Toilet Pain....LOL This is halirious
  159. Friday Joke....How old are you??
  160. Funny Joke!
  161. Getting things done!!!
  162. I am such a...
  163. Kind of Eerie!!
  164. Dateline: To catch a predator
  165. Best Lawyer Story of the Year
  166. Dogs that Talk!!
  167. Finding 50x50 Avatars
  168. Put ICE in your cell phone!
  169. Can you find the difference?
  170. For Sale Forum?
  171. Book Club
  172. Letters to God
  173. Something for you Hubby!!
  174. Letter to Hubby!
  175. If you live in VICTORIA, TX
  176. This is how WRANGLERS should fit...
  177. Lisa Ling on Oprah
  178. Repairing a Friendship
  179. I'll make a deal with you (joke)
  180. Yankees pitcher dies in plane crash
  181. Email recieved
  182. Prayers needed
  183. It's 59° This Morning!!
  184. Car Wash
  185. Things you always wanted to know - but didn't know who to ask!
  186. Becca(RLC12345678) Check your PM'S!!
  187. Animal Halloween Costumes
  188. Travel Help
  189. Total Money Makeover?
  190. What about Retirement???
  191. Making fun of politicians - great joke
  192. How about MySpace?
  193. Bowling - Halloween
  194. Good cleaner?
  195. paperclay
  196. New Lives
  197. Beluga Cam
  198. If I Had My Life To Live Over
  199. A Simple Thank You
  200. Three Little Words That Work !!
  201. Poetry
  202. Do You Believe In Ghosts??
  203. More Halloween Pics
  204. Need a few prayers!
  205. The Dash
  206. Been gone! Want to say hello!
  207. Been gone myself!
  208. Ghost Hunt Game
  209. Flavored Coffee!!
  210. My Washer Quit!!!!
  211. A great start today!
  212. Duck Hunters???
  213. My mom
  214. When it's appropriate!!
  215. Hummingbirds
  216. My baby is going to a new home!!
  217. Wow, Look!
  218. 5 Finger Prayer
  219. Christmas Gifts you received as a Child
  220. who smokes????
  221. Two Tough Questions
  222. Angel Decoy
  223. winter storm warning
  224. 2000 Big Ones!!!!
  225. So Many Deer!!
  226. Bus Trouble Again
  227. Virgin Mary?
  228. Cartoons
  229. 150 Year Old Words
  230. Bubba and the Psychiatrist
  231. Loneliness
  232. Where are we?
  233. A Must Read!!
  234. Why men pee standing up....
  235. Boycotting Wal-mart
  236. Celebrating Christmas
  237. Dancing With The Stars!!!
  238. Wal Mart Application
  239. Pet Syndrome
  240. The Breath of God...Your daily sermon.
  241. The latest on me...
  242. Red Neck Flat Screen TV
  243. What a bunch of WUSSES!!!!!
  244. Guts or Balls
  245. Jewelry
  246. New Book
  247. Grey's Anatomy
  248. Isn't this the truth???
  249. Alone again!
  250. Cruise & Holmes Wedding