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  1. Time to laugh!
  2. From the classic classifieds
  3. Funny Jokes and One-liners from Real Résumés
  4. Wal-Mart Job Application
  5. Chicago Slang
  6. Old Guy Still Has It!
  7. Men never learn
  8. Our loving tribute to Kat... from your pals.
  9. 2 sides to every story.
  10. One For The Girls !!
  11. Do Not Mess with Children!!!
  12. Pool party
  13. Title This Picture!!
  14. What gender is a computer?
  15. Caution Nudity
  16. Useless Information
  17. Gentile Thoughts for Today!
  18. you gotta read this police report
  19. Dear Diary,
  20. Exercise Regimens.
  21. Pet Diaries
  22. Letter to the IRS
  23. My Mother-in-law
  24. AARP Quiz
  25. Tuesdays Joke of the Day
  26. Stella Awards
  27. Funny Quote for the Day.
  28. A 3-year-old tells all.
  29. Joke of the Day
  30. The Problem with Men!!!!
  31. If ...
  32. How Many Dogs Does It Take??
  33. My hubbies all time favorite joke
  34. Dead Duck
  35. Women Vs Men Food Shopping
  36. Wild Kat
  37. How to give a cat a pill
  38. The $2 Bill.
  39. Addicted To The Internet?
  40. Having a Bad Day At Work?
  41. Disturbing statistic (a little naughty)
  42. What Cartoon Character Are You?
  43. Why did the chicken cross the road?
  44. A Tazer Story
  45. An Interview With An 80-year-old Woman
  46. 60 Minutes Correspondent Andy Rooney (CBS)
  47. I Volunteer to Help with the Clean-up!!!
  48. Obama clains to have been in 57 states excluding Alaska and Hawaii
  49. A Place to Stay for Convention!!! Check it Out!!
  50. If Men Got Pregnant......
  51. Why Women Lie
  52. CRAZY things we do as we get older.
  53. A womans age
  54. Caution Scary..
  55. Cat Heaven
  56. Summer Classes for Men
  57. Sinatra's Song remix
  58. New Supermarket
  59. What Do You Do All Day?
  60. Comments made in the year 1955
  61. How To Solve A Mid-life Crises
  62. Underwear Dust !!
  63. She's a character!
  64. Doggie Humor
  65. 6th grade science quiz
  66. Curtain Rods - Priceless !!!
  67. Just passing this on.....
  68. 54!
  69. The Happiest Fairy Tale Ever
  70. I should live so long !
  71. And then the fight started...
  72. The applause was resounding
  73. Overheated Mouse........
  74. Quite possibly the cutest thing I've ever seen
  75. Dog Letters To God
  76. Important announcement
  77. You know your a dog person when...
  78. Wow - I feel so important.
  79. That's my story and I am sticking to it!!"
  80. Smile !
  81. Vivian and Edith
  82. The King's Daughter
  83. Shirley Goodnest
  84. AWWW to be 6 again !!!
  85. Ole at the peraly gates
  86. Chuck growing up
  87. Quick thinking
  88. state fair lessons
  89. Sunday morning humor
  90. Husband's revenge!
  91. COLORED folks
  92. Mid-week giggle
  93. 6 kids.. ha-ha-ha-
  94. Out of the mouth of babes
  95. Putting the day in perspective.
  96. Sven and Ole
  97. show the prescription
  98. 25 ways you know your a grown up
  99. The Mom Song
  100. political correctness
  101. Top 10 Peeves Dogs Have With Humans
  102. Pregnancy,
  103. Emailing For The Greater Good
  104. Pretty Cool
  105. Kitty Stutter
  106. Men Are Just Happier People
  107. Reuger is so funny!!!!
  108. 9 Words Women Use
  109. EVE'S SIDE OF THE STORY - lol
  110. Bilingual Dog
  111. Best Headlines of 2007
  112. Tina Fey as Sarah Palin
  113. FBI Opening
  114. The Coat Hanger
  115. Innocence is Priceless
  116. Let me know if you're interested in this........
  117. Looks can be decieving!
  118. Living Will
  119. Ghost in closet? NOT
  120. New Dog Cross Breeds
  121. It's OK Albert
  122. It's OK Albert
  123. He Said, I Said
  124. Some Funnies My Brother Sent Me
  125. Do You Remember When.....
  126. A Blonde and a Horse
  127. Don't mess with Seniors!!!
  128. Down A Deep Hole
  129. Department Of Fish And Wildlife Warning
  130. Upsetting The Stewardess
  131. The Talking Parrots
  132. The Blonde Telegram
  133. The Great Blonde Kidnap
  134. Conversations With Technical Support
  135. A Strange Coincidence
  136. Profound Life Thoughts
  137. Church Bulletins
  138. Funny Updated Christmas Carols
  139. A Drop In Salary Perhaps
  140. Stopping By The Office One Day
  141. A Question Of Billing
  142. Eager To Impress The Boss
  143. Delivering The Bad News
  144. Flooring The Ferrari
  145. An Outstanding Student
  146. Thanksgiving Funnies
  147. Banned from Walmart.....
  148. GTKY Quiz #7
  149. "Insurance info request"
  150. Installing A Husband
  151. How to Call the Police.......
  152. A Touching Tale
  153. Great popcorn
  154. Guilty of all but #1
  155. Everything's Amazing, Nobody's Happy......
  156. Funny but nearly true
  157. The Hitchhiker.....
  158. Pecans in the Cemetery
  159. Church Bulletins
  160. I Love This Doctor
  161. The Door-to-Door Salesmen
  162. Memory Test....
  163. Twenty Dollars
  164. The Tiny Cabin.....
  165. Never Argue With A Woman
  166. How Fast are Your Reactions........
  167. The ID Ten T Error.....
  168. Redneck Play Station
  169. Simple Home Remedies
  170. How to Waste Your Creditor's Time‏
  171. Quote of the day
  172. A New Use for Windex....
  173. A New Scam......
  174. Did You Know?????
  175. Get in the Easter Mood......
  176. The bird loves Ray Charles
  177. Why Men Don't Write Advice Columns
  178. The Sidewalk Chalk Guy....
  179. Name the Picture!!
  180. Tech Support.....
  181. When you get robbed......Quote scripture!!!
  182. Happy Keester!!!!
  183. The Lord and The Biker
  184. If You Can.......
  185. The economy is so bad that....
  186. The Cowboy and The Yuppie
  187. Idiots Of 2008
  188. Just Say "Good-bye, Mom"......
  189. Drafting Guys over 60.....
  190. But, Officer........
  191. Spread the Stupidity
  192. Glass Eye....
  193. God Enjoys a Good Laugh!!
  194. Are You Ready for Spring?
  195. More about Swine Flu.....
  196. Traffic Camera.....
  197. Hey Mom.........
  198. Replacement Windows
  199. A Fact...
  200. Posted twice
  201. Bbq Rules
  202. Important stuff
  203. The Man Rules
  204. What is Butt Dust?
  205. Mamograms.....
  206. Bubba's New Truck.....
  207. You gotta' see this one!!! Amazing!!!
  208. Why I fired my Secretary
  209. Cat in the Hat
  210. Pointers for Self Defense.....
  211. Do me a favor.......
  212. The Meaning of Amen.......
  213. Hallmark Cards
  214. Cash For Clunkers..........i Qualify
  215. No Treats from Obama.....
  216. Circle the Cat Game
  217. For Woman over 50
  218. Replacement Windows
  219. Some good ones!
  220. The Perfect Marriage
  221. Bottle of Wine
  222. Forgetter Be Forgotten?
  223. Quiz for People Who Know Everything
  224. A Problem Name......
  225. Flu Shot
  226. Old is When....
  227. Economic stimulus money
  228. Caught Speeding......
  229. I'm Dead.....
  230. Giving directions.......
  231. How I learned to mind my own business...........
  232. 86-year-old's Letter to her Bank
  233. I've been bored today
  234. The Importance of Walking
  235. Electronically challenged
  236. Dinner for Eight.......
  237. The Mule.....
  238. Random Thoughts
  239. The Baptist White Lie Cake
  240. Important!!!
  241. Questions that haunt me.......
  242. You gotta see this!!!
  243. My favorite Canadian commercial
  244. Cute Story.......
  245. Living In Canada
  246. Depressed about the economy?
  247. Funny!
  248. Maxine's Perfect Solution to Senior Health Care
  249. Cute
  250. Indian Mating Season