- Time to laugh!
- From the classic classifieds
- Funny Jokes and One-liners from Real Résumés
- Wal-Mart Job Application
- Chicago Slang
- Old Guy Still Has It!
- Men never learn
- Our loving tribute to Kat... from your pals.
- 2 sides to every story.
- One For The Girls !!
- Do Not Mess with Children!!!
- Pool party
- Title This Picture!!
- What gender is a computer?
- Caution Nudity
- Useless Information
- Gentile Thoughts for Today!
- you gotta read this police report
- Dear Diary,
- Exercise Regimens.
- Pet Diaries
- Letter to the IRS
- My Mother-in-law
- AARP Quiz
- Tuesdays Joke of the Day
- Stella Awards
- Funny Quote for the Day.
- A 3-year-old tells all.
- Joke of the Day
- The Problem with Men!!!!
- If ...
- How Many Dogs Does It Take??
- My hubbies all time favorite joke
- Dead Duck
- Women Vs Men Food Shopping
- Wild Kat
- How to give a cat a pill
- The $2 Bill.
- Addicted To The Internet?
- Having a Bad Day At Work?
- Disturbing statistic (a little naughty)
- What Cartoon Character Are You?
- Why did the chicken cross the road?
- A Tazer Story
- An Interview With An 80-year-old Woman
- 60 Minutes Correspondent Andy Rooney (CBS)
- I Volunteer to Help with the Clean-up!!!
- Obama clains to have been in 57 states excluding Alaska and Hawaii
- A Place to Stay for Convention!!! Check it Out!!
- If Men Got Pregnant......
- Why Women Lie
- CRAZY things we do as we get older.
- A womans age
- Caution Scary..
- Cat Heaven
- Summer Classes for Men
- Sinatra's Song remix
- New Supermarket
- What Do You Do All Day?
- Comments made in the year 1955
- How To Solve A Mid-life Crises
- Underwear Dust !!
- She's a character!
- Doggie Humor
- 6th grade science quiz
- Curtain Rods - Priceless !!!
- Just passing this on.....
- 54!
- The Happiest Fairy Tale Ever
- I should live so long !
- And then the fight started...
- The applause was resounding
- Overheated Mouse........
- Quite possibly the cutest thing I've ever seen
- Dog Letters To God
- Important announcement
- You know your a dog person when...
- Wow - I feel so important.
- That's my story and I am sticking to it!!"
- Smile !
- Vivian and Edith
- The King's Daughter
- Shirley Goodnest
- AWWW to be 6 again !!!
- Ole at the peraly gates
- Chuck growing up
- Quick thinking
- state fair lessons
- Sunday morning humor
- Husband's revenge!
- COLORED folks
- Mid-week giggle
- 6 kids.. ha-ha-ha-
- Out of the mouth of babes
- Putting the day in perspective.
- Sven and Ole
- show the prescription
- 25 ways you know your a grown up
- The Mom Song
- political correctness
- Top 10 Peeves Dogs Have With Humans
- Pregnancy,
- Emailing For The Greater Good
- Pretty Cool
- Kitty Stutter
- Men Are Just Happier People
- Reuger is so funny!!!!
- 9 Words Women Use
- Bilingual Dog
- Best Headlines of 2007
- Tina Fey as Sarah Palin
- FBI Opening
- The Coat Hanger
- Innocence is Priceless
- Let me know if you're interested in this........
- Looks can be decieving!
- Living Will
- Ghost in closet? NOT
- New Dog Cross Breeds
- It's OK Albert
- It's OK Albert
- He Said, I Said
- Some Funnies My Brother Sent Me
- Do You Remember When.....
- A Blonde and a Horse
- Don't mess with Seniors!!!
- Down A Deep Hole
- Department Of Fish And Wildlife Warning
- Upsetting The Stewardess
- The Talking Parrots
- The Blonde Telegram
- The Great Blonde Kidnap
- Conversations With Technical Support
- A Strange Coincidence
- Profound Life Thoughts
- Church Bulletins
- Funny Updated Christmas Carols
- A Drop In Salary Perhaps
- Stopping By The Office One Day
- A Question Of Billing
- Eager To Impress The Boss
- Delivering The Bad News
- Flooring The Ferrari
- An Outstanding Student
- Thanksgiving Funnies
- Banned from Walmart.....
- GTKY Quiz #7
- "Insurance info request"
- Installing A Husband
- How to Call the Police.......
- A Touching Tale
- Great popcorn
- Guilty of all but #1
- Everything's Amazing, Nobody's Happy......
- Funny but nearly true
- The Hitchhiker.....
- Pecans in the Cemetery
- Church Bulletins
- I Love This Doctor
- The Door-to-Door Salesmen
- Memory Test....
- Twenty Dollars
- The Tiny Cabin.....
- Never Argue With A Woman
- How Fast are Your Reactions........
- The ID Ten T Error.....
- Redneck Play Station
- Simple Home Remedies
- How to Waste Your Creditor's Time
- Quote of the day
- A New Use for Windex....
- A New Scam......
- Did You Know?????
- Get in the Easter Mood......
- The bird loves Ray Charles
- Why Men Don't Write Advice Columns
- The Sidewalk Chalk Guy....
- Name the Picture!!
- Tech Support.....
- When you get robbed......Quote scripture!!!
- Happy Keester!!!!
- The Lord and The Biker
- If You Can.......
- The economy is so bad that....
- The Cowboy and The Yuppie
- Idiots Of 2008
- Just Say "Good-bye, Mom"......
- Drafting Guys over 60.....
- But, Officer........
- Spread the Stupidity
- Glass Eye....
- God Enjoys a Good Laugh!!
- Are You Ready for Spring?
- More about Swine Flu.....
- Traffic Camera.....
- Hey Mom.........
- Replacement Windows
- A Fact...
- Posted twice
- Bbq Rules
- Important stuff
- The Man Rules
- What is Butt Dust?
- Mamograms.....
- Bubba's New Truck.....
- You gotta' see this one!!! Amazing!!!
- Why I fired my Secretary
- Cat in the Hat
- Pointers for Self Defense.....
- Do me a favor.......
- The Meaning of Amen.......
- Hallmark Cards
- Cash For Clunkers..........i Qualify
- No Treats from Obama.....
- Circle the Cat Game
- For Woman over 50
- Replacement Windows
- Some good ones!
- The Perfect Marriage
- Bottle of Wine
- Forgetter Be Forgotten?
- Quiz for People Who Know Everything
- A Problem Name......
- Flu Shot
- Old is When....
- Economic stimulus money
- Caught Speeding......
- I'm Dead.....
- Giving directions.......
- How I learned to mind my own business...........
- 86-year-old's Letter to her Bank
- I've been bored today
- The Importance of Walking
- Electronically challenged
- Dinner for Eight.......
- The Mule.....
- Random Thoughts
- The Baptist White Lie Cake
- Important!!!
- Questions that haunt me.......
- You gotta see this!!!
- My favorite Canadian commercial
- Cute Story.......
- Living In Canada
- Depressed about the economy?
- Funny!
- Maxine's Perfect Solution to Senior Health Care
- Cute
- Indian Mating Season