View Full Version : Deer Hunting

11-21-2006, 09:35 AM
It was a good weekend. Hubby and youngest daughter and I went hunting.
This was the first time for our daughter to have a license and carry a gun.
She did really well. She got a shot but missed a doe. So did I. We hunted next to each other so I could keep an eye on her. Hubby got a button buck and a huge doe. Doe had to weigh about 150. We had to drag them out of the field cause the ground was so wet. It was a good time.
Will go again this coming weekend. If all goes well. Meat in the freezer. Yummy.:)

11-21-2006, 10:43 AM
Sounds like you had a good time. I have hunters in my family too (including a couple of daughters!) but they mostly hunt duck and pheasant. We have plenty of deer around but my husband is always busy with harvest so he's never gotten into deer hunting.

When my husband and his buddies go duck hunting a lot of the kids go too. I think that it has more to do with all of the candy, pop, and junk food than it does with hunting. Anyway they all have a good time.

You'll have to let us know how next weekend goes. Good luck!!

11-21-2006, 11:07 AM
I love me some deer meat. Hubby shot one two saturdays ago (a 6 pointer) and he had it nin my step-dads walk in in freezer till sunday and he came home and we grilled out some tenderloin right away. It was yummy. This deer had a huge backstrap hubby said and I LOVE tenderloin.

Ther first 2 pics. are of hubby and his deer.

pics. 3 and 4 are from an email my step-dad got that's of some guy in ohio. He said something about this could be the next world record.

hmmmmm. I think I need to shrink the pics. I'll try again in a sec.

11-21-2006, 11:12 AM
lets try this again....

Ther first 2 pics. are of hubby and his deer.

pics. 3 and 4 are from an email my step-dad got that's of some guy in ohio. He said something about this could be the next world record.

11-21-2006, 11:16 AM
lets try this again....

Ther first 2 pics. are of hubby and his deer.

pics. 3 and 4 are from an email my step-dad got that's of some guy in ohio. He said something about this could be the next world record.

My husband hunts deer. I'm gonna have to forward him these pics. UNBELIEVALBE!

11-21-2006, 01:34 PM
My husband use to hunt deer, but with his rhuematoid arthritis, the cold gets to him now. I don't think I could...I love watching them.

11-21-2006, 02:32 PM
Thanks for sharing those deer pics they were awesome. I would just feel lucky to get a 4 or 6 pt. Have never seen a rack that size where we hunt. I'd be to shocked to shot lol. :)

11-21-2006, 07:06 PM
Deer hunting is a major deal around here. My hubby doesn't care to go, and I don't mind since I'm not terribly fond of the taste of venison anyway. Hubbies cousin shot and killed another hunting many years ago by accident and ended up hanging himself many years later out of remorse. It really soured hubby on going.

I have gone twice, but didn't enjoy it and couldn't shoot a deer anyway, so have no desire to go now. My youngest daughter has gone other years, but didn't go this year.

11-21-2006, 08:18 PM
I'm glad I live in a place where people can't hunt deer.:) Never had deer meat, but I see them from time to time and I could never shoot one.

11-21-2006, 10:40 PM
Shannon, the environment here is so ideal for deer that they become far too plentiful and end up roadkill or starving to death over winter. I don't like seeing them killed, yet it's a more merciful death to be shot than hit by a vehicle or slowly starve once the snow and cold steal their food source. They really have no natural enemies here to keep their numbers down.

I live only 3 miles from my job and see dead deer along the HWY often on my way in. It's awful when they get hit and don't die right away... just heartbreaking! They also have killed people who were unlucky enough to have them come through the windshield. Almost everyone I know has hit a deer at one time or another. They're SO quick and like to run out into the light in front of cars and trucks. I've hit a couple and have friends whose cars have been totalled by hitting them.

We have a lot of farms and forests here, so most of the year the deer eat well and as a result, many now have twins which just adds to the problem.

11-22-2006, 09:51 AM
I understand the need for population control. I lived in an area in Georgia with a lot of deer and I understand the dangers. It still makes me sad that it is hard to coexist with these beautiful animals. I see dead deer on our highways too. I would never want to hit one or see one hit. I understand the need for putting them out of their misery too. One was hit in front of our house in Georgia, this guy came in and asked if we had a gun to kill it. We didn't, but I know his heart was in the right place. It just breaks my heart when any living things are killed. I don't knock hunters. Especially if they eat what they killed.

11-22-2006, 04:29 PM
I was rather excited to hear that the local food pantries are now able to take donations of venison to give to the people who need help with groceries. It used to be forbidden, which I thought was a shame since there's so much of it to go around.