View Full Version : Need Advice

11-22-2006, 07:42 AM
I am going over to my inlaws for thanksgiving this year since we don't close on our house til this Saturday(YIPEEE:D ) so I can't have Thanksgiving at our house, anyhow I don't want to arrive empty handed so I was thinking of making and taking over banana nut bread like 2 or 3 loaves? What do you think? Does it go with the occasion?

I don't want to do a main dish or side, because I dont want to step on anybodys toes.. so I thought a extra desert of some sort other than pies would be ok, just not sure if you can consider Banana Nut Bread a "Thanksgiving Desert" or not?

11-22-2006, 08:22 AM
I think anymore just about anything goes!!! I don't know if you would need to take that many loaves. Why not a veggie tray or fruit tray and one loaf? I think most serve rolls of some kind. Did you ask them if there was something they would like you to bring? Something that would compliment the rest of the dishes?

11-22-2006, 08:34 AM
I agree with what Janet said. I don't think that you would need that many loaves either or, as suggested, I think that calling and asking what they would like for you to bring would be a great idea.

11-22-2006, 03:38 PM
I think anymore just about anything goes!!! I don't know if you would need to take that many loaves. Why not a veggie tray or fruit tray and one loaf? I think most serve rolls of some kind. Did you ask them if there was something they would like you to bring? Something that would compliment the rest of the dishes?

I agree, and I think it's sweet for you to be concerned about it!

11-22-2006, 04:25 PM
As usual, I think the other ladies have given you sound advice. :)
Banana bread sounds lovely, and could be set out with the munchie crowd after dinner.