View Full Version : How'd It Go???

11-25-2006, 08:26 AM
How did everyone's Thanksgiving go? What would you have done different?

Our day went great! The food all turned out really good and I rec'd lots of compliments. Ha...I don't even like to cook!!! Well, I do if it's for a lot of people, just not this everyday stuff. Our house is a decent size, but I wish I had a little more space. Back when we built, a family room AND living room was the norm. I think if I built now, it would be one huge great room and a dining room. We were all able to sit in our kitchen at the table (there was only eight of us this year), but it would have been nice to have a separate dining room.

Everyone that was there had a good time visiting and catching up. My mother-in-law is getting so frail. It is very doubtful that she will be with us next year, but then that's what we thought at this time last year. She has even surprised her Drs., but she has really gone downhill with the cancer. I'm just so thankful that she is still with us and was able to join us at the table.

11-25-2006, 12:14 PM
Our day went fairly well. We ate dinner late because my husband and son-in-law are rural volunteer firemen and they had a fire call about an hour before lunch was ready. We ended up eating about 2:30. It was hard to keep the food warm without having it dry out.

Later that day I had a headache and took some medicine. It ended up being an off brand Tylenol PM. I thought that I had paid attention when I took it and checked the label, but the fact that it was a sleep aid was in small print. So, I ended up sleeping the rest of the day. We still had a good time. We played games and watched the movie Cars.

11-25-2006, 06:23 PM
My family was invited along with my brother and his family to a good family friends home. She had about 20 people. We had a nice day just sitting around talking and eating and eating...lol

11-26-2006, 05:36 AM
We had a wonderful day. Just the 4 of us. The food all turned out great. We just enjoyed all being together. With two in college, you never know what next year will bring. We cherish the time when we are all together, just us 4.