View Full Version : Mom's Flowering Cactus

11-18-2011, 05:31 PM
I finally found a picture online to tell me what it is.... it's a Flowering Christmas Cactus.

6841 6842

This was at my mother's house and I brought it home. It didn't look very good at all and so I purchased some soil for cactus and put in a food stick and it's looking wonderful. I don't remember seeing it bloomed at Mom's. I have her African Violets too. She had two and after going downhill, they too are coming out of it. I hope they will bloom also. There was a philadendren (sp) that she has kept alive since my father's funeral in 1973...I have it and it's doing much better. I think they got extremely lonely in the house by themselves until I brought them home, repotted and fed them.

11-18-2011, 05:43 PM
That's a great gift you have caring for plants, Janet! I can't grow anything, lol! I know your mom would be proud.

11-18-2011, 09:32 PM
That's cool!!! Dae Lynn has a Christmas Cactus and it's just starting to bloom only it's either bright pink or red......I can't tell yet.

I love plants. They are one of my hobbies. I would love to have a nice greenhouse to keep them in as well. Lately I've gotten into orchids and I have two that are reblooming and one new one that's blooming.

Having a plant since 1973 is a long time!!!! I bet it was really happy to get new potting soil.....that always perks them up!!! I have one that I've had for about 16 years or so. It's a ficus tree and it's pretty big......I also have a small plant that I've had since Feyn was in third grade. His class made terrariums out of plastic pop bottles and this was one of the plants that was included. I talked to the teacher he had back then and told her that I still had the plant and would she want a start off of it and so Dae Lynn took a start to her the other day. I've had this one for almost 30 years!!!!

11-18-2011, 11:20 PM
Wow, I can't even grow grass in any of my yards :o

11-19-2011, 04:59 AM
Lol....Jess you're so funny!

11-20-2011, 04:40 PM
There are actually thanksgiving cactus too. They only bloom at thanksgiving or Christmas. There might be an Easter one too. Beautiful and glad you got it.

11-21-2011, 03:29 AM
I had no information on cactus at all...guess I need to read some more. It sure is pretty.

11-26-2011, 06:38 AM
That is a lovely remembrance of your Mom, Janet! Keep them growing!

I had an elephant ear plant for a good 30 years. Jessie was jealous of it when she was little because I was always telling her not to touch it! There was a good 3 foot piece of it in the corner of the living room, that she "accidentally" broke off!

I was going to move the 3 or 4 plants that I loved, but as the movers were packing the moving van, I realized they wouldn't make it. I hope somebody else is taking care of them!

I have 3 coleus plants that I brought inside for the winter, and one potted mint now. That's enough for inside since I am surrounded by growing things outside.

My mother had coleus, and I love the colors.

12-09-2011, 06:11 PM
It ended up with two blooms, but they've both fallen off now. Very pretty while they lasted. I'm hoping they'll bloom again when it gets closer to Christmas.

12-10-2011, 10:14 AM
It must be a pretty small plant to only have two blooms. Dae Lynn's plant isn't very big but it's got at least 5 or 6 blooms now and many more to open.

Have you given it any fertilizer? I have some for orchids.....which I think helps them bloom so I've been watering with that.

12-10-2011, 12:36 PM
Yes..I have fertilizer, but these plants were left at Mom's unattended for a couple months. They are all doing so much better than they were. I'm most concerned with the philadendrum (sp) that Mom has kept since my Dad's funeral. I just don't want anything to happen to that one especially. I saw a hanging basket at Wal Mart filled with the cactus I have. I may go back and get it. The blooms were in white, pink and red. The reds were really beautiful.

12-10-2011, 03:54 PM
That plant sounds beautiful, Janet! It must be very hardy. It has been around for quite a while.