View Full Version : The dog pack

05-04-2012, 07:11 AM
Sophie has made herself right at home! She and Annie are still wrestling, but not 100% of the time at least! Max got yelled at, so he stays out of it, unless I think Sophie needs to be put in her place.

She is not a sweet little lady! She growls if she doesn't want to be picked up, or if I am annoying her. I do what I want anyway, but Chins do that. They don't bark, but they let you know when they want to be left alone. She and I will work out our own pack order, with me being the boss.

Here are some pix of the gang.

05-04-2012, 12:19 PM
Sophie has that "I'm the leader" look in her eyes in one of the pictures! Jazzi is like that. I have to MAKE her go out the door after Reuger because she is so mean to him if she goes out first......actually she's still mean to him but it's worse if she's first one out of the door.

You may have be prove to her that you're pack leader with the food. You stand where she can't get it and you control the food. That's what a pack leader does. They also go through the door first......hmmmm......I can't think of anything else. I'm sure there's other things.

After saying all of that.....Sophie is a doll!!! I'm sure she's making life very interesting!! You need to get her and Annie matching dresses!!!

05-04-2012, 02:26 PM
The pictures are great Judy. Sophie is a real cutie and I agree with Diana...she has that look....lol, but it sure melts your heart...lol. Love the bow in Annie's hair. None of mine have long enough hair for a bow anymore. I'm so glad you posted pictures of them.

05-05-2012, 06:36 PM
Judy, they are so adorable. I agree, that little face just says it all.

05-11-2012, 10:38 AM
Oh Judy they are all so cute!!!

05-11-2012, 03:18 PM
Sophie now weighs 2 pounds, 8 ounces. I went to pick her up from her little bed, and the little rascal growled at me and made a face baring her teeth! I smacked her little nose, and yelled "no." If she is planning to give me trouble, she has another thing coming!

05-11-2012, 03:25 PM
We had a schnauzer who was growly like this. I never did achieve dominance over her and she would bite me. But she loved Gary and he was her alpha.

05-11-2012, 05:50 PM
Such a tiny little thing isn't she? I hope you can get her to stop the growling.

05-12-2012, 07:41 AM
Judy.... they are just so cute, and little Sophie is sounding like a Diva, my advice is do as you are and dont let her get away with it at all.....just because a dog is a tiny sometimes they get away with far too much than a normal size dog, which can turn them into little terrors.

I think she is testing you all out, even the other doggies, i am sure with a firm hand (Ha ha ...easier said than done i know, with that cute face), everything will work itself out.

I am afraid of bringing another dog into my home, because i am sure it will change Harvey, and i just cant take that chance, also i think 2 would be just too much for us to manage as we do go out with him a lot, but its lovely to see dogs playing together in a family.

05-12-2012, 07:54 AM
Small dog syndrome is a problem! Also, her little face is squishy, like a Shih Tzu, so hitting her on the nose is not so easy! It's hard to get to!

Diana, when I got Gracie, it did change things with Max. He didn't change much, but going out became a very different story. I took Max with me everywhere until then. Taking two dogs everywhere is just too hard, especially when you have to carry them in a store or something.

05-12-2012, 03:05 PM
Yes Judy thats sort of what i thought, how difficult it would be with the two.

We once got 2 puppies they were border collies, we went to get one and felt sorry for the one left behind!!!!!!

How stupid that was, they were so adorable but destroyed my house, i could not put washing on the line, as it ended up on the grass. It was impossible to train them, as if one had a accident, you missed who did it, who could you blame????? We eventually had to re-home both of them, it broke my heart, but i knew we could not cope with such demanding, intelligent dogs, that needed so much training and stimulation, after all they are working dogs.

It kind of put me off having a dog for a long while, then i got my first yorkie...... who was a wonderful addition to our family. Sadly after 14 years we lost him and then we bought Harvey, that was 6 years ago now...........wow how time flies.

05-12-2012, 03:15 PM
Those pictures are adorable, Annie looks like she is just tolerating Sophie, with the way she has her back to her........ but she is not leaving that bed...no way:D

The are both just gorgeous, i hope they learn to love each other and get to be the best of friends.

05-12-2012, 03:56 PM
Have you taken all three out anywhere Judy? You sure would draw the attention! :)

05-13-2012, 06:42 AM
I think Sophie needs to have more vaccinations before I can take her out. She won't tolerate a collar yet anyway. Her neck is so tiny, that she is able to get her teeth in it, and then gets stuck, and...well..you know the rest.

She gets scared when I carry her outside anyway. I let Max and Annie run around the front of the house when the summer people aren't here. A few days ago, they were happily rolling around in the grass when a woman came down the road dragging a huskie. Of course, my little brats went running to say hello. They aren't allowed up to the road, but they choose to ignore that rule when somebody comes along. The young woman starts freaking out about how her dog will hurt them, she always keeps him on a leash, blah, blah, blah. I ran up the hill, holding Sophie, and sent the other 2 scooting back to the house. I apoplogized to this woman, because we are supposed to leash our dogs here.

Sorry to be mean, but I hate her and her stupid killer dog! Why do people buy these breeds? She may think of this as her weekend country home, but it is my full time country home, and I want my dogs to enjoy it! I hate those city people!!! (You would think I would be more tolerant, but I'm not!)

05-13-2012, 11:32 AM
I really hate it when people walk aggressive dogs, especially when they are not well trained or controlled. It's not as much of a problem at our new place as it was at the old place because we live on a cul-de-sac, and people rarely walk down by our house. And like you, I let Rex & Rowdy loose in the front yard with me. We rarely have any cars done our street. They feel so big when they are out in the front off leash.

05-15-2012, 06:33 AM
If you have an aggressive dog it's your duty to train them :mad:

I have a friend who has huskies and they are so gentle. I let mine in the backyard but I won't dare let mine loose in the front yard. They love freedom and strolling in the streets.

05-15-2012, 07:12 AM
I honestly don't know if I've ever been around an agressive dogs...at least I don't remember if I had. Not sure what I would do, but would think I would be angry if they were not under control.

05-15-2012, 08:48 AM
I'm torn both ways on aggressive dogs. We have large dogs here in the country....in fact we have a really large airdale and they can be wonderful family dogs but they are also very protective. We've never had any problems with Mollee but we had one years ago that wouldn't let people out of their cars. We didn't realize that he did that but we knew that he had a mean bark. He also grabbed a man's pant leg when he came over and worked on his motorcycle and took a ride.....with Buster hanging onto his jeans......again we weren't home. We never knew what happened to Buster because he just disappeared one time when we were gone. Of course we never had people "just walking by" here in the country. I think that if Mollee were ever put in a possition of protecting one of us we'd see a different side of her from what we usually see. That's the reason we got her......our neightbor had a mountain lion sitting in his yard one day and Jaci had to walk a quarter mile up to the house when she got off of the school bus. Mollee was Jaci's companion!!

05-15-2012, 02:33 PM
I think a dog that would hurt 2 friendly small dogs is not being protective. But, maybe he is....who knows? I just know that nobody is going to be happy with this. Most people here have at least one dog, and an aggressive dog is not going to be appreciated when everyone takes their dogs for walks!

A couple of days ago, I heard very loud howling. We have coyotes down the hill, but I have never heard them close by. My friend behind me has, so I went out to check. It was the huskie, howling away. He stopped after a while. I guess he was left home alone??????

I wouldn't complain about that, but I'm sure that people will once they start coming up for summer vacations. Surprisingly, Max didn't bark!

05-16-2012, 06:02 AM
I can see where an agressive dog wouldn't be appreciated with everyone else having most likely smaller dogs. The howling, I'm sure, will cause problems with people wanting to come there and relax. Surely the problem will be taken care of soon but others who don't appreciate the dog.

05-18-2012, 01:08 PM
How's little Sophie getting along with Annie now? I really love her little face and think.....I would love to have another...but then mine start barking and I'm like....aint no way....LOLOL

05-21-2012, 07:44 AM
I miss having a tiny yorkie puppy!!! That's the only reason I would want another one!!!

05-21-2012, 08:01 AM
I know....but then they get older! Babies, no matter what kind are so cute!

05-22-2012, 05:00 AM
She is so cute! Such a puppy! Jumps around, chews on things, but her favorite thing is to play with Annie. They spend the morning fighting. Then they nap, then they go out on the deck, eat, and then it's crazy time. If she can get Max and Annie to chase her around the house, she is in heaven! Every so often, I save her for a while. Max likes me to put him up on the chair, so he doesn't have to play with her. He has a bad knee, and is way too fat! Maybe he is just too sophisticated too! Annie gets saved by me putting her on my lap, but she seems to want to go down after a few minutes. They sleep together on my head now.

I am very happy with her! She isn't growling as much either.

I went to disposable pee pads for now. It is so much easier than doing laundry every day, and much more sanitary.

Yesterday, I heard squeaking upstairs. I ran up, and there was little Sophie, playing with Max's old "piggy" toy. She found that I have them in the den, and just marched her little self up there, got in, and played! She is a feisty baby!

05-23-2012, 06:39 AM
Sophie sounds so adorable!!! I can tell that you are enjoying her so much!!

07-10-2012, 09:37 AM
Oh my gosh Judy! Little Sophie is just adorable! And of course so is Annie! So sorry to read about Max having to have surgery. Glad he is doing well now tho.

07-11-2012, 01:54 PM
Thanks Paula!