View Full Version : They Are Here....FINALLY!!

05-24-2012, 09:14 AM
Ricky came in to my room and woke me up saying the kitty was having her kittens. So I immediately get up, go to his room and she is walking around with one out a little bit. We got her in her box and WOW...do cats scream when they give birth!!! Nothing like dogs...scared the living crap out of me, but I didn't let her know that.

I heard what sounded like an alarm going off and it was mine. Had no idea it was 5:40 AM. I thought it was midnight or something, before Ricky went to bed..lol. She couldn't have timed it better or picked a better day because Ricky didn't have to go to work until 11:00 AM.

Before I went on my bus route she had had 3 babies and by the time I got home she had 7. They are just so darn cute I can't stand it. When they were first out...they looked like little mice. Never saw a newborn cat before.

She was so exhausted after the last one that she didn't even cut the cord so I did and threw the placenta away. She slept for the longest time and then I gave her some scrambled egg and she scarfed it down. Now she is nursing and being a great Mommy.

Here are a couple pictures right after I got home from the bus route...she was all done.

7051 7052

05-24-2012, 02:18 PM
:congrats: How exciting :cheers:

No wonder she cried, those babies are huge for her frame. It's been years since I've seen newborn kittens. Aren't they lovely. I can't wait to see what coloring they have.

Diane, what are you planning on doing with so many kittens:question: :eek:

05-24-2012, 07:14 PM
Cute babies! I didn't know cat screamed when they gave birth, but I don't blame them either! Janet, are you going to turn in to the Crazy Cat Lady and keep all those kittens??:yelrotflmao::cat::yelrotflmao:

05-25-2012, 03:16 AM
Oh no Betsi....I'm crazy enough without without adding cats...lolol

05-25-2012, 06:10 AM
I love the little gray and white kitten in the first picture! The markings are different!! I didn't know that cats scream either.......none of ours was ever in the house when they had them. You're going to love it when they get a little bigger......just like yorkies they are so cute!!!


05-25-2012, 10:39 AM
The scream is really a meow...but it's the loudest, longest meow I've ever heard. Seemed like it just didnt' stop...so scary. She's being a great Mom though for a first time Mom.

7053 7054

05-25-2012, 11:44 AM
They are so cute! Their daddy must have been gray:)

05-25-2012, 02:12 PM
They are so cute! She is looking good!

05-28-2012, 07:13 AM
Went in to see the kitties the other day and they were gone. Mama moved them under Ricky's bed :). Guess she thought they would be safer under there.

We did lose two. They were the runts and so very tiny. I'm really surprised they were born alive and then equally surprised they lasted one day and two days. The remaining 5 seem to be doing really good and getting full bellies. Of course, Mama is being such a good, attentive Mama too. It will be so fun watching and playing with kittens.

05-28-2012, 04:00 PM
I'm so sorry for your two losses. Five are still quite many to take care off.

I think she's a smart mommy taking the kitties under the bed.

05-29-2012, 06:12 AM
That's too bad that you lost a couple. We never have good luck with kittens so it's not unusual for us to lose some......or even all. Our dogs are really hard on them.......mostly the bigger dogs.

The kittens are a pretty color of gray. Jaci's kittens were about the same color or a tad bit darker and she had some gray and white ones too. I know that Whiner was one of the gray and white ones!!

It does look like she's being a good mom!!!

05-29-2012, 08:25 AM
I hadn't really seen the babies for a day or so. The kitty wanted to go outside so while she was out...I took some pictures of them. I think I'm in love.....

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05-29-2012, 08:26 AM
7059 7060

05-29-2012, 01:11 PM
They are so cute, though i am not a cat person at all, they are still little cuties and i would love to cuddle them all.

Janet the one on the photo with the little pink legs, looks smaller than the others, but they look lovely and fluffy already.

You will have such fun, when they all get active and very fast too.

05-29-2012, 01:12 PM
Janet you are so lucky. They are so beautiful and that gray is such a lovely color. I would so drive to pick one up but I have one that will not tolerate any species other than humans and dogs.

05-29-2012, 02:09 PM
They are just so cute! Nice color too! Are you going to keep them on your land, or give them away?

05-29-2012, 03:03 PM
Thanks everyone! The one with the pink legs is one of 3 runts. Two of the runts passed, but this little one seems to be doing really good and he was the 2nd smallest.

Judy we just have an acre so not much land at all when there's a house, two garages and a shed. I'm not sure what we're going to do with them yet...lol. We really don't need any...but....we'll see when they get older. I'm sure we'll be giving some away.