View Full Version : Do you feel safe in your home?

11-28-2006, 01:51 PM
How safe do you feel at home?

Have you ever been robbed or attacked?

What are your homes vulnerable areas? What are it's strengths?

Maybe it we put our heads together we can ALL be safer!

11-28-2006, 02:00 PM
[QUOTE=Tink]How safe do you feel at home? I do feel safe and secure when my hubby is at home with me. However, I am somewhat scared of the dark when he is not there. The nights that he is not there, I sleep with a light on.

Have you ever been robbed or attacked? Luckily, No. (*knock on wood*)

What are your homes vulnerable areas? My hubby and I live in an apartment complex and we live in the very last apartment building on the bottom floor in the back. All that is behind us is woods and a little field area. I like it because it is very private back there, but it also leaves us very vulnerable. No one can really see us, so if something were to happen, no one would really notice.

What are it's strengths? Our apartment complex is very very well lit and our apartment has a security alarm.

11-28-2006, 02:49 PM
How safe do you feel at home? I feel very safe. With the arsenal we have, I dare someone to break in, plus with the dogs as an alarm system, it's very safe. I'm here alone when the guys are at Scout camp, but I enjoy that time.

Have you ever been robbed or attacked? No, neither has ever happened, Thank God!

What are your homes vulnerable areas? The only vulnerable thing I can think of is we are out in the country with our nearest neighbors a little over a 1/4 mile away.

What are it's strengths? We have good locks and some light.

One thing I read is someone leaves the lights on, I feel safer with the lights off. I know my house like the back of my hand so I wouldn't leave a light on so a would be intruder could find his/her way around.

Maybe it we put our heads together we can ALL be safer!

11-28-2006, 03:04 PM
How safe do you feel at home? I feel very safe at home.

Have you ever been robbed or attacked? No, but I worry about it when I go to Wichita alone.

What are your homes vulnerable areas? We, too, live in the country and we're set back from the road quite a ways. We always leave our doors unlocked, except when we're going to be gone more than a couple of days.

What are it's strengths? I mentioned that we're far off of the road. It would also be hard for anyone to know that we're not home. We're a family that's known for having guns. My father-in-law shot someone stealing from him once and the community that we live in has never forgotten it. Also, my little yorkie, Reuger, barks at everything, so I feel pretty secure.

Maybe it we put our heads together we can ALL be safer!

11-28-2006, 03:48 PM
How safe do you feel at home? I feel very safe at home.

Have you ever been robbed or attacked? Yes, The Thursday before Thanksgiving in '93 my husband and I were robbed to the tune of $14,000 in guns, jewelry, and electronics. The jackasses even went into my attic, got a huge red Christmas bow and tied it to the front door knob. The door had been kicked in.

What are your homes vulnerable areas? I don't know that it really has any. All doors and windows are locked, even when I'm home, the backyard is fenced in with solar lights all around, and the only thing I can think of is the french doors.

What are it's strengths? I don't live in as remote an area now since Mark died, and I'm armed to the teeth and know how to use every gun in the house. I also have a permit to "carry" and do at all times. I have my dogs as an alarm system and no longer have a full wall of windows like at the other house.

I will say this. From my experience make sure you have ALL serial numbers to every item in your house that has them. Keep a copy at home and one in a safe location away from home. If possible, TAKE PICTURES of jewelry, etc. If they want in - they are coming in and there's basically nothing you can do about it except hope they don't do much damage and that you're not at home when it happens.

Maybe it we put our heads together we can ALL be safer!

11-28-2006, 07:39 PM
How safe do you feel at home?NO, I'm always scared at home, of kidnappers!

Have you ever been robbed or attacked?when I was younger we were robbed a few times. HEY! maybe this is why I'm always like terrified!!

What are your homes vulnerable areas? What are it's strengths?uh I get upset because of the window in the door, and the window next to the door, I get worried that someone with really long arms will break it and open up the chain. The strengths are the old screens that REFUSE to come out (I know this from experience after locking myself out ha ha) and the security screen doors that we bought.

Maybe it we put our heads together we can ALL be safer! PLEASE!!!!