View Full Version : make a wish game

11-28-2006, 04:18 PM
Make a Wish game

You make a wish...the next person grants it, but with a twist. Here's an example:

I wish I had a million bucks!!


Your wish is granted, but where are you going to put all those deer????

Then YOU make a wish for the next person to respond to.

Ok, Lets start with:

I wish my puppy was housetrained already!

11-28-2006, 05:23 PM
Your wish is granted...you puppy is now a trained house

I wish for spring weather all winter....

11-28-2006, 05:31 PM
Your wish is my command! It will rain and be 42 degrees for the next 6 months steady.

I wish I had a better memory!

11-28-2006, 05:36 PM
You got it sweetie...you will remember every embarrassing moment whenever you walk into a crowded room...LOL

I wish for a slamm'n body!!

11-28-2006, 06:05 PM
Teeheehee Janet, that IS about how it would go too.

You've got that Slammin body! But now you're going to jail for slammin' into the wrong person!

I wish bottles of Diet Pepsi grew on trees.

11-28-2006, 06:11 PM
I remember more embarrassing things than just about anything else...plus, my family doesn't let me forget either...LOL

You have your wish of Diet Pepsi growing on trees

I wish to get out of jail...LOL

11-28-2006, 09:05 PM
your wish is granted
you're out of jail, but now you're on a deserted island with NOTHING, not even the clothes on your back!!

I wish I was amazingly rich.

11-29-2006, 05:55 AM
Your wish is granted!!

I wish I had a blanket on the island....LOL

Really, I wish for a larger new house!

11-29-2006, 06:11 AM
Your wish is granted, but now you've got a larger DOLL house!!!

I wish that my home was all decorated for Christmas!

11-29-2006, 06:49 AM
Your wish is granted, but now you've got a larger DOLL house!!!

I wish that my home was all decorated for Christmas!

Your wish is granted! Now everything in your house and your house itself is red and green. The door is green, your siding is red, your roof is green, your furniture is red, your walls and ceilings and floors are green. Enjoy! :p

I wish that all of my hubby's student loans were paid off. :D

11-29-2006, 07:03 AM
Your wish is granted! Now everything in your house and your house itself is red and green. The door is green, your siding is red, your roof is green, your furniture is red, your walls and ceilings and floors are green. Enjoy! :p

I wish that all of my hubby's student loans were paid off. :D

UUUUUUUGGGGGGGG! That's funny because everyone knows that I absolutely don't like green!!! (We lived in a trailer house and everything was avocado green!!)

11-29-2006, 12:30 PM
I wish that all of my hubby's student loans were paid off. :D

Your wish is granted! But now all your credit cards are maxed out, and your bank is taking all of your home and belongings!!

I wish I had a biewer puppy!!!

11-29-2006, 01:29 PM
Your wish is granted but your puppy will forever poop and pee in your home..

I wish for my house to unpack itself into place...

11-29-2006, 01:37 PM
Your wish is granted but your puppy will forever poop and pee in your home..

I wish for my house to unpack itself into place...

well not unlike my puppy now. :rolleyes:
I seriously don't know how to make it stop.

11-29-2006, 01:57 PM
Your wish is granted but your puppy will forever poop and pee in your home..

I wish for my house to unpack itself into place...

Your wish is granted. But now your kitchen sink and toilets are in your frontyard and your house is literally "unpacked." :p :p :p

I wish yummy yet healthy dinner was cooked and on the table everyday when I got home from work.

11-29-2006, 02:41 PM
Your wish is granted. But now your kitchen sink and toilets are in your frontyard and your house is literally "unpacked." :p :p :p

I wish yummy yet healthy dinner was cooked and on the table everyday when I got home from work.

Your wish is granted, but I came and ate it all.

I wish for a kennel type place to have all kinds of dogs.

11-29-2006, 03:08 PM
Your wish is granted, but I came and ate it all.

I wish for a kennel type place to have all kinds of dogs.

Your wish is granted, but you'll have NO help cleaning it, and all the dogs will weigh over 200 lbs. and will eat you out of house and home.

I wish I could have a vaccum that actually worked.
and didn't try to kill me by flinging things at my legs.

11-29-2006, 07:08 PM
Your wish is granted... your new vaccuum sucks so hard it pulls the hair from your legs and makes your toenails curl!

I wish I had the energy to keep my grandbabies for a week.

11-30-2006, 01:30 AM
Your wish is granted... your new vaccuum sucks so hard it pulls the hair from your legs and makes your toenails curl!

I wish I had the energy to keep my grandbabies for a week.

Your wish is granted you have so much energy you take mine as well!

I wish all my christmas presants were brought wraped and sitting under the tree with santa who is a fit looking guy ready to wisk me of for a night (won't be greedy) an hour of sin!:D

11-30-2006, 02:36 AM
your wish is granted, but all the gifts are 5 dollar gift cards, and Santa couldn't last 10 seconds :(

I wish we had some diet coke because I'm very thirsty

(can you all tell I like this game)

11-30-2006, 06:00 AM
Your wish is granted, but you drink so much diet coke you've gained 200 lbs.

(aren't we all nasty on this thread????....:D )

I wish my dogs could talk to me and tell me exactly what they are feeling! (I think)

11-30-2006, 06:43 AM
Your wish is granted, but you drink so much diet coke you've gained 200 lbs.

(aren't we all nasty on this thread????....:D )

I wish my dogs could talk to me and tell me exactly what they are feeling! (I think)

Your wish is granted, your dogs now talk non-stop, not only about how they're feeling but about everything else. Little chatter boxes!!!!

I wish that I could find a diet and stick to it!!

11-30-2006, 01:17 PM
you wish is granted, unfortunately this was the "eat cake and ice cream" only diet, and you also gain 200 lbs.

I wish my puppy was puppy pad trained ugh!

(I really really like this game if you still can't tell)

11-30-2006, 02:58 PM
you wish is granted, unfortunately this was the "eat cake and ice cream" only diet, and you also gain 200 lbs.

I wish my puppy was puppy pad trained ugh!

(I really really like this game if you still can't tell)

Your wish is granted, only thing is...your puppy can change the pads, but doesn't know how to use them.

I wish my hubby was smarter.

11-30-2006, 05:57 PM
Your wish is my command... Your hubby is smarter... than a 3 yr old!

I wish it was 65 degrees tonight instead of 15.

12-01-2006, 07:06 AM
Your wish is my command... Your hubby is smarter... than a 3 yr old!

I wish it was 65 degrees tonight instead of 15.

Your wish is granted, but it's raining cats and dogs!!

I wish that all of my Christmas baking was done!!

12-01-2006, 07:52 AM
Your wish is granted, but it's raining cats and dogs!!

I wish that all of my Christmas baking was done!!

GRANTED!!! But it will all be moldy by Christmas!!!

I wish this darn wind would quit blowing!!!

12-01-2006, 08:27 PM
Your wish is granted but now the snow is piling up and you can't get out of your house.

I wish I could turn back time....

12-02-2006, 05:09 AM
Your wish is granted but now the snow is piling up and you can't get out of your house.

I wish I could turn back time....

Granted your wish!!

Now you are a child going for your vaccinations!!!

Sure wish I had some new underwear!!:)

12-04-2006, 04:47 AM
Your wish is granted, but they are all boxers and thongs and way too small!!!

I wish my house and everything in it was totally clean and everything was organized and in it's place.

12-04-2006, 05:53 AM
OMG I wish I could stop laughing long enough to grant a wish!

12-04-2006, 06:01 AM
Your wish is granted, but they are all boxers and thongs and way too small!!!

I wish my house and everything in it was totally clean and everything was organized and in it's place.

OOOhhhhh not too comfortable....:eek: LOLOL

Your wish is granted, everything is totally clean you're afraid to touch it and everything is in it's place, but you can't find it!!!

I wish I never had to wear makeup to look good!

12-04-2006, 07:20 PM
Your wish is granted, and you're just too cute, but you're two years old and have peanut butter on your cheek.

I wish all the hair I shave or pluck would never ever grow back.

12-05-2006, 07:01 AM
Your wish is certainly granted!! You have no hair whatsoever on your body, but your nails are hairy!!

I wish I had good looking eyebrows.......

12-05-2006, 11:54 AM
Your wish is certainly granted!! You have no hair whatsoever on your body, but your nails are hairy!!

I wish I had good looking eyebrows.......

Your wish is granted!!! You have the most wonderful, beautiful eyebrows. Everybody really compliments you on your eyebrows because.......well...........the rest of your face.............uhmmmmmm..........needs a lot of improving.

I wish that I could have a real diamond bracelet for Christmas!!!

12-05-2006, 11:59 AM
Your wish is granted!!! You have the most wonderful, beautiful eyebrows. Everybody really compliments you on your eyebrows because.......well...........the rest of your face.............uhmmmmmm..........needs a lot of improving.

I wish that I could have a real diamond bracelet for Christmas!!!

Your wish is granted! You will have a real diamond bracelet for Christmas, but only for Christmas. After Christmas, it will disappear!!!!!

I wish I loved my job.

12-05-2006, 08:33 PM
Your wish is granted... you now LOVE your job even though your wages have been cut in half and all your benefits have been stripped away.

I wish I always had exactly enough money in my pocket to buy everything I want.

12-06-2006, 06:34 AM
Your wish is granted... you now LOVE your job even though your wages have been cut in half and all your benefits have been stripped away.

I wish I always had exactly enough money in my pocket to buy everything I want.

So it will be!!!

But you can't find anything you want!!!

I wish I was skinny!

12-06-2006, 06:46 AM
I wish I was skinny!

Your wish is granted. You're now skinny but food has lost all of its flavor.

I wish that my daughter would find a wonderful guy to date.

12-06-2006, 06:52 AM
Your wish is granted. You're now skinny but food has lost all of its flavor.

I wish that my daughter would find a wonderful guy to date.

Your wish is granted! Your daughter has found a wonderful guy to date but he is homeless.

I wish that I could bring my yorkies to work with me! :p :p :p

12-08-2006, 10:46 PM
Your wish is granted, but they peed and pooped everywhere. Your bosses most important client slipped and fell when she stepped on the poo and you were fired on the spot.

I wish the days were longer so I could get more done.

(By the way, Janet, hairy finger nails....how gross!!!! and Rebecca, how is a homeless guy wonderful??? :confused: :D )

12-09-2006, 03:34 AM
Your wish is granted....your days are longer 36 hours longer and you don't get to rest.

I wish I had a cook

12-09-2006, 09:49 AM
I wish I had a cook

Your wish is granted. You now have a wonderful cook who cooks 3 wonderful meals a day for you. Every meal is several courses long with rich sauces and desserts. Everything on the table is set beautiful and, well, the food tastes even better than it looks!!! The only problem is that with all of that rich food is controling your weight.

I wish that I could travel around the world!!

12-09-2006, 10:40 AM
Your wish is granted. Your ride in the space shuttle is scheduled for Spring. Too bad you can't make any visits to anywhere while you're orbiting!

I wish my Christmas tree was up and decorated.

12-09-2006, 12:06 PM
Your wish is granted. Your ride in the space shuttle is scheduled for Spring. Too bad you can't make any visits to anywhere while you're orbiting!

I wish my Christmas tree was up and decorated.

Granted!! Your broken down tree is up and the decorations are green, so you can' see them.

I wish I could refurnish my house.

12-09-2006, 02:28 PM
your wish is granted, but it looks terrible and you hate it

I wish I had something to eat!

12-09-2006, 02:35 PM
your wish is granted, but it looks terrible and you hate it

I wish I had something to eat!

Granted!!! You have fried grub worms waiting to be devoured!!

I wish I knew then, what I know now!!:)

12-09-2006, 09:16 PM
I wish I knew then, what I know now!!:)

Don't we all!!!!!

Your wish is granted but since you have amnesia so there's not a lot for you to know back then! (Does that make sense? Any way you get the idea!)

I wish that I could be 20 years younger!!!

12-10-2006, 04:11 AM
Don't we all!!!!!

Your wish is granted but since you have amnesia so there's not a lot for you to know back then! (Does that make sense? Any way you get the idea!)

I wish that I could be 20 years younger!!!

Granted...you are 20 years younger, but in a panic, not knowing how you got there and missing the ones who have not yet come into your life.

I wish I had a driver to take me everywhere.

12-10-2006, 03:59 PM
I wish I had a driver to take me everywhere.

Your wish is granted. You now have a driver to take you anywhere you want to go. He even has a satellite map to help you find your way. The car is well stocked with soda, snacks, and anything that you would like to have. Flowers are in little vases beside the door and are your favorite flowers. The only problem is that the car is a little run down and not too reliable to drive out of town!!

I wish that the mud that is left after our big snow would dry up!!!!

12-10-2006, 04:44 PM
Your wish is granted. You now have a driver to take you anywhere you want to go. He even has a satellite map to help you find your way. The car is well stocked with soda, snacks, and anything that you would like to have. Flowers are in little vases beside the door and are your favorite flowers. The only problem is that the car is a little run down and not too reliable to drive out of town!!

I wish that the mud that is left after our big snow would dry up!!!!

Your wish is so granted!!! :) Only problem is, it dried so hard and so deep you won't have anything growing in your hard for 2 years!!!!

I wish we all had computer cameras so we could see each other as we speak!!

12-11-2006, 12:28 AM
your wish is granted, but then you realize everyone has their hair a mess and is not wearing make up so they don't use the computer cameras anyways ha ha ha! (I would hate having a telephone with a camera because I don't get all dolled up if I'm wrapping presents all day!)

I wish my boyfriend would come and surprise visit me for christmas!!

12-11-2006, 07:17 AM
I wish my boyfriend would come and surprise visit me for christmas!!

Your wish is granted. Your boyfriend comes and surprises you for Christmas but, sorry, it's just for the day, no longer.

I wish that I looked like a beauty queen!!

12-11-2006, 07:43 AM
Your wish is granted. Your boyfriend comes and surprises you for Christmas but, sorry, it's just for the day, no longer.

I wish that I looked like a beauty queen!!

Your wish is granted....You just have to walk around in your one-piece swimsuit with sash and highheels 24/7.

I wish I had more doggies!