View Full Version : Going Shopping Today!

12-02-2006, 05:16 AM
Today I'm going shopping with a fellow YT'er/4WT'er. We live about 30-35 minutes apart and are going to see if we can get some shopping done together. Oh, it's abbey46923 (Lynne). Hope I don't spend all my money, after buying the son his laptop, there isn't much left. Maybe I can buy me something and tell hubby "thanks, here's the Christmas present you bought me, it needs wrapped!" :D :D Think it will work???? :D

12-02-2006, 06:48 AM
Have fun!! We're snowed in and won't be going shopping until next week some time. I don't think that your husband would mind if you buy a few of your own presents. I know that my husband is relieved when I do that. Wish that I was close enough to go with ya'!!

lynne b
12-02-2006, 02:07 PM
hey janet, thanks for a fun day. and i hope you enjoy your christmas present's that you bought for your dogs. have you ever gone shopping and just bought yourself something just because. dont worry i always end up looking at the dog stuff more then i do the human stuff also. hope you had as much fun as i did.
gotta do it again soon.

12-02-2006, 02:14 PM
My hubby and I went shopping 2day also! We always just buy ourselves what we want for Christmas and then tell the other, THANKS! lol At least you always get what you want that way and it is always the perfect size.

12-02-2006, 02:21 PM
I had so much fun shopping today with Lynne!!! We talked and laughed, what a great day!!!! I bought my son 2 CD's and then spent a little over $40.00 on the 3 Yorkies and my Golden Retriever. I love looking at the dog stuff. I think Lynne and I are definitely fans of the store "Gordmans." I think that is the name of it. That's where I bought all my doggie stuff. VERY good prices. Guess I should concentrate more on my mom, mother-in-law and hubby, but hey, the dogs always like presents!!!

We have got to do this again Lynne!! :D

12-03-2006, 10:00 AM
Way to go ladies! It's always fun to shop with a kindred spirit. LOL

Ya know who I'd like to go shopping with from here is Emmsmom! But since we're about 1300 miles apart, I don't think it's gonna happen any time soon. LOL
She's the one who led me to 4WT, so I think I already got a nice present from her. ;)

Aren't friends fun?

lynne b
12-03-2006, 03:51 PM
well i went shopping AGAIN today. this time with my daughter. she had something at toy's r us that she wanted to get so i took her to THE STORE( you know the one janet) i ended up getting her some clothes and she ended up getting more clothes for her boy. i just love that store. but i really dont think i'm am ever gona get done. i am haveing such a hard time for the granduaghter's this year. and beside's i'm pooped and i dont really enjoy shopping that much. man 2 days in a row whew!!

12-03-2006, 03:56 PM
Oh Lynne, you left your poor hubby alone two days in a row????? Hope you got some good bargains again. That store is nice. I will be going back probably before Christmas.

I groomed the babies and gave them their bath. They look so pretty and smell soooo good!!

lynne b
12-03-2006, 04:02 PM
yep i did. he's probably lost a couple pounds this weekend because i havent cooked all weekend. gona have to go to work so i can recoup from all my shopping. it worked out good because i let daughter use the $10 gift card we got and then she got one so i used her's for my stuff. so we both saved $10 on our purchase's

12-04-2006, 04:12 PM
So my mom took me shopping today and I was armed with gift cards and plastic LOL

I did all my Christmas shopping for four kids, plus my brother and sister, plus my nephew for less than $200.
I got some good deals at KMart because they had a lot of things on sale or buy one get one half off.
I got my daughter the Fur Real Friends baby white tiger that she has been asking for the past 2 years. I got my 3 year old a dinosaur playset...he is HUGE on dinosaurs and playschool had a cute set with mommy and baby dinosaurs in plastic eggs with little cave people. I got my 5 year old son a hug semi truck that is also a carrying case for his hotwheels and it came with 17 cars. He will love that! My daughter also got a kitty surprise. I got a couple little playschool car sets for our 19 month old...they were very cute and are squeezable but are like toddler type hotwheels so he should be pleased with that!
I picked up a few odds and ends for stockings plus a few other little gifts. My 5 year old is getting two remote controlled cars this year and both my 5 year old and my 3 year old are getting these little robots that they totally flipped over in the store. We got a bunch of dinosaurs for 88 cents each for my 3 yr old and I also got him a triceratops that walks and roars when you push a button on his back. He seems to like triceratops the best of all.
We got Disney's Lightning McQueen cars for both boys. Just the small ones...the large ones are like $40 each!!! :eek:
They are each getting new underwear and socks and a couple outfits. New shoes too.
I guess I really spoiled them this year! I told my husband he needs to take the plastic away from me. LOL

Oh and I also bought some baby gifts for my cousin who had her baby back in October. He just came home from the hospital last week and I bought him and outfit, a babies first Christmas stocking, a stuffed bear, and two blankets.

12-06-2006, 04:01 PM
It sounds like you did REALLY good!
Well done!

I am done except for hubby. I don't know what to do there. He's such a poop about gifts that I really don't care to get him anything. Yet I know that before the day comes I will relent just so he can't say I didn't buy him anything. :confused:

12-06-2006, 05:43 PM
I am almost finished with my shopping, I need to buy for my hubby who never wants anything and my son. I wrapped mostly all my presents and these past two days I decorated the tree and my house ..whew Im tired...lol

12-07-2006, 05:08 AM
I am almost finished with my shopping, I need to buy for my hubby who never wants anything and my son. I wrapped mostly all my presents and these past two days I decorated the tree and my house ..whew Im tired...lol

The hubby and I have been wrapping a little each night after the kids go to bed. I am sooo behind this year! I usually have all the shopping done by then end of October and everything is wrapped and in my closet by Thanksgiving...which makes for a long December! This year I am down to 17 days and counting and I still have to get for my sister in law....we are going to get hers today I think?

My deal of the year....yesterday I got a brand new tan colored Puppy Surprise for my son for $2.00!!! He has been begging for one since last year and I found it in the color he wanted! :thumbup:

12-07-2006, 06:05 AM
I still have my husband, mother, mother-in-law and a little something else for my son. I just don't have any idea on what to get. If they don't give me some ideas soon, they will get a gift card. I don't want to waste money on something they don't want or don't need.

12-08-2006, 06:02 AM
:D Janet & Lynne, sound like you two hit it off and had a great time!

12-08-2006, 06:23 AM
:D Janet & Lynne, sound like you two hit it off and had a great time!

We have a great time together...LOL at least I do. Lynne will have to speak for herself...LMAO!!!! I really enjoy her company, she's so funny and has a great sense of humor. My kind of people!!!! We talk frequently and hopefully will go shopping one more time together before Christmas.

lynne b
12-08-2006, 01:59 PM
you know i had a great time. i always enjoy talking with you also. and i still have shopping to do , i just cant get in the mood to get it done and now i have to shop for clothes for my new job on top of everything else. never fails every year i am out there till the last min. finishing up. i think i do my best shopping when t's down to the wire.

12-08-2006, 03:07 PM
you know i had a great time. i always enjoy talking with you also. and i still have shopping to do , i just cant get in the mood to get it done and now i have to shop for clothes for my new job on top of everything else. never fails every year i am out there till the last min. finishing up. i think i do my best shopping when t's down to the wire.

Until you find the kind of clothes you want for your new job...pick a few things that you can mix and match to make two or three outfits. Sure does save money. Then we'll go shopping just for you....LOL