View Full Version : The Fruitcake Lady

12-10-2006, 04:56 PM
This little sweet ole lady is just precious! ENJOY!!!!

http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?_adv_prop=video&va=fruitcake+lady&ei=UTF-8&b=7&oid=db22ada6c1827d42&rurl=video.yahoo.com&vdone=http%3A%2F%2Fvideo.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fvide o%3F_adv_prop%3Dvideo%26va%3Dfruitcake%2Blady%26ei %3DUTF-8

12-11-2006, 07:36 AM
She was one fiesty lady!!! She would have been interesting to know in person, but I'm afraid that her language would have been offensive to me. I bet that her family has a lot of funny stories to tell about her!!!