View Full Version : I'm back from my shopping trip!!!

12-20-2006, 09:19 AM
Hey guys!!!!! I'm back home!!!! My husband and I went and spent a couple of days at Wichita and finished our Christmas shopping and my joints are telling me that we walked for miles!!!! We had a great time and bought ourselves a Christmas present---a new refrigerator!!! I'm so excited!!! We also went to the movies and saw "The Nativity" and I highly recommend that everyone go and see it!! I missed all of you and being on here, but don't let my husband know that. My daughter said that my little yorkie really missed me. She said that he kept going around the house looking for me. Isn't that sweet?

12-20-2006, 10:58 AM
We are glad you are back!! Sounds like you had a lot of fun and congrats on the new refridgerator!!

12-20-2006, 11:10 AM
glad ur safe and had fun!

12-20-2006, 01:28 PM
Sounds like you had a great time!! A new refridgerator...how wonderful! Shopping all done and everything.......I'm so envious..:)