View Full Version : Is it your similarities or your differences....

01-03-2007, 11:11 AM
....that attract you to your mate??

01-03-2007, 11:13 AM
It is definately the similarities my husband and I share that attract me to him. My husband is the kind of person I strive everyday to be like. I think it is our differences that keep us together, though. I feel like we learn from each other and we each bring new things to the relationship so it is never boring, at least not yet anyway! :p :p :p

01-03-2007, 01:17 PM
My husband and I are as different as night and day. We share the same love of things, such as family, travel, etc, but our personal traits are completely opposite of each other. Like the previous poster, he is the type of person I would like to be. In August, we will be married 30 years, so it is working.

01-03-2007, 01:23 PM
I would have to say that it's both. We have so many things that we're alike on. We both have a sense of humor, a desire to be careful with our money, our love for God, and so many other areas that we're alike too. Our differences actually help us to balance each other out. He's a very lenient parent where I'm the disciplinarian. He likes everything to be very neat and clean (he was raised in a very, very dirty home) and I keep things neat but tend to let things go a little. Whenever we have a problem we try to work it out but after 32 years there's not too many problems to work out.

01-03-2007, 03:36 PM
Getting out of the house!!!! No really, he is just a nice person, most of the time. We have many differences. but here are a few.....

I'm neat and clean.... he's a pack rat and makes clutter,
I'm on time... he'll get there when he gets there
I'm on "a mission"......he'll get it done whenever
I'm sensitive.... he sometimes doesn't have a clue,
I'm the disciplinarian, he definitely is not.....
I try to keep up with current events, try to keep learning...he's the same as when we married for the most part,
I'm passionate about things....he just goes with the flow. It can be very frustrating.

We are alike that we love our family, our home, appreciate the things we worked really hard for, we both love to camp, fish, the outdoors, appreciate hard work, know the value of a dollar.

After writing all this down...I really don't know why he gets on my nerves so much.....lolol:p

01-03-2007, 04:40 PM
When we were first married, we were opposites on so many levels,
Christian - agnostic
republican - democrat
prolife - prochoice
insecure - self assured
dependent - independent
me - him

We liked the same music, loved travel, loved each other.

Now we are much more in sync.
Both Christian
I'm independent, he's independent with democratic leanings
both kinda pro choice with qualifications, not for birth control!!!
both secure

33 years has mellowed us both. We harmonize well.

01-03-2007, 06:55 PM
haa haa both.... we are similar in many ways and double that in opposite traits...lol... Hubby is really laid back and a calm guy.. I on the other hand am a firecracker...lol.... but what keeps us together is those little similarities... and our love for a good debate.. haa haa....kidding