View Full Version : Getting tired...really tired...

01-05-2007, 03:27 PM
Sorry that I haven't been around in a while...but I've had a lot of things going on. I'm here to vent so I hope that you guys don't mind.

I am so sick and tired of my in-laws. They are the ones that moved us down here. I thought it was a good idea...stupid me! We lived with my in-laws for a couple of months before we could find a place that was affordable to rent.

I should have known I was in trouble right off of the bat. FIL, hubby and I were in the living room. FIL and I were watching the news and hubby was reading the paper. FIL doesn't even look at me but says..."Why don't you get off of your fat ass and go mow the grass?" I look at my husband and he doesn't even put down his paper.

FIL has ALWAYS been one to speak his mind...especially when he's had too much to drink. I'm making bottles one night in the kitchen. I had my back turned to him..."Why don't you shake 'em a little harder!"

Then, a couple of weeks ago (after my recent surgery), we're at their house and I'm at the stove (we went for supper), he comes in from outside and felt up my butt.:eek:

He's a S.O.B. I have a daughter from my first marriage. They loved my daughter...until I had their grandson. My FIL has lied about my daughter...said she said things she never said. When I asked him to produce a witness...he can't. Our summer vacation was ruined last year (yes, we went with them) because he lied about my daughter.

The day after Christmas, we went to their house to do Christmas with my husband's cousins. We're out in the shop drinking and having a good time...FIL starts in on me..."You care more about your damn dogs than you do your family!" :eek: WHAAAAT? Where did that come from? "If you cared so much about your son, why doesn't he know how to ride a bike!" Once again, hubby doesn't say a word so I tell my FIL..."Why are you asking me? Why don't you ask your son...your grandson's father?" The fight escalated from there. Basically, he blames me for everything that has gone wrong and everything that continues to go wrong. I swear, he blames me for Hurricane Katrina and global warming, too!

I hate living so close to my in-laws. I absolute hate having a husband that doesn't stick up for me and tell his father to shove it where the sun doesn't shine. It causes a strain on our marriage and I resent my husband for not having a pair to save his life.

We went to counseling last year...that helped for all of about a month. I find myself wanting an excuse...wanting out. I know that isn't fair to him or our kids because we do love each other. I just want to scream...but what good would that do?

Sorry to be in such a bummer mood. I just needed a place to talk.

01-09-2007, 12:51 PM
Girl Tell Me About It, I Married A Man Who Had A Whacked Out Family, His Mothers Side Is Crazy Jerks Who Think They Have The Best Of The Best And They Are So Rich And They Own Dooneys And Louis And Who Cares You Guys Are Retarded, And Ten His Dads Side Is A Bunch Of Druggies Who Want To Drag My Husband Down, Im Sick And Tired Of It, I Just Want To Say Go Get Lost And Leave Us Alone Which My Hunny Has Said To Them But They Dont Take The Hint And Come Right Back, If You Need Anytng You Just Om Me Thanks

01-12-2007, 07:49 PM
Sorry that I haven't been around in a while...but I've had a lot of things going on. I'm here to vent so I hope that you guys don't mind.

I am so sick and tired of my in-laws. They are the ones that moved us down here. I thought it was a good idea...stupid me! We lived with my in-laws for a couple of months before we could find a place that was affordable to rent.

I should have known I was in trouble right off of the bat. FIL, hubby and I were in the living room. FIL and I were watching the news and hubby was reading the paper. FIL doesn't even look at me but says..."Why don't you get off of your fat ass and go mow the grass?" I look at my husband and he doesn't even put down his paper.

FIL has ALWAYS been one to speak his mind...especially when he's had too much to drink. I'm making bottles one night in the kitchen. I had my back turned to him..."Why don't you shake 'em a little harder!"

Then, a couple of weeks ago (after my recent surgery), we're at their house and I'm at the stove (we went for supper), he comes in from outside and felt up my butt.:eek:

He's a S.O.B. I have a daughter from my first marriage. They loved my daughter...until I had their grandson. My FIL has lied about my daughter...said she said things she never said. When I asked him to produce a witness...he can't. Our summer vacation was ruined last year (yes, we went with them) because he lied about my daughter.

The day after Christmas, we went to their house to do Christmas with my husband's cousins. We're out in the shop drinking and having a good time...FIL starts in on me..."You care more about your damn dogs than you do your family!" :eek: WHAAAAT? Where did that come from? "If you cared so much about your son, why doesn't he know how to ride a bike!" Once again, hubby doesn't say a word so I tell my FIL..."Why are you asking me? Why don't you ask your son...your grandson's father?" The fight escalated from there. Basically, he blames me for everything that has gone wrong and everything that continues to go wrong. I swear, he blames me for Hurricane Katrina and global warming, too!

I hate living so close to my in-laws. I absolute hate having a husband that doesn't stick up for me and tell his father to shove it where the sun doesn't shine. It causes a strain on our marriage and I resent my husband for not having a pair to save his life.

We went to counseling last year...that helped for all of about a month. I find myself wanting an excuse...wanting out. I know that isn't fair to him or our kids because we do love each other. I just want to scream...but what good would that do?

Sorry to be in such a bummer mood. I just needed a place to talk.

I would just put the jerk in his place. If he thinks he can talk to you like that he will...and your kids are going to grow up hearing it!!!! Think of a few really hurtful things that are true to use as come backs in advance, and when he insults you... let it rip!!! He mght think twice if you have anything you can say that hurts!!!!
I know this is not a chritian attitude, but it is something that does work fairly well when you have the guts to use it!!!!:eek:

01-27-2007, 03:34 AM
I hope you were able to talk and work things out concerning your inlaws. Just wanted you to know I 've been thinking about you.:)

02-04-2007, 10:20 AM
Just because you live near them doesn't mean you're obligated to take abuse from your in-laws. In your shoes, I'd just stay away from them. Unless your husband can insist they treat you with respect, there's no reason you should subject yourself or your kids to that kindof treatment.

As Dr Phil would say... People will treat you just as badly as you allow them to.
The key is to not allow it.

You do NOT deserve that crap!