View Full Version : Big Change

01-11-2007, 07:55 PM
Today is a beginning of a very long journey of my new career. I have accepted a teaching position as Head Teacher at a Pre-school teaching 4 yr olds. I took a tremendous pay cut (I'm leaving the television production industry to teach). I thought I would be happy with my decision but I am still a bit iffy. I am in fear that I made the wrong choice but I do know that I love teaching kids and for now that has to be my motivation. I will be getting paid practically nothing until I am certified. I am still waittng to hear from the Teaching fellowes to see if I got accepted to the program. If I did, I will be starting the vigorous training and job hunt starting June. If not, I will get certified and pursue grad school on my own.

I am still unsure of my decision but it has been made and I have to look foward and not turn back. I just need a little support right now :o

01-12-2007, 03:56 AM
Life is a gift to enjoy take a chance and try a change. Children are so rewarding and you have the chance to be part of there early learning years I know you will love the job.:)

01-12-2007, 06:34 AM
Christine I believe in the theory nothing ventured , nothing gained.. You go with your gut. Being someone who has worked with children it is very rewarding.. Good luck!!

01-12-2007, 06:56 AM
I agree with the other ladies on their posts. You have made this decision for a reason, your love of children. Follow your heart and dive right in and enjoy every moment of it.

Best of luck and congratulations on your new career move! :thumbup:

01-12-2007, 08:51 AM
First off, best wishes on your new adventure!! It sounds wonderful! :)

Secondly, we have our whole lives to persue, change directions and follow our hearts. Nothing is ever set in stone. Take it as another stepping stone and if for some reason it's not as fulfilling as you had hoped, you can change your directions.

01-12-2007, 03:21 PM
Thank you so much everybody!!

I had to quit my TV job today and they did not react well at all. They have not been fair to me and they should NOT make me feel bad about this decision.

01-12-2007, 04:44 PM
Congrats on the new opportunity CChu!
If you're uncertain, just remember that nothing is written in stone. Most of us change jobs and even professions several times in our lives. Just give things a try and you will find your niche.

I hope this is your dream job, but if not, it's valuable experience for the next one.