View Full Version : I'm going back to school!

01-13-2007, 04:13 PM
Yup! I'm 49 yrs "young" and I'm going back to school!! My last position was "eliminated"(long story)....and I have been actively looking for a job since May...I have filled out so many applications, faxed, emailed, snail mailed so many resumes that I think I have applied for the same jobs more than once....I have always wanted to do something in the medical field...so,,,,,on Jan 22 I sign up for a Phlebotomy course...it's only 12 weeks long...there is a big call for medical so hopefully I won't have any trouble finding a job...
I was tired of being so down and depressed over not working...you know the money....not feeling wanted...the whole thing...I gave it up to God....again....and asked for him to guide me in the right direction...I guess this is it! I HOPE! I can't wait! Just wanted to share with all of you...I am finally fine "UP" again!

01-13-2007, 06:13 PM
Way to go Brenda!
I think that's a wonderful plan! You're right that the medical field is a great one to enter. I hope this works out beautifully for you.

01-13-2007, 06:36 PM
Way to g Brenda!!! I only wish the best for you!! So girl, keep us posted and good luck! :)

01-13-2007, 07:47 PM
Good for you! I wish I had the will power to go. I am sure you will do great!!

01-14-2007, 07:24 AM
Excellent!! It sure sounds like many of us are off to new and different directions this new year that we are now in. I think it's exciting!!

Ok ~ what is Phlebotomy?? :o

High five to you and your new adventure!! I wish you the best. :D

01-14-2007, 07:59 AM
THANKS EVERYONE!! I CAN'T WAIT!! Phlebotomy is blood drawing...It is something I have been thinking about doing for a few years now....I am tired of looking for work...As I said in my post, I have been looking diligently since May...I have had interviews but the people never get back to me, which I think is SO rude! This is one job that computers will never be able to take over...I love working with people..I have seen many job postings in this field...I just pray to God that they are still around when I finish school! LOL.....I will start the class in March and finish in June....I am very excited about this...just going to the class is going to be exciting!! I will be with people! LOL...I love being with the furbabies but they aren't much on conversation LOL!

Thanks again Girls!

01-14-2007, 02:17 PM
Jobs in the medical field are in high demand. I've even thought about going to nursing school. We have a college that's only 30 minutes away and nurses make good money and there's always an ad in the paper with jobs. I think that you're doing the right thing and good luck!

01-14-2007, 07:07 PM
Jobs in the medical field are in high demand. I've even thought about going to nursing school. We have a college that's only 30 minutes away and nurses make good money and there's always an ad in the paper with jobs. I think that you're doing the right thing and good luck!

I had thought about going for nursing but, I will be 50 in March and feel I am too old...I am certainly not "old" for my age but, when you go looking for jobs they always seem to choose the younger people...

01-14-2007, 08:10 PM
I had thought about going for nursing but, I will be 50 in March and feel I am too old...I am certainly not "old" for my age but, when you go looking for jobs they always seem to choose the younger people...

I'll be 50 in a couple of weeks!!! And I wouldn't be afraid to go into nursing. They need nurses bad enough that I'm not sure that your age would matter. You could ask around at a hospital or something to find out. You could even go into private nursing. However the field that you were interested in "phlebotomy" sounds like it could be a good job too. Good luck with what ever you decide to do!!

01-14-2007, 08:40 PM
I'll be 50 in a couple of weeks!!! And I wouldn't be afraid to go into nursing. They need nurses bad enough that I'm not sure that your age would matter. You could ask around at a hospital or something to find out. You could even go into private nursing. However the field that you were interested in "phlebotomy" sounds like it could be a good job too. Good luck with what ever you decide to do!!Thank you very much!

Well, nursing is like 4 yrs...Phlebotomy is 12 weeks...and it's something I've wanted to do for a few years now.

01-14-2007, 10:11 PM
YAY!! Good for you!!! I am so happy that you are happy!! I recently made a career change and this requires me to go back to school as well!!

01-15-2007, 04:24 AM
I'll be 50 in a couple of weeks!!! And I wouldn't be afraid to go into nursing. They need nurses bad enough that I'm not sure that your age would matter. You could ask around at a hospital or something to find out. You could even go into private nursing. However the field that you were interested in "phlebotomy" sounds like it could be a good job too. Good luck with what ever you decide to do!!

One thing I wanted to share, not only with Diana, but with everyone considering a change.....when you say...."I don't know if I should...I'm going to be 50 or 60 or whatever"........the thing to ask yourself is "how old are you going to be IF you don't go for the change?" The point being, we're still going to get older, so why not learn as we go?

01-15-2007, 04:32 AM
One thing I wanted to share, not only with Diana, but with everyone considering a change.....when you say...."I don't know if I should...I'm going to be 50 or 60 or whatever"........the thing to ask yourself is "how old are you going to be IF you don't go for the change?" The point being, we're still going to get older, so why not learn as we go?

Well said!! And Brenda, congratulations on your decision!!!!

01-15-2007, 07:49 AM

01-15-2007, 07:50 AM
YAY!! Good for you!!! I am so happy that you are happy!! I recently made a career change and this requires me to go back to school as well!!

Thanks CChu! I am very excited about this! Even though the course isn't that long I'm still a little nervous...My brain hasn't been very active lately! LOL I haven't worked since May...and it certainly isn't for the lack of looking for work! I feel going back to school and learning a "trade" is the only way I am going to find work...

01-15-2007, 07:51 AM
One thing I wanted to share, not only with Diana, but with everyone considering a change.....when you say...."I don't know if I should...I'm going to be 50 or 60 or whatever"........the thing to ask yourself is "how old are you going to be IF you don't go for the change?" The point being, we're still going to get older, so why not learn as we go?

You are absolutely right Janet!

01-15-2007, 07:51 AM
Well said!! And Brenda, congratulations on your decision!!!!

Thank you Marilyn!

01-16-2007, 03:22 PM
I think you have made a great decision - there is always a need for phlebotomists!

And in regard to the other topic of going back to school or following your dream, no matter your age........ I'm an RN and I teach in a school of nursing. We have LOTS of older women and men too, who are just coming in to the field. One is never too old.

Hospital work is very physically demanding - I'm 55 and I'm not sure that I would want to work fulltime in the hospital. BUT there are so many other jobs for nurses - doctor offices, occupational health, nursing homes, walk in clinics, etc etc. that one can ALWAYS find a job - ALWAYS!!!!!

Dreams are great! Reality is better!!! Good luck to everyone!

01-18-2007, 07:47 PM
A 4 yr nurse is usually one who plans on going into the administrative areas of nursing. A 2 yr RN is one who generally works on the floor of a hospital, nursing home, clinic, etc. You can also go for LPN which is only 1 year, and that too is in high demand and pays very well.

As an LPN my oldest began working in a nursing home, then moved into home health and got a starting wage of $19 an hr. So if anyone really wants to go into nursing, there are many levels of training and they're ALL in high demand. My daughter has been gradually working toward her RN while she works as an LPN.

My one regret is that I never went to school to become an RN. I'd have loved to work in ER. Now my health prohibits me from wanting to work that hard. I say if you want it, and can find a way, GO FOR IT!

01-18-2007, 08:26 PM
COngratulations, it is always an up to decide something positive! My Brother & his wife and kids own and operate a lab called Inland Drug Screening, here in Calif. They do drug testing and dna and all kinds of bllod, urine and other. There is a big demand for this because of random drug testing and new apps and such. My niece was just on the Tyra Banks show on Tuesday, as the representative for IDS. They used IDS as a source of testing and she was on TV to give the results. Kind of great, huh? Good luck, you are never to old to learn a new trade. Keep us informed of your success.

01-18-2007, 09:18 PM
Thank you so much everyone! I sign up on Monday...Can't wait!