View Full Version : Bob Greene on Oprah!!

01-15-2007, 04:05 PM
Did any of you catch the Oprah show today? Bob Greene (her fitness expert) was on with a new book about his diet program. It's in 3 phases, like some of the others..Atkins, South Beach..etc. You can check it out on Oprah.com or
WWW.the bestlife.com . It looks pretty good, so I think I will at least get the book and see if it's something I can handle. Check it out and let me know what you think?:)

01-15-2007, 04:20 PM
Did any of you catch the Oprah show today? Bob Greene (her fitness expert) was on with a new book about his diet program. It's in 3 phases, like some of the others..Atkins, South Beach..etc. You can check it out on Oprah.com or
WWW.the bestlife.com . It looks pretty good, so I think I will at least get the book and see if it's something I can handle. Check it out and let me know what you think?:)

Mama called me tonight to ask if I'd seen it. I don't watch Oprah and I was out at the time so I didn't. She was really impressed. She's dieting because of diabetes and wanted me to check out the website. I will later and get back with you.

01-15-2007, 07:45 PM
I missed it today but my SIL called and told me about the show. I will check it out, thanks for posting Janet :)

01-18-2007, 12:40 PM
I'm thinking about getting that book, too, Janet. It sounds like something i can handle.

01-19-2007, 08:06 AM
I don't watch her. LOL If you think about it tho any diet that she promotes will sound easy. She has a personal trainer, a personal cook and so on. WHo wouldn't loose weight with all of that. It would be nice to find a diet that would be easy to stick with. I have my doubts tho when she is the one suggesting it. She seems to forget all to often that most of us don't have money trees growing in our backyards. lol

01-19-2007, 08:11 AM
I don't watch her. LOL If you think about it tho any diet that she promotes will sound easy. She has a personal trainer, a personal cook and so on. WHo wouldn't loose weight with all of that. It would be nice to find a diet that would be easy to stick with. I have my doubts tho when she is the one suggesting it. She seems to forget all to often that most of us don't have money trees growing in our backyards. lol

So true!! BUT it's Bob Greene and he is/was her personal trainer and advisor. I will probably read his book, just because I like reading and I personally like listening to him and his advice does seem to be sound. There are so many out there on the market....it's a dieters paradise you miight say.

01-19-2007, 08:37 AM
So true!! BUT it's Bob Greene and he is/was her personal trainer and advisor. I will probably read his book, just because I like reading and I personally like listening to him and his advice does seem to be sound. There are so many out there on the market....it's a dieters paradise you miight say.

Janet I agree with you, Bob Greene is a trainer and advisor, and I hear that he is putting the check mark on different foods , so when you shop you can see what is healthy for you. I am going to buy this book and read it.

01-19-2007, 08:44 AM
Janet I agree with you, Bob Greene is a trainer and advisor, and I hear that he is putting the check mark on different foods , so when you shop you can see what is healthy for you. I am going to buy this book and read it.

I too like the idea that he is putting a sticker type thing on all the foods that are good for you. Sometimes I need the simple approach...nothing too complicated.:)

01-19-2007, 09:38 AM
I'm also planning on doing the WW thing. I am just about ready to start. Since I love reading so much, I thought "what could it hurt" to read Bob Greene's book.

Wish some of us lived closer to each other so we could exercise together. It would really help me alot. I am motivated so we'll see, I've been motivated before.

I am embarassed to say, but just so I don't get to slacking again,......I weigh 238 lbs as of yesterday....so you can see it really needs to come off. I had my son take a couple of picture of me, but don't know quite yet if I'm ready to show them.

01-19-2007, 11:37 AM
I'm also planning on doing the WW thing. I am just about ready to start. Since I love reading so much, I thought "what could it hurt" to read Bob Greene's book.

Wish some of us lived closer to each other so we could exercise together. It would really help me alot. I am motivated so we'll see, I've been motivated before.

I am embarassed to say, but just so I don't get to slacking again,......I weigh 238 lbs as of yesterday....so you can see it really needs to come off. I had my son take a couple of picture of me, but don't know quite yet if I'm ready to show them.

Janet a buddy system is wonderful, we all live in different states, but we do have each other mentally for support. I have been going to the gym and I meet some of my friends from work yes it is great. At times they cant go I still go, you have to be very diciplined with yourself. Come on girl you can do it... WW combined with excerise is wonderful, if you feel like slacking pm I will motivate you...lol and vice versa.... We started the thread in the diet section, lets all help each other.

01-19-2007, 12:23 PM
If you go to www.oprah.com, Bob Greene has a grocery shopping list on there and recipes. You buy the stuff on his list and use it for snacks or to make meals. At least you know then what you are eating is healthy, you know?

01-19-2007, 06:17 PM
I ordered some books today on curing inflammation. Eating foods that contribute to inflammation is supposed to be contributing to the inability to lose weight, to diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, alzheimers, all kinds of ills. Three of the books discuss the problem, causes & treatments. The other is a diet & cookbook to teach you how to eat the right foods and take the right supplements. I can't wait for them to get here.

Here's what I ordered:

The Inflammation Syndrome: The Complete Nutritional Program to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Allergies, and Asthma by Jack Challem (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/103-1566188-1003852?%5Fencoding=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=books&field-author=Jack%20Challem)

The Inflammation Cure by Meggs, William Joel; Svec, Carol

Stop Inflammation Now! by Fleming, Richard

The Inflammation-Free Diet Plan by Reinagel, Monica

I'll let you know if they are any good after I've had a chance to check them out.