View Full Version : Wish I liked shopping more!

09-10-2006, 06:19 AM
Don't get me wrong, I love to shop at times. BUT after I go shopping I hear where others, friends, family, etc. were able to find "whatever" cheaper. Everything from furniture to groceries. I could be out shopping and talk to someone that evening and they tell me they were there too and got such a good deal on this or that. I guess my question is "how come I can never find the good deals." I just get so depressed after finding out I spent too much money when I could have gotten it cheaper. Do you ever have this happen or are you a more savy shopper?

09-10-2006, 06:49 AM
I don't find things as cheap as my best friend. If I find something on sale for $10, she'll find the exact same thing someplace else for $4. Just sickening.

I don't enjoy shopping as much as I did when I was younger. I just hate walking everywhere!

09-10-2006, 07:02 AM
I don't mind the walking at all, could really use the exercise, but exactly as you said, if I find something for $10, someone else finds it for $4. It's not that I don't check things out, be sure I have coupons if needed, but I feel like I spend way to much on everything. That is exactly why I don't go buy things very often. I want to have laminate flooring put down (I think), but I'll probably get screwed on that too.

09-10-2006, 08:20 AM
Oh, I hate shopping. I just cannot justify spending $50 on ONE shirt or $70 one ONE pair of pants or $100 on ONE pair of trendy shoes. I will spend $100 on shoes that are well-made, won't go out of style, and you can wear casually & to work. My sister is SUCH a great shopper. She can go to TJ Maxx and find the cutest things. She has bought entire outfits (shirt, skirt or pants, AND shoes) for $100. I wish I was good enoug at shopping to find great deals like that. Luckily my sister and I are the same size, so whenever I need a new outfit or dress for something, I just go borrow something of hers. :rolleyes:

09-10-2006, 09:57 AM
I had to laugh at this thread, because i used to be exactly the same!! I would buy something, and the same day i would see my cousin, she would tell me about all the great deals she got, and i used to kick myself for spending all that money on just the few items i had compared to her.
So i gave myself a shopping course, now when i need things i go at certain times of the year when things or on sale, i will walk from one shop to another to compare prices, because i can always walk back to shop #1... another thing i learned the HARD way is, ASK yourself if you really need it, and if you don't have the same thing in your closet? Many many times i made the mistake of buying for the sake of having, and ended up throwing clothes away with the tags still attached.

Same with grocerie shopping, go for the no name brands down on the bottom shelves, they way cheaper.

09-10-2006, 07:00 PM
I don't care for shopping. Just takes time I'd rather spend elsewhere. I shop on-line when I can. When I do shop, I head for the bargan racks first. We don't believe in accumulating debt, and like to make our assets stretch as far as possible. I love E-Bay and Amazon.com. If you know your prices, you can save so much money!!!

09-10-2006, 07:01 PM
I love E-Bay and Amazon.com. If you know your prices, you can save so much money!!!

OMG! I was an eBay addict. I had actually went though our small savings account buying Hummels and Lladros.

I very rarely buy on eBay anymore. It took MONTHS to wean myself off of that website. Actually, YT help that out.

09-11-2006, 06:46 AM
I will do more of my Christmas shopping on-line this year. I did a lot last year too. They usually have more of the on-sale items in stock so I didn't have to wait or get a raincheck. It's so much easier and I didn't have to fight the crowds, find a parking space, or have to put up with such rude shoppers. Some people are so mean during the holidays.

Sherry Lynn
09-11-2006, 06:53 AM
I'm such a bore... I have my favorite places to go, and I head straight for the Sales/Clearance racks when I get there.

I used to shop just because I was bored, but I've gotten to a point where I have too much stuff so I rarely shop anymore. I need to learn to use ebay to get rid of stuff!

09-11-2006, 07:04 AM
I have a hard time finding the fantastic deals as most my friends do. I enjoy shopping once in a while but not as much as most I don't think.

However Ebay is my friend, LOL. I don't always find great deals on Ebay either but the thrill of it all gets me everytime. :D

09-11-2006, 12:29 PM
I hate to shop! Both my sisters are shop a holics and always find cute stuff, but I end up shopping online when possible. I'm overweight and the thought of trying on clothes makes me chew my nails up to the elbow!

ice queen
09-12-2006, 05:35 AM
OMG! I was an eBay addict. I had actually went though our small savings account buying Hummels and Lladros.

I very rarely buy on eBay anymore. It took MONTHS to wean myself off of that website. Actually, YT help that out.
my mom went thru the same thing but her excuse was she was buying them for our inheritance. So that when she dies i will have something to pass down to her grandbabies and that will be our heirlooms. she bought LOTS of Hummels-she has like three rooms filled with them...they are beautiful. i'm scared to even go near them because i am a clumzy person and i would just die if i broke something!!! she gave me a salt and pepper set for my birthday about 7 years ago and i had it on a special shelf and when i was mopping the handle flew up and knocked the shelf off the wall and broke the figurines and i still get teary-eyed thinking about it...boo hoo!!!:( :( :(

09-12-2006, 06:43 AM
I hate to shop! Both my sisters are shop a holics and always find cute stuff, but I end up shopping online when possible. I'm overweight and the thought of trying on clothes makes me chew my nails up to the elbow!

I know what you mean. I have to try everything on and being way overweight, it's just not fun. Most everything larger looks like old lady clothes. I don't have very many clothes at all. It's sad when I have to look nice and don't have much to choose from. I also never buy anything because I know I want to lose weight and don't want to spend money on something I'll hopefully be to small for. Once I get this weight off, I'm going on a shopping spree. :)

09-13-2006, 05:01 PM
I know what you mean. I have to try everything on and being way overweight, it's just not fun. Most everything larger looks like old lady clothes. I don't have very many clothes at all. It's sad when I have to look nice and don't have much to choose from. I also never buy anything because I know I want to lose weight and don't want to spend money on something I'll hopefully be to small for. Once I get this weight off, I'm going on a shopping spree. :)

You sound just like me! I yo-yo dieted for years and always gained it back. I recently moved and I cleaned out like crazy beforehand. I hate shopping because I always find myself buying dark colors and oversized blouses and shirts. And what's the thing now with tops that stop at the top of your hips:cool: It drives me crazy! I don't want to look like a hoochie mama, but I would like clothes that suit me and don't look like they belong to an 80 yr old!

09-14-2006, 07:54 AM
I also hate to shop!! If I need something, then I go to the store I know will have what I need so I don't have to drive or walk all over to find it. And if I don't need it, I don't get it - no "whim" shopping for me. However, I do have one weakness that gets me the most but I handle it very well and that's Merrell shoes - I absolutely LOVE their shoes!!!! I have over 10 pair in my closet now and found 3 pair yesterday I don't necessarily need but would love to have and with Christmas coming up, hubby can get me at least one pair for Christmas as I'd be happy with just one of them:) To me, Merrell doesn't make a bad shoe. They are all mostly casual shoes, sandles, and boots. I have an "addiction" to them so bad, local store I buy them all from had a sidewalk sale back in August and I bought 3 pair!!! But at half price and an additional 10% off if you bought 3 pair or more, I couldn't pass up the savings. I spent just over $100 and got those 3 pair for me and 2 pair of shoes for my youngest. Their next sale is in February and I can't wait for that - I know they'll have some Merrells that I can get. And yes, I DO need help for this addiction...LOL!

09-14-2006, 10:19 AM
You sound just like me! I yo-yo dieted for years and always gained it back. I recently moved and I cleaned out like crazy beforehand. I hate shopping because I always find myself buying dark colors and oversized blouses and shirts. And what's the thing now with tops that stop at the top of your hips:cool: It drives me crazy! I don't want to look like a hoochie mama, but I would like clothes that suit me and don't look like they belong to an 80 yr old!

I know what you mean. I usually buy a little bigger shirts and tops to hide the fat. They are getting harder to find because of them being made shorter.

09-14-2006, 01:10 PM
Shopping? What's that? Since I have moved up here Idon't have anyone to shop with. We live close to an outlet mail. So i get toshop alone. But I have also found some really really great finds at Goodwill. I know it sounds bad but the prices are great and you can find things that are name brand and have never been worn.

09-14-2006, 01:12 PM
I'm not a big person. But it really hurts my feelings when people go around and tell me your so small. It must be nice. I'm sorry I don't feel that way. I don't go around telling people gosh your so fat. Sorry that's just the way I feel. If people don't like you the way you are then you don't need them in your life.
that's just my opinion.

ice queen
09-14-2006, 01:26 PM
Shopping? What's that? Since I have moved up here Idon't have anyone to shop with. We live close to an outlet mail. So i get toshop alone. But I have also found some really really great finds at Goodwill. I know it sounds bad but the prices are great and you can find things that are name brand and have never been worn.
Yes maam...i went to goodwill too and found some nice flannel shirts for me and my hubby to wear when we are cutting firewood. and i have found some hi-$$$ designer jeans that have never been worn and i bought those for my daughters. most people have a garage sale when their kids have outgrown their clothes and toys, i always donate mine to the goodwill or to the mission house. there has been times when i have been short on $$$ and could have sold these things for $ but I feel better inside when i donate my things . sometimes if i find a sale on clothes i will buy extra and take them to the mission house or goodwill.

09-15-2006, 08:58 AM
I too dislike shopping and rarely pay full price for anything.
I do almost all my Christmas shopping online and have gotten many of my household items from estate sales, garage sales, Savers or Goodwill.

I drive an 8 yr old car that's paid for and in reasonably good condition; we bought an acre lot with a mobile home on it for our retirement; and I'm content. I'm just not a big spender and see no point in trying to impress people by changing my ways. ;)

One of my best money-saving tricks when it comes to gift giving is to join DVD or CD clubs and order the initial ones for like $.49 each and the obligatory ones to satisfy the contract all right away. I end up with enough to give all my neices and nephews and others something they will enjoy for Christmas and then I cancel the membership so I don't get caught up in other charges.

Sometimes you just need to get creative. LOL

09-17-2006, 06:46 AM
Yes maam...i went to goodwill too and found some nice flannel shirts for me and my hubby to wear when we are cutting firewood. and i have found some hi-$$$ designer jeans that have never been worn and i bought those for my daughters. most people have a garage sale when their kids have outgrown their clothes and toys, i always donate mine to the goodwill or to the mission house. there has been times when i have been short on $$$ and could have sold these things for $ but I feel better inside when i donate my things . sometimes if i find a sale on clothes i will buy extra and take them to the mission house or goodwill.

I'm with you! A lady I work with has a clothing ministry thru her church that helps families that have been burned out, or need help for whatever reason. When I clean out, I always give the stuff to her. I'd rather help somebody else. I was a single parent for years and I didn't have help from anyone so I know how it feels.

09-18-2006, 06:47 AM
I'm a bargain hunter if i want something specific i will shop online first just looking around till i find the best deal and then i go to the store and get it. Also if where it's the cheapest is to far to go i always call another store to see if they will price match it for me.