View Full Version : Another stray is landing here

02-17-2007, 06:20 AM
Hubby called home last night to ask if I'd mind if he brings home a cat.
It seems one of the drivers with the trucking company had it in his truck and was told he couldn't keep a cat in there, so he simply dumped it at the terminal and left it!

Hubby had caught it, and was quickly falling in love, so when I get home from work today, I will get to meet our new family member. Gotta love a soft hearted man. LOL

I'm allergic to cats, but some of the long haired ones don't bother me as bad, so we're hoping this one will be ok. If not, at least we will be able to keep it safe while we look for another home for it. A cat running in a lot with semis coming and going doesn't sound like a safe place!

02-17-2007, 06:29 AM
Awww. That sounds about right for you.LOL I hope things work out for you and the kitty! lol

02-17-2007, 11:52 AM
How sweet of your husband to help this kitty out, now that's what i call a man :thumbup:
Hope all works out for you all ;)

02-17-2007, 11:53 AM
What a great man you have! :thumbup: It's always so nice to see the "care for animals" type of guy. He is so kind to bring home this kitty in hopes to save it from a unknown life in a parking lot. This reminds me of a story...

About a year ago my hubby and I were heading home after being at the airport to pick up my son. Along the way home was a convienent store out in the middle of nowhere. We pulled on in to get some drinks/snacks. Out front of the store in the parking lot was this larger stray dog, obviously very hungry as he was standing out front just praying someone would give him some food. This dog was thin and we could tell he had not eaten in awhile.

After going into the store and filling up our cups with sodas I ordered a corn dog from the gentleman behind the counter. I guess he overheard me tell my hubby that I wanted to get the dog some food. The man told me he would NOT sale me a corndog because he didn't want that dog to stand out front in his parking lot afraid he'd scare customers away. We argued back and fourth and this gentleman was clearly not getting the picture that I WAS going to GET this darn corndog for this stray. So...I then told him "Fine, I want the corndog for me, I am hungry. And I don't want the one's sitting there in the warmer Id like a fresh one please". Hesitantly the man working behind the counter cooked my corndog. We paid for our drinks and my corndog and walked out. As we got outside and the dog stood at my feet, I looked inside the store watching the man behind the counter stare at me. I bent down, pet the stray dog and feed him the corndog. As I gave the corndog to this hungry stray I looked at the man in the store and winked.

Two days later we were heading back to the airport to drop my son back off at the airport for his flight home. Along the way, passing that same convienent store we saw the same stray dog lying dead along side the hwy. He obviously was struck by a vehicle.

Feeling sad that his life ended I atleast knew he had a full belly. BUT...I do regret not doing more for this dog stranded alone in the parking lot. I should have atleast called animal control in hopes they would come pick him up.

So...my point to my story is to say your hubby is truly blessed for helping the kitty out and not allowing him/her to stay in that parking lot. I wish for this kitty to have a long, happy, and full bellied life for a very long time. :)

02-17-2007, 11:57 AM
Tink, all I can say is "you and your husband surely have wings waiting for you"!!!!!:)

02-17-2007, 04:58 PM
Sebastian is settling in nicely other than the dogs harrassing him. He is showing them that cats have needles on their paws and it's wise to keep your distance.

Hubby has dubbed him Sebastian... as in Sebastian cabot... Mr French on Family affair... because of his black and white tuxedo. :rolleyes:

02-17-2007, 06:45 PM
Tink your husband is a warm and caring person, you both are good people.. I hope you can keep the cat, for he has found a warm and loving home.

Sheryl that story broke my heart... I am glad that this cat has a happy ending :)