View Full Version : Curves ?

02-20-2007, 05:24 AM
Has anyone ever joined this and did you get results? I had thought about it but to be honest I am just a tad embarassed. I'm not the kind that goes into a gym. The good thing is that it is all women so that makes a difference. I know it would be good for me just getting there is the problem. SOOO have you ever joined Curves or anything like it. If so how did it work out? :)

02-20-2007, 05:54 AM
I loved Curves!!! I joined for one year and had great results. It was just hard for me to get there everyday. For one thing I joined in the wintertime. I knew I would get too hot in the summer. Anyway....I didn't quite finish my year, because I just got tired of driving back and forth to town. I love living in the country, but sometimes it would be so much easier in town. :)

02-20-2007, 11:15 AM
My Mom joined Curves probably little over a year ago. She goes weekly and is very pleased. I've been so pleased with her dedication to it. (Now if I could just be like her in that way, ugh)

Id like to join a Curves myself. But, living out of town it just isn't easy to drive so far when I want to go work out.

I think Curves is a great place where "real women" can go and not get that feeling of intimidation some do while at those other gyms mixed with all sorts of people. :thumbup:

02-21-2007, 04:29 PM
i've also been wanting to join curves.

This baby fat has just got to GO! lol.

i feel so gross at regular gyms, only because 1) the teeny bopper girls who go there in daisy dukes and not even wearing proper shoes go there to meet guys and criticize other girls.. 2) really raunchy men hit on you while your all hot, smelly and sweaty 3) the old men that stare at every move you make..

totally just kills my workout mood lol.

so im wondering if it's worth it to go to curves and will i really get results fo ronly 30 mins a day?

02-22-2007, 06:45 AM
It may only be 30 minutes a day, but you really work your butt off!!!:p I wish I didn't have to drive to town everyday to go to Curves or I would be signing up again. It's all women and they are all different sizes. I liked it because it's all in a circle, everyone can see everything, but it was fun. You can carry on conversations with everyone (if you're not too out of breath) and there were times we laughed so hard we darn near cried. Not laughing at us exercising, but from just funny conversations. I don't know if they are all like that, but the one in town is really fun.