View Full Version : In shock

02-20-2007, 06:42 PM
I was told today that I have improved markedly in several areas of my job. I'm now doing a lot more than I was just 2 weeks ago... since I spilled the beans to my managers supervisor about him not allowing me to take on more of the responsibility. It was nice to finally hear something positive!

What followed this statement knocked the air right out of me. I was told that I am not improving quicky enough in the basic teller duties, and I have until March 9th to do so or I may find myself looking for a different job! :eek:

I have never been fired from a job in my life.
I've never been written up or put on a probationary period for lack of performance before.
I'm in shock!
Yes, I want out of this job, but I cannot believe how this is playing out!

I continue to do my best there but feel this is already written in stone.

02-21-2007, 05:17 AM
I can't believe they told you, you were doing better, give you more responsibilities and then tell you your job is in jeopardy? What a crock!!!!! I sure hope something exciting comes your way, so you can leave this place in the dust!!

I was only fired one time....it was because I knew more than my manager and got along better with the clients. I was a real threat to him, so he got me fired. I had never been written up, or reprimanded either. All my evaluations were wonderful. Even though I hated the thought of being fired....I was so ready to get out of there. My manager was a jerk too!!!

02-21-2007, 05:29 AM
Tink I think they pulled a case of revenge, you told your managers supervisor how you felt and somehow they may be in cohoot.. He knows that your not happy there, so they want to make it look like somehow that you are not up to par with your job, which is not true. In their eyes they look better if they fire you than if you quit. Maybe this is what you need to move on, even though it hurts, would you be able to collect unemployment? I wish you the best, remember one door closes another opens.. Good luck!

02-21-2007, 08:59 AM
Thanks for the support ladies.
I seriously don't know what to do.

I've been so upset that I slept badly last night and woke up with my heart just racing. I decided it's not worth dying for, and having had one heart attack already, I don't need the stress, so I called in and told him my heart is racing so I'm staying home to chill. He didn't argue at all.

Luckily hubby called so I told him what's going on, and he's coming home tonight so we can talk and decide what to do from here.

I feel my choices are to tough it out until they fire me on March 9, (and hope I can get unemployment) or quit prior to that to save face and make it look better on my resume.

What would you do?

02-23-2007, 08:38 AM
Greg and I have talked about what I should do, and I have to say I do appreciate his understanding. He says if we can make it on just his income, I should turn in my resignation and not subject myself to that stress this job has brought.

I do plan to look for another job, but I'm going to be more selective about what I take. The benefits and rate of pay are going to go farther down the list, with personal satisfaction a priority. I hope to find something that's part time and doesn't include sales quotas!

02-23-2007, 08:51 AM
I'm so glad you have an understanding husband. It would be great if you could stay at home full time. If not, I use to go through the yellow pages in the phone book and see if something sounded interesting or fun, something that would really be interesting and no seem so much like a job. Just a suggestion.

I can't remember, but don't you make a few things to sell? Maybe you can get up a web-site and have a home business of some sort. Whatever it is, I'm glad you'll be looking for personal satisfaction, it goes a long way.