View Full Version : question on home remedies

03-02-2007, 12:32 PM
Hi Girls! I haven't been on in a while...matter of fact I haven't been on YT much lately either!!:eek: Hope everyone is doing well!

My Dad has had a terrible cold that he just can't shake...He does have emphazema (sp?) but, he is not on oxygen. Because he is taking meds for hyper tension, meds to thin his blood and other meds for his breathing, (or lack of it) he is very limited as to what he can take. He has had this cough that is loose but just can't bring anything up. He had chest x-rays yesterday and ,THANK GOD!!, his lungs are clear but, he needs something to bring up the phlem (sorry if this sounds discusting) My Mom is picking up a couple more meds that the doctor had prescribed. I would like to him try a home remedy as well...does anyone here have any of "grandma's" old home remedies that might work? I love my Dad and want to see him get well..

Thanks in advance girls...I appreciate all advise.


03-02-2007, 01:33 PM
The only thing I can think of off hand is just being in a steamed area and breathing it in, (if he will be able to do this). It sure brings stuff out of our chest when we have really bad colds. We do it in the bathroom, running the shower and sink hot water full blast and then when the need arises, just cough and spit into the toilet. Kinda graphic I know....

03-02-2007, 01:37 PM
I also only know of steaming, my doctor used to give me dried camilla flowers to add to the water. I don't know if your dad is able to steam with he's condition?
Hope he feels better soon!!

03-02-2007, 02:45 PM
Plain steam hasn't worked for him...I told him to try putting vicks in the hot water and then a towel over his head but, he has VERY sensitive skin and breaks out from EVERYTHING!! I feel so bad for my Dad.....I went on line to see if I could find some kind of home remedy but I dont' know how to phrase the question..he does have a somewhat loose cough but just can't seem to bring it up...I told him to cough hard and "huck tooey" it out...(YUCK!) but, he said he can't. My Mom is a good nurse...Hopefully this new medication will work..

Thanks for the suggestions girls!

03-03-2007, 12:47 PM
Brenda all I can suggest is to drink lots of water, and if he can take plain Robiutession. That helps loosen the mucous.

03-03-2007, 12:55 PM
Does your Dad like "spicy hot sauces?" I've found that it helps loosen all that stuff up when I eat the hot sauces on stuff.

I am sorry your Dad is dealing with this. My Dad has the same thing and it's very difficult to deal with at times. I wish your Dad well.

03-03-2007, 01:00 PM
I found this on the internet and who knows, it's worth a try right?? :confused:

When a person feels congested and has a lot of phlem, a glass of hot coca cola before going to bed for several days will help a lot.

03-03-2007, 05:31 PM
There is some over the counter medicine like the Vicks treatment - sorry I can't remember the name, but you put it in the shower with you - on the floor and as the water hits it, it puts off a vicks-like aroma and that combined with the hot steam really seems to open up your head/chest. My daughter swears by it. She, her husband, and two kids have all had great results with it!

I hope you find something that works!