View Full Version : stretchmarks.......
03-07-2007, 03:22 PM
ya i have those ugly stretch marks over my butt:( , i cant wear bikini as i am brown color and those marks look like white lines around , makes me feel so embarrass, they are just teenage stretch marks, and i only have it on my sides of there any solution to get rid of them:confused: of my dermatologist friend have told me that the truth is you cant get rid of them unless u perform cosmetic surgery:( , but those product in market will just help you to diminish them slightly over the long term use, is it true???? do any of u had those marks and did they gone by using some stretchmark remover cream
03-07-2007, 04:01 PM
I am kinda surprised this subject has not come up earlier. Most of us have them, most of us wish we didn't, and the one's of us who do have them have thought long and hard what to do with them.
I myself have them. Gave birth to 3 children and I have them to thank for those god awful lines on my tummy, my butt, and my thighs. And nope, I honestly don't think there is one darn thing you can do to be rid of them.
Oh, and that goes the same for celluite. This by the way...can be shrunk by loosing weight but those fat cells will FOREVER be there and grow larger and dimplier as the weight gets on your body. This is herediary too. Celluite can be on smaller thin woman just as it can be on larger. Or...some large woman don't even have celluite.
ANYWAY, totally off the thread subject but when I see my body and look at both my stretch marks AND celluite it's kinda a combo-issue to me. LOL :p
My stretch marks are the same age asa my first child. Imagine that! LOL
I have not found anything that helps them... so decided they're my badge of honor. Might as well celebrate them!
03-07-2007, 07:40 PM
Wow, there are all kinds of ads for stretch mark remedees under the 4WomenTalk banner at the top of this thread. They are watching us again!!!
03-08-2007, 01:35 AM
I also have them, i tried rubbing vitamine E oil on my tummy daily while i was preggers, but nothing helped! I think once you have them they there for good.
Cellulite, oh my gosh, yup i have that too :mad: Also for that i tried a lot of different products, rubbing on, and massaging, but that didnt help either! UGH!!
03-08-2007, 03:57 AM
It's amazing all the crud that attaches to our bodies. LOL. :eek:
03-08-2007, 01:04 PM
ohhhhhh my god i cant believe that wat my friend told me was all my life i need to carry them:eek: , i can never wear bikini:( , but some wat happy that except one tube of Avon strechmark remover i never try any thing expensive and save my bugs:rolleyes: , ya but still now i dont have cellulites problem, i am sorry for u ladies, but if any of you know prevention let me know, i will be glad to follow you all experienced womens...........opps happy womens day to all:)
04-18-2007, 02:10 PM
i have them everywhere and basically the dr said you can have them lasered off and in my case i can have them removed with a tummy tuck for my loose skin.
i have used avons stretch mark smoother and it did smooth them but they dont go away, sometimes when i tan they turn tan with my body and sometimes they turn white and kinda glow.
i have had 4 kids and includint those are one set of twins
i had one son and he didnt do much damadge to me except widen my hips
but then my twins they stretched me from one end to the other
but i didnt widen and i lost all my twin baby weight but i had alot of stretch marks
but the with my last one i got huge and when he passed away i kinda just swelled up from crying and being sad and not eating and just moping and i got big
and then i have started to lose my weight and im on pound 32 now and im still going i plan to drop around 45 pounds to get back to before twins weight of 125
so im almostthere but the biggest issue is keeping it off
even if you dont work out and you control your portions man you can still pack it on in places you wouldnt htink of like you legs and the back of your thighs in your arms
most people worry about their stomach but its like not the only place to get fat
so im like working out and trying to keep it off
but anyway way off topic but yes you can smooth or you can go all out and get them lasered removed or you can just accpet yourself teh way you are and wear a bikini
i do and i have alot of stomach fat and i do get people who are like ewwww but if you look they are the ones wearing a t shirt to cover up their body not me
im not ashamed i love myself and thats all that matters
Sorry girls, I have no input into this subject for I have no stretchmarks or cellullite... I know like some have mentioned there are creams on market.
04-18-2007, 05:36 PM
I haven't had any children yet so I am no help...sorry.
04-19-2007, 05:57 AM
I am fortunate not to have any even after two kids I have allways since I can remember used cream (anything that is on offer at the time) after bathing may be that or I may just have the type of skin that will not get them. Either way I am thankfull.
My sons girl friend is 18, has never been pregnant and has stretch marks! She weighs all of 100 lbs, has never been heavy, and uses mosturizers by the gallon.
I'm convinced they're hereditary. There is simply no other excuse for her to have them!
04-19-2007, 05:26 PM
My son has them on his back--he is very thin and about 6'3" he says lots of his friends that are tall have them from growing so fast during the growth spurts and especially since he is so thin.
04-25-2007, 09:44 AM
yeah my hubs has them from working out on his arms and legs
and i have seen girls who have had kids and dont have one stretch mark and i have seen girls without kids and without alot of fat or chubs or baby fat whatever we may call it and they have them
i think it really is hereditary to
i have really bad skin and thats goes hand and hand with my stretchmarks cause i have really bad stretch marks, my doctor was saying if i had my tummy tuck i would probably lose about 20 pounds not that the fat weighs thatmuch but becusae its so heavy and alot of skin that it tends to bag down on other places amking it harder to lose weight inthose other places and then you know its chain
it just keeps on going.
but i have been waiting to save for it
instead of financing it
i just had my hubs truck lifted for him and of course he needed new big tired and rims and so i just bought those also and while iw as at it a new grill and a new stero system and some truck nuts
so im stuck saving again for a year maybe
but its ok i will feel better but im scared
anyway im way off the topic but yeah stretch marks are horrible
you can pull my skin and stick a flashlight to it and see the light from the other side, its so thin and worn out from my twins
and just from beign small and having big kids
but im working my way back down
yeah im on pound number 32 so lets keep counting
Something that works really good for stretch marks is something called "Mother's Helper".
05-01-2007, 06:15 PM
No kids yet for me, though I am terrified of stretch marks, but I know they're a fact of life. When I was a teenager, I grew this ghetto-booty I have now in about three just appeared, stretch marks and all. I'm serious!
05-10-2007, 05:51 PM
Most of the time you get them as a teenager or younger due to a huge growth spurt. I have talked to several doctors and they all say the same thing. Either you will get them or you won't. I was the coco butter queen while I was pregnant. Nothing helped and I was stretched beyond belief. Like Tink said... I earned them all and I guess they are my badge of honor as well.
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