View Full Version : My Angel(s) Tried To Tell Me !

03-09-2007, 06:14 AM
I've been doing a lot of reading up and learning about our universe and our angels....It is true that we are given signs but it is up to us to take notice or not.

Well.....I JUST learned a big lesson this morning and the sign couldn't have been more clearer!! ;)

Yesterday afternoon I pulled into the garage coming home from an errand. After getting out of our Jeep and walking aside it I looked down at the left front tire. Don't ask me why but I did, so odd. Anyway, as I looked down at the tire but kept on walking I thought to myself "the tire is flat". But it wasn't so I just kept on walking to go into the house.

Well, my husband just walked out into the garage and closed the door behind him. He immediately came back inside and said "The Jeep has a major flat". I walked out to see and it was the same exact tire as I looked at yesterday.

Now IF THIS ISN'T A BIG FAT SIGN THEN WHAT IS IT? LOL!!!!! I told my husband as I was freaking out about my thought yesterday after walking by the tire and looking at it.

WOW - I am still freaking out.

"Ok, angels you win" I told myself. I will not not only listen now on, but pay attention to those thoughts that come to my mind.

03-09-2007, 06:46 AM
OMG! That is the weirdest thing ever!!!!!!! How neat!

03-09-2007, 07:07 AM
That is so great Sheryl!! Sometimes I "hear" my angels and give heed, but I'm still not real good at it yet.

Sometimes I think they are telling me to throw the wacko I'm married to out on his butt, but haven't heard what they expect me to do afterwards....LOL

Can you tell I'm upset with him in almost every post? I'm sorry, really I am...I'm just not doing real well today.

03-09-2007, 07:13 AM
That is so great Sheryl!! Sometimes I "hear" my angels and give heed, but I'm still not real good at it yet.

Sometimes I think they are telling me to throw the wacko I'm married to out on his butt, but haven't heard what they expect me to do afterwards....LOL

Can you tell I'm upset with him in almost every post? I'm sorry, really I am...I'm just not doing real well today.

Well, I think I got the point when you mentioned wanting him to fall into the over flowed septic tank. ( I'm not laughing I promise, LOL) :p

Janet ~ The only thing I can say about that is follow you heart, life is short, and EVERYONE deserves to be happy.

There is a huge difference in just being upset at hubby and truly not respecting him or wanting to be with him anymore.

Nobody walks in your shoes so without a doubt we cannot make those life choices for you.

Every action has a reaction - that's all I think I can say right now on this. ;)

03-09-2007, 07:14 AM
:) Got to love those little voices :thumbup:

03-09-2007, 07:30 AM
Well, I think I got the point when you mentioned wanting him to fall into the over flowed septic tank. ( I'm not laughing I promise, LOL) :p

Janet ~ The only thing I can say about that is follow you heart, life is short, and EVERYONE deserves to be happy.

There is a huge difference in just being upset at hubby and truly not respecting him or wanting to be with him anymore.

Nobody walks in your shoes so without a doubt we cannot make those life choices for you.

Every action has a reaction - that's all I think I can say right now on this. ;)

Sheryl, I love your posts and yes you are laughing at the 'fall in' remark...LOL

Sometimes I know I make it bigger than what it probably is, but I really do most everything around here, and it just gets me thinking, what the heck do I need him around for. He really is a good person, for the most part, but what I wouldn't do to have him reprogramed!!!!:p

03-09-2007, 07:59 AM
Sheryl, I love your posts and yes you are laughing at the 'fall in' remark...LOL

Sometimes I know I make it bigger than what it probably is, but I really do most everything around here, and it just gets me thinking, what the heck do I need him around for. He really is a good person, for the most part, but what I wouldn't do to have him reprogramed!!!!:p

Thanks Janet. :p You know, I have learned a lesson in life that I live by everyday not to mention tell myself outloud. That is You cannot change others, only yourself.

I am so thankful that we as humans have the ability to constantly learn/grow as we age. Can you imagine how sad it would be to reach a point in life where we become stagnant in what we know?