View Full Version : Yay!!!! I get to use the toilet again!!!!
03-10-2007, 10:53 AM
:sidesplit: The neighbor and my hubby got the septic all pumped out this morning. I am so happy. Now I get to do laundry, potty and tomorrow give the doggies their bath. This is such a great day!!!!:tongue012:
03-10-2007, 11:31 AM
And just what were you using in the meantime!!??....maybe a pail! :sidesplit:
03-10-2007, 11:32 AM
Janet, you crack me up!!!:sidesplit: :sidesplit: I know how you feel though because any kind of toilet problems aren't any fun! Your husband and neighbor got up you up and running (:sidesplit: ) pretty quickly!!! Hope the rest of your day is as exciting!!!
03-10-2007, 11:34 AM
Yay! It's always nice to have a working bathroom... lol
03-10-2007, 11:48 AM
And just what were you using in the meantime!!??....maybe a pail! :sidesplit:
Well sweetheart....I was using the wastebasket. Of course it had a bag in it for easy disposal.....LOLOL
03-10-2007, 12:40 PM
Phew! Glad THAT got sorted out, up, and running again!!!
Now i know, i shouldnt laugh, but really i am LOL
I want to ask this, and want an honest answer!!!!!
WHO of you ladies, would have thought of using a wastebasket, with a bag in it for easy disposal???????
I'll be honest, i NEVER would have come up with that idea!!!!
03-10-2007, 12:45 PM
Phew! Glad THAT got sorted out, up, and running again!!!
Now i know, i shouldnt laugh, but really i am LOL
I want to ask this, and want an honest answer!!!!!
WHO of you ladies, would have thought of using a wastebasket, with a bag in it for easy disposal???????
I'll be honest, i NEVER would have come up with that idea!!!!
The question should be.......Who would have ever admitted to using a wastebasket with a bag in it?!!.......Not me!!!! I'd have left you wondering just how I got by!!!
03-10-2007, 12:52 PM
The question should be.......Who would have ever admitted to using a wastebasket with a bag in it?!!.......Not me!!!! I'd have left you wondering just how I got by!!!
:sidesplit: :sidesplit: Ladies never go to the loo LMAO!!!!!!!!!!
03-10-2007, 01:39 PM
The question should be.......Who would have ever admitted to using a wastebasket with a bag in it?!!.......Not me!!!! I'd have left you wondering just how I got by!!!
LOL! :sidesplit: Janet just doesn't care. She's awesome like that! :)
03-10-2007, 01:59 PM
Okay I being made fun of here????? You be bet if I've ever do anything...I will definitely admit to it...LOL It was sure easier using the wastebasket instead of going out back and then using the Sears and Roebuck. :confuse2: A lot of you probably don't know what I'm talking about do ya??? Well, if you don't just let me know and I will enlighten you.....:teeth:
03-10-2007, 02:02 PM
Okay I being made fun of here????? You be bet if I've ever do anything...I will definitely admit to it...LOL It was sure easier using the wastebasket instead of going out back and then using the Sears and Roebuck. :confuse2: A lot of you probably don't know what I'm talking about do ya??? Well, if you don't just let me know and I will enlighten you.....:teeth:
Need educating here, tell me girl :D I live in the city, have not the foggiest what your talking about LMAO!!!!
03-10-2007, 02:21 PM
Okay, before we had the inside toilet, (long time ago) we would go out to the outhouse to potty. Well, we didn't have toilet paper either, so we would take the old Sear and Roebuck catalog (or any catalog for that matter) and use the pages. At least you always had something to read while visiting the outhouse....LOL
03-10-2007, 02:29 PM
Ahhh right ok, i'm with ya!! I think the old old farmers around here had those loo's :D
Thanks for explaining!! At first i had no idea what you were talking about LOL
03-10-2007, 02:34 PM
Any one else remember the old outhouses? We would use a clear plastic to cover a hole in the roof, so we would have light in the day time....kinda like a sun roof...:coolsmiley:
03-10-2007, 03:35 PM
Phew! Glad THAT got sorted out, up, and running again!!!
Now i know, i shouldnt laugh, but really i am LOL
I want to ask this, and want an honest answer!!!!!
WHO of you ladies, would have thought of using a wastebasket, with a bag in it for easy disposal???????
I'll be honest, i NEVER would have come up with that idea!!!!
Nope, can't say I've ever used the wastebasket before. That's a new one to me, LOL. :interesting:
03-10-2007, 04:05 PM
Any one else remember the old outhouses? We would use a clear plastic to cover a hole in the roof, so we would have light in the day time....kinda like a sun roof...:coolsmiley:
I only remember them from Girl Scout Camp... They were AWFUL!
03-10-2007, 05:38 PM
LMAO ~ I just don't think I will ever look at outhouses or waste baskets the same again.
03-10-2007, 06:08 PM
Where my husband grew up they had a two-seater and thought that they were pretty special!!!
And, no Janet, we would NEVER make fun of you :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: You're our leader!!!!
03-10-2007, 06:10 PM
Well, I was gone for a day and look what y'all are talking about!! :tongue019:
I'd always heard that when people get really desperate for something to talk about, they discuss the weather.
Y'all discuss loo's and poo!!! Really ladies!!!! LMAO :sidesplit: :sidesplit:
BTW, Janet, I remember out houses, but down here we at least had toilet paper. Guess Indiana was a little behind the times. :yelrotflmao: :yelrotflmao:
03-10-2007, 06:18 PM
Well, I was gone for a day and look what y'all are talking about!! :tongue019:
I'd always heard that when people get really desperate for something to talk about, they discuss the weather.
Y'all discuss loo's and poo!!! Really ladies!!!! LMAO :sidesplit: :sidesplit:
BTW, Janet, I remember out houses, but down here we at least had toilet paper. Guess Indiana was a little behind the times. :yelrotflmao: :yelrotflmao:
Marilyn, how can you not talk about loo's and poo when the title of the post is "Yay!!!! I get to use the toilet again!!!!" There's just all kinds of things that can poop,....... er, I mean........ poo, er no,......... pop into your head!!!
03-10-2007, 06:22 PM
Marilyn, how can you not talk about loo's and poo when the title of the post is "Yay!!!! I get to use the toilet again!!!!" There's just all kinds of things that can poop,....... er, I mean........ poo, er no,......... pop into your head!!!
LOL! :yelrotflmao: You guys are TOO funny! haha :)
I learn something new everyday, esp. about the Sears and Roebuck catalog lol I like Mandy am a city girl. Janet I am happy to hear that everything is back to working order. :cheer: :cheer:
03-10-2007, 08:37 PM
Yep, we had an outhouse till I was 9 years old - except that in the summer there would be yellow jacket nests in the ceiling so I was afraid to go in it. I'd go out behind the barn when I was little before I learned how to deal with the wasps!!! :eek:
03-11-2007, 01:28 AM
I'm glad some of you remember the old outhouses, great picture Sheryl. I never even thought about posting a picture. Some friends of ours had the double-seater, I almost forgot about that. Back then the catalog pages were not that slick paper like most have now, it was a little rougher.
Just think AngieDoogles if you thought they were awful in girlscouts, we had to use them ALL the time. Try going out in the wintertime....not fun.
03-11-2007, 05:54 AM
The Outhouse
The service station was slow
The owner sat around,
With sharpened knife and ceder
Piled shavings on the ground.
No modern facilities had they,
The log across the rill
Led to a shack, marked His and
That sat against the hill.
"Where is the ladies restrooom, sir?"
The owner leaning back,
Said not a word but whittled on,
And nodded toward the shack.
With quickened step she entered
But only stayed a minute,
Until she screamed, just like a
Or spider might be in it.
With startled look and beet-red
She bounded through the door,
And headed quickly for the car
Just like three gals before.
She missed the foot log - jumped
the stream
The owner gave a shout.
As her silk stockings, down at her
Caught on a sassafras srpout.
She tripped and fell - got up, and
In obvious disgust,
Ran to the car, stepped on the gas,
And faded in the dust.
Of course we all desired to know
What made the gals all do
The things they did, and then we
The whittling onwer new.
A speaking system he'd devised,
To make the thing complete,
He tied a speaker on the wall
Beneith the toilet seat.
He'd wait until the gals got set
And then the devilish tyke,
Would stop his whittling long
To speak into the mike.
And as she sat, a voice below
Struck terror, fright and fear,
"Will you please use the other hole,
We're painting under here!"
OMG too funny!! cute :yelrotflmao: :bravo:
03-11-2007, 07:32 AM
Oh my!!!! Could this thread be any funnier??
03-11-2007, 09:15 AM
Sheryl, that is hilarious!!!!:D There use to be a song about an outhouse...I can't remember exactly how it goes, but when I was little we had it on a 45 rpm. We use to play it and laugh all the time. I'll have to see if Mom still has it or if my brothers remember it.
03-11-2007, 09:47 AM
Sheryl, that was really cute!! We have a small town near-by, Longton, I think, that decorates outhouses around town and they have a celebration day. I think that it's in the spring but I'm not sure. They had one that had an airconditioner and a tv antenna!
03-12-2007, 01:41 AM
LMAO!!!! I'll never take my loo for granted again! :yelrotflmao:
03-12-2007, 05:00 AM
I know Mandy, me too! It's been days now and I still laugh when I sit down on the potty and see the waste basket. I can't help but giggle. (sorry Janet) :D
It's just amazing how a thread about toilets can go on and on and on. LMAO! :59:
03-12-2007, 05:08 AM
I'll share a secret. Saterday night, after 2 glasses of wine, feeling slightly tipsy, i sat on my potty singing "what would i do without you" :rolleyes:
Its amazing how this board infuences my daily life LMAO!!!
03-12-2007, 05:17 AM
I'll share a secret. Saterday night, after 2 glasses of wine, feeling slightly tipsy, i sat on my potty singing "what would i do without you" :rolleyes:
Its amazing how this board infuences my daily life LMAO!!!
OMG Mandy! And yet ANOTHER visual!! :sidesplit:
03-12-2007, 05:36 AM
OMG Mandy! And yet ANOTHER visual!! :sidesplit:
LOL... yeh ya see what you ladies do to me! :D :D :yelrotflmao:
03-12-2007, 06:47 AM
AHHHHHHHH! The simple pleasures in life are great, aren't they? How I often take them for granted. Glad everything is in working order again, Janet!
Our Amish neighbors still use outhouses, so I never got to forget what they are.
We did have an outhouse when I was a preschooler. I vividly remember having to go outside to use it and being afraid I'd fall in and never be heard from again. :eek:
I'm glad you got your tanks pumped!
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