View Full Version : Truck hit MY house!

03-11-2007, 07:02 AM
We were sound asleep at 4 am. A few minutes later we were all awake asking "What the heck was that?"

Our neighbor, who I've known for about 25 yrs had lost control of his truck and hit the end of our house! We live in a mobile home that's 14 x 70... he hit on the end of the kitchen so hard that it popped a piece of our bedroom cieling out nearly 70 feet away!

Thank God the dirver is ok and was alone. My son called 911 before even going out to see who was in the vehicle, so he was arrested for dui, and hauled to the local jail. The driver came in right away and apologized to us, feeling very sheepish about the whole thing.

He used to be one of my older daughters best friends, so spent a lot of time with us growing up. So he knows us well. We talked with the officer who arrested him last night and are hoping that rather than a long jail stay or hefty fine, they will force him into treatment for his drinking. He's someone we all really like and would much rather see him get help than punished. His head was really hanging when he told us what he'd done. I hope he still feels that way once he sobers up so he will do something about his problem.

If you're so inclined, please pray for him. He was lucky this time. Next time might not end this well.

03-11-2007, 07:24 AM
I'm so sorry! That must have been so scary. I hope your neighbor is able to get help. Is insurance going to cover all of the damage?

03-11-2007, 07:52 AM
Thank goodness nobody was hurt in this accident. It sounds as if he is very remorseful about his actions. Hopefully this is the light that went off in his head to seek treatment.

It seems sometimes people have to hit rock bottom before they realize they need help.

Again, relieved that nobody was hurt. (well maybe just his pride)

03-11-2007, 08:11 AM
oh gosh Tink, I hope you are ok..... what a scare.

03-11-2007, 08:32 AM

Thanks ladies.

It's so hard to separate my head from my heart in this one. When I first got to know Trevor,, he was 8 yrs old and his mother had just run off with another man, leaving him with his alcoholic father. I have to say his dad stepped up to the plate and sobered up shortly after, becoming a very caring, involved parent almost overnight. This took place about the same time that I kicked my ex out, so the kids grew close and were nearly inseparable for many years.

Fast forward to just about 4 yrs ago. Trevor finally trusted a woman enough to fall in love. Her ex boyfriend was a mentally disturbed creature who could not bare to see her with someone else. He stalked them and followed them out of town one night, ramming them with his pick up and forcing them into a pine forest. He battered their vehicle with his until it was lodged against a tree and burst into flames. Trevor was able to get out and tried to get the girl out, but she was pinned and the ex was beating at him with a machette trying to kill him.

The woman died at the scene. Trevor got severe burns and lacerations. The guy who attacked them went to prison for 35 yrs. HAd others not come along and intervened, I have no doubt Trevor would have died that night too.

Since then, Trevor has drowned his sorrow in a bottle. He is the kind of guy who, if he sobered up, I'd be thrilled to have had for a son in law. He's extremely talented in mechanics, electronics, auto body, and customizing. He personally owns a Harley, a Jaguar, and the 4x4 pickup he was driving last night. He has his own custom car business and seems to do very well.

It's so hard to be upset with him over this. Both hubby and I are more upset FOR him. He could so easily have been killed or hurt badly.

The damage to our house and landscaping can be repaired. Since he lives within shouting distance and is the kind of guy he is, I'll be real surprised if Trevor doesn't come over and do the repairs himself. He took out 2 shrubs, made a hole in the siding and broke an upright wall support, shattered the skirting, and jammed the whole house severely enough that we anticipate some windows might not slide decently and the roof might need to be sealed. I imagine we might be seeing the hidden affects more over time. It could have been SO much worse!

03-11-2007, 08:42 AM
Wow! That poor guy. It seems he's had a very difficult life. Maybe this event will cause him to reevaluate his drinking and maybe make a positive change in how he's been living lately. Also, if he comes to do repairs, you could be a good positive influence for him as well. Maybe this whole situation will work out for the best...

03-11-2007, 09:09 AM
Oh Tink, I'm so sorry this happened to you and to him. What a shame he's lived the life he has since the accident. Sad to say, that is how many people handle things...turn to the bottle.

I'm glad you're alright and the young man too. I know you'll do everything in your power to get him to seek help. I have a feeling he just ran into an angel.:angel:

03-11-2007, 10:42 AM
Trevor was just here. He arrived within an hr of being released from jail.

He said he has no memory of being inside our house last night. He figured his dad, (who he lives with) hubby, and I were all going to be very mad at him. His Dad had glared but not said a word when he got home, so he's still dreading that talk.

He looked very apprehensive when he walked in here.
He said the police charged him with Operating while intoxicated... (His 4th!!!) and he's thinking he has got to go in for treatment before he does something even worse and everyone hates him. I jumped on that statement and pointed out that we have a long history together and I've always considered him one of our kids... so I want him to go in to get some help before it's too late. He got teary-eyed and just nodded.

He wanted to pay us for the damages, but obviously we don't have a dollar figure yet, so hubby told him he'd like it if he'd come over and help do the repairs. Trevor agreed that would be a good plan. He said to let him know when we have a bill and want him to work.

He looked so sad and down, that I know now would be the best time to help him find a place to go. If this gets him sober again, it's well worth the slight damage to our place.

03-11-2007, 10:44 AM
He looked so sad and down, that I know now would be the best time to help him find a place to go. If this gets him sober again, it's well worth the slight damage to our place.

That's what I was hoping would happen. Good luck!

Chandra Amaya
03-11-2007, 10:50 AM
Tink I think you should be comended for your actions on this matter. Most people would lose the friendship, forget about the person & only worry about the damage & money. Although I'm sure that's on your mind, your top concern seems to be this boy. I think that shows whatg a great person you must be. I can't wait to get to know you better. :)

03-11-2007, 11:51 AM
WOW!! Tink after reading all your posts about Trevor it just made me pause and think about what this poor young man has gone through. I can truly see why you feel for him and it shows you care for him as if he's your own son.

You have a good heart and it sounds as if Trevor does also. So much pain has been pierced with Trevor I can clearly see why he would be wanting to drown his tears and pain from a bottle.

He sounds like a very decent human being who just has a lot of healing to do. He is lucky to have people like you in his life.

I do wish him well and that he finds the peace in his heart to overcome such tragedies he is dealing with in his life.

03-11-2007, 12:11 PM
He is lucky to have people like you in his life.

Tink, this is SO true! I hope you realize how amazing you are for being so compassionate and understanding in this situation. This poor guy really needs someone like you right now. It may sound strange, but running into your house may have been just what he needed.

03-11-2007, 12:19 PM
It may sound strange, but running into your house may have been just what he needed.

I agree!!!! Everything happens for a reason. This small inconvienence hitting the corner of your home just might make the biggest impact in Trevor's life.

03-11-2007, 12:43 PM
Dh was leaving for the week, so went and told Trevor the name of a treatment center that my oldest dd used (she's been sober for 8+ yrs!)
in case he'd want to go there. Greg told him I am free and willing to drive him there or just to listen if he needs to talk. He promised he will see his dr tomorrow to get a referral and will likely be paying me a visit after.
I hope he does. This brought back the loss of another young man who I loved dearly and lost due to a drunken escapade just 19 months ago. I really don't want to have to face that again, so have to try whatever we can to prevent it now while we have the chance.

It really isn't a selfless thing, our helping him. Neither dh or I can deal with another loss. We haven't fuly healed from the last one yet. :cry:

03-11-2007, 01:08 PM
Tink, It's so sad that this had to happen, but maybe it is just the wakeup call that Trevor needs to get his life back on track before he does something much more serious.

On a realistic note, however, concerning your damage. Does he have insurance? If so, it may be prudent for you to have someone qualified inspect the damage and prepare an estimate of the cost to do a repair that will return your structure to it's preaccident condition. As you yourself mentioned, you may be finding hidden results of the accident in the future. You are doing to the right thing toward Trevor, but you also need to look out for your own investment. Trevor can still participate in the repair, but if insurance will cover the damage, you may have money later that can be used if problems do arise with your home.

Just a thought now that the dust has settled somewhat.

03-11-2007, 01:15 PM
Tink, i am sorry this happend to you, and your family. I read the story, and i know you feel for this youngster, i applaude you for the way you handled things! He is very fortunate to have you, and your hubby in he's life. You have a good heart lady! ;)