View Full Version : your first time
03-19-2007, 04:24 PM
i was talking to my friend today and we were talking about the first time we had kissed a boy:rolleyes: we had met these 2 boys and she kissed the boy she was with and i then kissed the boy i was with and after we chatted about it and she just kept on going on and on about how great it was and when she shut up and asked me what i thought all i could say was his tongue felt like a slug lol:eek:
we were 15 at the time.
we were then talking about are first time having sex and weather it was what we had expected, i just remember thinking oh is that it then?lol
it that the big deal thing that my friends go on about?
well it wasnt what i had expected and as for my friend well she got more than she expected when she was holding a baby boy 9 months later.
she was 15 when she had her first time and i was 16.
i was wondering how old were you when you kissed for the first time and when you had sex for the first time and was it what you had expected?
03-20-2007, 07:22 AM
My first kiss I believe I was 12. I was at camp & met a boy I liked. I was trying to ease my way into it & was gonna give him a kiss on the cheek, but he turned his head & it was a quick kiss on the lips, but the ones to follow were much better. I remember talking to my friends at camp & saying he keeps rubbing his tongue on my lips & they were like just open your mouth.
My first time was nice, but I wish it would've been with someone i was in love with, I was 19. It wasn't at all what I expected, but it was nice; however, soon after he turned into a giant jerk, but what do you do you can't take things back.
03-20-2007, 07:30 AM
Hmmm.. my first kiss I was I know ... it was my next door neighbor.... but truly truly I was in 6th grade.. Matthew Cruz.... we were together for 1 year.. all of 6th I laugh when I think about it.... he was a sweet guy... my first time I was 16..... it was with my first love and I would not trade that for the world... I am so happy it was with him.. I was his first too.... it was truly special....
Chandra Amaya
03-20-2007, 08:23 AM
My first kiss was at age 9. It was the boy across from us. His name was Bobby Swanner. He was the cutiest blond haired, blue eyed thing in 4th grade lol. My mom rcently told me he is in Florida now married with a couple of kids & doing well. It was alittle odd. I think I was too nervous to know what to expect.
My first time having sex I was 14. It was my first love & we were supposed to be "engaged". We dated for 6 months then he left for Ohio right after I found out I was PG. My son is now 14 & driving me insane but I wouldn't change it because then I wouldn't have him. His father now has 3 or 4 kids & sees my son when he visits his Grandmother for a week in the summer. They have never been a big part in his life but atleast he does see them some. It was not at all what either of us expected. It was the first time for both of us. We expected just to "know" what to do but found out not so much true. :o
03-21-2007, 04:56 AM
I honestly don't remember my first kiss. I think it was in Jr. high with my first REAL boyfriend. My 'other' first time was when I was 17 with my husband. It was really not what I expected. I remember when we got married (I was 19, he was 21) we 'did it' every night for the first 8 or 9 days and I was thinking, married couples do it every night? I was beginning to get tired of it. Then things started getting normal if that's what you want to call it. I'm so glad he finally (must have) gotten as tired of it as I did.....LOL:D
03-21-2007, 05:29 AM
Janet, i laughed reading your post. I can just "hear" you say these things LOL... you crack me up!
My first real kiss, i was 15 and remember thinking "this is it" :rolleyes: is THIS what they all bragging about :confused: I didnt think it was cool at all!
It was different when i met my husband, the first time we "did it" i was 17 or 18. i also remember laughing my head off!! Must have been nervs or something :yelrotflmao: :yelrotflmao:
03-21-2007, 07:45 AM
Janet, i laughed reading your post. I can just "hear" you say these things LOL... you crack me up!
My first real kiss, i was 15 and remember thinking "this is it" :rolleyes: is THIS what they all bragging about :confused: I didnt think it was cool at all!
It was different when i met my husband, the first time we "did it" i was 17 or 18. i also remember laughing my head off!! Must have been nervs or something :yelrotflmao: :yelrotflmao:
Well I was young and I wasn't really sure if married couples did it every single night or what! :eek: Heck I was dreading going to bed there for awhile and then always felt the next morning like I was walking weird and if anyone would notice....:rolleyes:
03-21-2007, 08:01 AM
Well I was young and I wasn't really sure if married couples did it every single night or what! :eek: Heck I was dreading going to bed there for awhile and then always felt the next morning like I was walking weird and if anyone would notice....:rolleyes:
janet, dont feel bad, i was so naive back than, before i learnt different i used to think people would be able to tell on my face, that ide break out in pimples or something. :rolleyes:
03-21-2007, 08:15 AM
First real kiss was on a dare, with the cutest boy I'd ever seen! It was on a camping trip with my friend's family and the guy was her cousin's friend. They dared us to kiss one night in the tent after the parents all went to sleep!
First time for sex was with a guy I thought I loved, and it just happened in the moment. I was 17 and saving myself for marriage, but we had been together for 2 years already and he promised he would marry me when we were done school. I bawled when it was over, and then I bawled even more a year later when he broke up with me and I found out he had been cheating on me for the whole 3 years we were together! So I really can't be sure that I was his first...
03-21-2007, 07:55 PM
My first kiss was when I was around 16. The guy stuck his tongue in my mouth. I freaked out because I did not know people did that. Yuck!! I was so embarassed. I remember I had the shivers like I was cold but it was just nervousness. I told my best friend about it and she had quite a laugh & explained what a French kiss was. I felt so stupid like everyone knew so much more than I did.:o
03-22-2007, 08:36 AM
I was 14 at the time and met the boy who later turned into my first husband. He was 18 at the time. Well, I tagged along with him and my brother as they went to play raquetball. Inside the raquetball room the lights went out when the timer went off. It was dark and then smooch right on the lips. I remember my heart beating so fast I wanted to pass out.
I lost my virginity after watching the movie Endless Love at the theaters. We went and parked the car as we normally did to make out, LOL. Nothing like loosing your virginity in the back seat of a 69 Valiant. It had push button gears and was the oldest car Id ever seen in my life. I was still 14 at this time.
Well....later as with most anyone, unprotected sex leads to getting pregnant. I did at the age of 16 and married when I was 17. I have no regrets for that story in my life because I have my oldest son Brian whom I love very much. Abortion was NEVER an option for me.
Honestly I think the only thing I can remember about having sex for that first time is it kinda hurt. :eek: It's been so many years now and I don't remember if it was what I had expected or not.
Chandra Amaya
03-22-2007, 09:45 AM
I lost my virginity after watching the movie Endless Love at the theaters. We went and parked the car as we normally did to make out, LOL. Nothing like loosing your virginity in the back seat of a 69 Valiant. It had push button gears and was the oldest car Id ever seen in my life. I was still 14 at this time.
awww atleast it was a wonderful movie & much better than the song I had playing ..."Comfortably numb" by Pink Floyd....not much of a romantic song lol
03-22-2007, 10:15 AM
much better than the song I had playing ..."Comfortably numb" by Pink Floyd....not much of a romantic song lol
LOL - :D
03-22-2007, 10:16 AM
Well I was young and I wasn't really sure if married couples did it every single night or what! :eek: Heck I was dreading going to bed there for awhile and then always felt the next morning like I was walking weird and if anyone would notice....:rolleyes:
OMG visuals!! :D
03-22-2007, 10:17 AM
Janet, i laughed reading your post. I can just "hear" you say these things LOL... you crack me up!
My first real kiss, i was 15 and remember thinking "this is it" :rolleyes: is THIS what they all bragging about :confused: I didnt think it was cool at all!
It was different when i met my husband, the first time we "did it" i was 17 or 18. i also remember laughing my head off!! Must have been nervs or something :yelrotflmao: :yelrotflmao:
That's hysterical Mandy! :D I am trying to remember if I have ever laughed after a kiss or not??
03-22-2007, 11:48 AM
awww atleast it was a wonderful movie & much better than the song I had playing ..."Comfortably numb" by Pink Floyd....not much of a romantic song lol
LMAO!!! :yelrotflmao: :yelrotflmao:
03-22-2007, 11:52 AM
I was 14 at the time and met the boy who later turned into my first husband. He was 18 at the time. Well, I tagged along with him and my brother as they went to play raquetball. Inside the raquetball room the lights went out when the timer went off. It was dark and then smooch right on the lips. I remember my heart beating so fast I wanted to pass out.
I lost my virginity after watching the movie Endless Love at the theaters. We went and parked the car as we normally did to make out, LOL. Nothing like loosing your virginity in the back seat of a 69 Valiant. It had push button gears and was the oldest car Id ever seen in my life. I was still 14 at this time.
Well....later as with most anyone, unprotected sex leads to getting pregnant. I did at the age of 16 and married when I was 17. I have no regrets for that story in my life because I have my oldest son Brian whom I love very much. Abortion was NEVER an option for me.
Honestly I think the only thing I can remember about having sex for that first time is it kinda hurt. :eek: It's been so many years now and I don't remember if it was what I had expected or not.
LOL LOL LOL... i remember the "hurting" part too well. And remember thinking that, if its gonna be like this, it wont be my lasting game :D
03-22-2007, 01:11 PM
My first kiss was at 16 or 17. I was SOO NERVOUS! I had built it up to be this big ordeal and made myself terrified of it! weird. It was with a guy that I ended up "putting up with" for 4 more years.
My other first was when I was 21..about 2 years ago. It was with my now boyfriend. We were each other's firsts. I had always planned on waiting til marriage but it was prefect! We are still together (2 years on the 27th of March!!) and he means the world to me. He is the more caring, genuine person I have ever met!
I think Ive set the record for being the oldest with both my firsts! :)
03-22-2007, 04:10 PM
Well I was young and I wasn't really sure if married couples did it every single night or what! :eek: Heck I was dreading going to bed there for awhile and then always felt the next morning like I was walking weird and if anyone would notice....:rolleyes:
lol i still walk like that janet :D lets just say my other half wasnt at the end of the queue when they were handing out mens making babies bits lol:D
03-30-2007, 08:48 PM
my first kiss i was 15 and it was with my first real boyfriend. it was better than i had expected... it made me dizzy... and all that stuff they talk about in movies.
my first time i was 16 and with the same guy. not all that great... it was in his bedroom with his dad in the next room and the door open. and it hurt. it lasted about a whole 2 minutes.
i was with the guy for 3 years... so i think it was all worth it... nthing i regret
04-03-2007, 06:29 PM
LOL, this thread is fun to read. So, since I enjoyed everyone else's responses, here's mine:
My first kiss was at prom with a boy named James. I was 16 and in the 10th grade, and he was 17 and in the 11th. I was so nervous b/c I had braces and kinda felt silly that I was 16 and never had really kissed (made out/with tongue, etc.) before. It was fun and I told a friend it was "squishy". I, like many girls, fell in "love" with the first boy I kissed just for the fact that he was my 1st kiss, though he cheated on me a couple months later and I was HEARTBROKEN. lol. I recently found his profile on myspace and saw he got married in December, and I wish him nothing but the best. Funny how much we all grow up between 16 and 26!
Though I kissed many boys after James, my first time having sex was on my wedding night with my husband Eli - we were both 22. It was very strange....the wedding was a stressful process, though we were VERY happy to be married to one another (and still are) but I guess what can you expect the first time when it's the first time for both of you? LOL. But, of course, we have discovered that it gets better with practice. :p We both consider ourselves very lucky to have found, and waited, for one another, though I know most people don't anymore.
My first kiss was when I was dating my first love at the tender age of 14 1/2 . I remember being so nervous that I asked one of my girls friends older sister what to do? I never made out with a boy.. She was three years older than I and was hystercial , She explained how to french kiss and when I went out with my boyfriend for the first time I did it but I was very nervous.. lol. He was a doll.. too bad that we didn't married, but its funny I ran into him a few years ago and he said that I always hold a special place in his . I guess first loves leave an imprint lol
This is my first post on this site. Figures it would be on this thread!
My first kiss was at about 12 with a boy named Eddie.
He asked me to come around the side of the building because he wanted to talk to me. When we got there, I asked him what he wanted to talk to me about and he answered "kissing talking." I nearly fainted at how cool I thought he was!
My other first was at 17 with my first love, Gary. I'll never forget it and am so grateful that my first time was with someone I loved. He cried - it was the sweetest thing.
04-05-2007, 09:38 AM
First kiss was with a guy named Matt. Wasn't really anything special. Other first, with my husband and that was definitely an incredible experience that has only gotten better with time.
(Yikes, my mom can see
Chandra Amaya
04-05-2007, 09:41 AM
First kiss was with a guy named Matt. Wasn't really anything special. Other first, with my husband and that was definitely an incredible experience that has only gotten better with time.
(Yikes, my mom can see
maybe she will miss this one :p
04-05-2007, 09:42 AM
maybe she will miss this one :p
We can only hope, right? LoL!
First kiss was with a guy named Matt. Wasn't really anything special. Other first, with my husband and that was definitely an incredible experience that has only gotten better with time.
(Yikes, my mom can see
That' so funny! Oh well, it was with your husband after all.
04-28-2007, 11:43 AM
I got my first real kiss from my high school boyfriend Mario when I was 15 (he was 17).. It was Friday October 13, 1995 .. We had just seen the movie Seven and his sister dropped me off and drove around the corner.. Mario kissed.. I hit him because it was so unexpected.. It got better though!! We wound up dating for 8 motnhs!!
My first time having sex was when I was 20.. I was planning on waiting for marriage but then I just got tired of waiting so I decided to do it with a guy i was seeing in College.. His name was Tim... We had been on and off for 2 years and he knew i wanted to wait and he never pressured me.. On day I just was like I wanna do it!! That was it... I was one of my last friends to lose my virginity but it was worth waiting for
04-28-2007, 11:57 AM
My first kiss was with my high school boyfriend Mario (I was 15, he was 17).. It was on Friday, October 13, 2005!! We had just seen the movie SEven and his sister dropped us off and he kissed me.. It was really nice.. I really liked him.. We dated for 7 months until he wound up leaving for college
My first hime having sex was with a guy i was seeing off and on for 2 years up at college.. I told him i wanted to wait until I knew for sure i was gonna be with someone for life.. He was so sweet never pressured me and finally after 2 years i was like, i wanna see what the big deal about sex and i did it.. I have no regrets although sometimes i wished i had waited!!
04-28-2007, 12:55 PM
My first kiss was on Friday, October 13, 1995 with my high school boyfriend Mario (i was 15 and he was 17)... We had just seen the movie Seven.. His sister dropped us off at my house to say goodnight and he leaned in a kissed me... Man, I was in 7th heaven!! We dated for 7 months before breaking up when he went to college!!
My first time having sex was when I was 20 with a guy I was seeing off and on for 2 years in college.. He know that I really wanted to wait for someone i was going to be with forever.. He was so sweet and totally respected my wishes... My couriousity wound up getting the best of me!! He was so sweet tried to amke it as romantic as possible.. I have no regrets though!!
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