View Full Version : OMG I have an interview!!!!!!!!

03-21-2007, 12:19 PM
I just got an email from someone at my dream job asking if I'd be able to come for an interview on Friday!

My heart's racing... my hands are shaking... I am just in shock!

I know it's not like I've been offered the job, but this is farther than I thought I'd get!

03-21-2007, 12:58 PM
WOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO :bravo: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :coolsmiley:

This IS sounding GOOD!!!!!! :goodluck: :goodluck:

03-21-2007, 01:14 PM


Sending you the best wishes for this job Tink.....Hope it's everything you want and that you get hired!!!!!!

Chandra Amaya
03-21-2007, 01:15 PM
Yayyyyyy!!!!!:congrats: :bravo: :happy026: :excited: :cheer: Go knock their socks off hon.!!!!!!!:goodluck:

03-21-2007, 01:16 PM
That's just awesome Tink!! Friday will be here before you know it and I am sure you will interview beautifully! Hip Hip Hooray for Tink, Hip Hip Hoorayyyy!! :thumbup:

03-21-2007, 01:18 PM
WAY TO GO!!!!!

:bravo: :congrats: and a big :goodluck: on Friday! Please keep us posted and let us know how things go. We'll be :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: you on!

03-21-2007, 01:21 PM
Just think postive , go in with an I can do the job attuitude and I am sure that you will get it!!:bravo:

03-21-2007, 01:32 PM
Thanks all!

Holy Smokes... I haven't been this excited and nervous about an interview EVER.

I'd love to land the job, but right now my top priority is to not make an absolute ass of myself!

Please cross your fingers and pray for me. This is truly a once in a lifetime chance for me.

03-21-2007, 01:50 PM
Oh my goodness! Congratulations Tink!!!! I'm SO glad you applied and look where it got you! Best of luck on Friday.

Again, Congrats! :cheer: :congrats: :goodluck: :cheer:

03-21-2007, 04:28 PM
HOORAY!!!!!! You know that we're behind you and cheering you on!!!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

YEAH!!! TINK!!!!

03-21-2007, 07:21 PM
WOW!!!! Tink, way to gooooooooo!!!!! So very happy for you!!! Let us know right away how it went after your interview. We are all rooting for you and know you will do great!!!!!!

:bravo: :cheer: :cheer: :bravo: :congrats:

03-23-2007, 05:24 AM
Hey Tink......thinking about you and your interview today!! Trying to send prayers, good thoughts and just all around good vibes your way. Let us know how things go....:)

03-23-2007, 08:31 AM
Thanks for all the loving support. You ladies are wonderful!
I just got home from my interview and am almost afraid to say I think it went very well! Since it's nearly impossible to really tell this without giving the specific job I'm trying to get, I feel it's time to tell you all that it's for Editor of a small town newspaper.

The owner of the paper and his business manager did the interview. The owner has several different businesses all in the same building, and has this other man overseeing them all for him.

Anyway, it's the first interview I've actually enjoyed! I really liked both of them, and they seemed to like me too. We were laughing and smiling and shared a lot of the same views on how things should be done. They were telling me they were very happy with how much writing I've done and that I have so much expereince on the internet, since the paper is submitted to a printer electronically. I'm surprised that my experience is so dead on for what they deem important!

The owner stressed that this is very much a family oriented business, so my 6 yrs working at a parenting site convinced him that I am a family oriented person too, so should fit right in. They went over the job description with me, invited me to ask any questions I might have, etc. The owner was making it clear he wanted to hire me right then and there, and asked the other man if he wanted to explain the salary and benefits package to me... at which time the employee told him "We need to back up just a bit since we do have one other person coming in yet to interview."

Since the interview I want the job even more! It seems I have the owner rooting for me, so I do have a good shot at getting it unless the other applicant really blows their socks off.

So they sent me home still in the running, saying they'd be calling my referrences, meet with the other applicant, and plan to set up a second interview to go over salary, benefits, and the like. So now I'm praying HARD that I get this job. I seriously didn't think I had any chance before, but now that it seems I do, I'm absolutely wanting to have it!

03-23-2007, 08:54 AM
Oh my goodness, what a wonderful job opportunity!!! I am praying so hard that you get this position Tink. It does sound very much in your favor doesn't it. Now I'm all excited too!!! Let's all keep positive thoughts for Tink getting this job.

Go Tink!!!!

03-23-2007, 09:58 AM
Tink, that's so exciting!!! I knew they would just love you! :) It sounds like you pretty much have the job and that it will be perfect for you! Congratulations!!! :thumbup: :congrats: :bravo:

03-23-2007, 04:30 PM
OH, Tink!!!! I am so, so happy for you!!!!!!:cheer: YeaHHHHHHHH!!!!

What an exciting opportunity. You will do so well at this, and we can say we know an actual editor. How awesome!!!!!!

Will keep all my fingers and toes crossed for you!!!!!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend and get some incredible news next week. :cheer: :cheer:

Chandra Amaya
03-23-2007, 09:00 PM
OMG girl you did it!!!! :congrats: :bravo: I'm so glad you ask us for encouragement to follow through on your dreams. I'm so happy for you!!!:D :thumbup: :thumbup: Now see what alittle faith & alot of pushing from your 4wt pals can do? :p Keep us updated. We are all :cheer: for you & keeping our fingers crossed :41: :goodluck: :cheer:

03-24-2007, 05:35 AM
I seriously would not have had the nerve to apply for this job had you all not been so supportive and challenged me.

Marilyn asking me:
What do you have to lose??
really pushed me into at least giving it a try. So simple and to the point... Marilyn, it meant more than I can tell you.

I seriously didn't think I had any chance at it and expected they'd read my resume, have a laugh and toss it in the trash. Now that I've had an interview that went so well, I feel so much more hopeful that even if I don't get hired this time I think it will be easier to apply for other things that might come along just because my self-esteem is renewed.

My last 2 jobs have been hell on my self-esteeem. I disliked them so much that I had started to wonder what was wrong with ME that I couldn't settle in and adjust. They were both respectable jobs with good benefits, fair pay, etc and I know others who really would have loved to have had either of them. I really wondered if I would get excited about a job again, or if my attitude was so bad that I was doomed to being an old crab.

So thanks. I really needed this regardless of how it ends with this particular job.
Given the chance, I'd obviously jump at the job. If not, I'll keep watching for something that brings out this kind of excitement in me. It's good to know I can still feel it! I just need to be more selective in what I try for.

Thank you all for helping me to feel this again. HUGS

03-24-2007, 05:47 AM
I seriously would not have had the nerve to apply for this job had you all not been so supportive and challenged me.

Marilyn asking me:

really pushed me into at least giving it a try. So simple and to the point... Marilyn, it meant more than I can tell you.

I seriously didn't think I had any chance at it and expected they'd read my resume, have a laugh and toss it in the trash. Now that I've had an interview that went so well, I feel so much more hopeful that even if I don't get hired this time I think it will be easier to apply for other things that might come along just because my self-esteem is renewed.

My last 2 jobs have been hell on my self-esteeem. I disliked them so much that I had started to wonder what was wrong with ME that I couldn't settle in and adjust. They were both respectable jobs with good benefits, fair pay, etc and I know others who really would have loved to have had either of them. I really wondered if I would get excited about a job again, or if my attitude was so bad that I was doomed to being an old crab.

So thanks. I really needed this regardless of how it ends with this particular job.
Given the chance, I'd obviously jump at the job. If not, I'll keep watching for something that brings out this kind of excitement in me. It's good to know I can still feel it! I just need to be more selective in what I try for.

Thank you all for helping me to feel this again. HUGS

Tink, that's so good to hear! You are awesome and I'm glad you feel excited again and that you have a renewed since of self-worth! Anytime you need encouragement, we are here for you. Still praying that you get this job!! *fingers crossed* :)

Chandra Amaya
03-24-2007, 08:06 AM
I seriously would not have had the nerve to apply for this job had you all not been so supportive and challenged me.

Marilyn asking me:

really pushed me into at least giving it a try. So simple and to the point... Marilyn, it meant more than I can tell you.

I seriously didn't think I had any chance at it and expected they'd read my resume, have a laugh and toss it in the trash. Now that I've had an interview that went so well, I feel so much more hopeful that even if I don't get hired this time I think it will be easier to apply for other things that might come along just because my self-esteem is renewed.

My last 2 jobs have been hell on my self-esteeem. I disliked them so much that I had started to wonder what was wrong with ME that I couldn't settle in and adjust. They were both respectable jobs with good benefits, fair pay, etc and I know others who really would have loved to have had either of them. I really wondered if I would get excited about a job again, or if my attitude was so bad that I was doomed to being an old crab.

So thanks. I really needed this regardless of how it ends with this particular job.
Given the chance, I'd obviously jump at the job. If not, I'll keep watching for something that brings out this kind of excitement in me. It's good to know I can still feel it! I just need to be more selective in what I try for.

Thank you all for helping me to feel this again. HUGS
Awwww that's so good to hear Tink, but I believe that is part of the reason we are all here. We all need someone to lift us up, cry with, yell to, & laugh with. I think 4WT is a great place for all that. I'm so glad going through this has helped to renew your self-image. It's a great feeling & such a sweet person as you deserves it. Still :goodluck: :41: we can't wait to have an editor here :D

03-26-2007, 04:19 AM
Seeeeeee Tink, I believe in the motto nothing ventured, nothing gained. Now you have to think positive, I am sure you will get it..:) :)

Chandra Amaya
03-26-2007, 06:12 AM
Seeeeeee Tink, I believe in the motto nothing ventured, nothing gained. Now you have to think positive, I am sure you will get it..:) :)
I second that. Well said Gina :D

03-26-2007, 06:46 AM
I think I am just about as excited as you are Tink. When will they let you know if you have the position? I have always called back after a couple of days...I don't know if this is still acceptable or not, but it showed them I wasn't one to sit around waiting on someone else. It also showed that I really wanted the job.

03-26-2007, 07:31 AM
Janet, thanks for thinking of me. I'm on pins and needles here. :o

I sent a thank you note to both of the men who interviewed me. I told them that I appreciated them taking time to meet with me and that it was truly the first time I'd had fun at an interview. I said that I got the impression they'd both be good to work with and left the interview more excited than ever about the position.

I also sent them 3 clips of things I've written to give them an idea of my style and ability.

I know that Monday and Tuesday are their busiest days, because the paper goes to print on Tues. So while I'd love a call right this moment, I'm trying to remind myself that they have other things to handle and I'm just going to have to be patient.

I appreciate all the prayers and good vibes you're all sending. I need all the help I can get, as I want this job very badly.

03-26-2007, 08:26 AM
wow! that is my dream job.. I am currently going to school for journalism! How exciting for you~~~ let us know how it turns out!