View Full Version : What Are Your Hobbies ?
09-12-2006, 11:42 AM
I thought it might be fun to share each of our hobbies. With winter time approaching I figure some of you might be artsy fartsy and beginning their crafts possibly?
I enjoy card making (yet I'm not that good at it yet), cooking, riding my horse, and camping. :)
09-12-2006, 11:54 AM
The only thing I really do is bowling... I'm on a winter league with hubby and two other friends. We have a team that will probly win us the league. Hopefully!!
09-12-2006, 12:00 PM
I don't really have any hobbies. :rolleyes: When I'm not working, I like to spend time with my hubby and 2 yorkies. When I'm not taking the pups on a walk or something, I just like to lounge around and watch TV. I'm too tired to have any hobbies right now. :rolleyes:
I do play the piano. I took lessons for 10 years growing up. But my piano is at my parents' house. Hubby and I are living in an apt. right now, so I haven't played piano in about 4 years. I really want to get back into it, though.
09-12-2006, 12:05 PM
In the winter i enjoy sewing, i try making things for my fur kids. I might give the card making a go, sounds like fun!
09-12-2006, 12:07 PM
Forgot to add, i often go for long walks, i love winter walks specially in the snow and frost, i take my lab and we head out to the forrest, i can spend ours there just enjoying scenery :D
09-12-2006, 12:51 PM
I do a little bit of a lot of things. I really enjoy cross stitching and stained glass, not that great at stained glass yet though. I also love making blankets and quilts. And I've really been wanting to play around more with some photography.
09-12-2006, 01:05 PM
This thread is a good idea!!! :thumbup:
I have a few hobbies I like to do, but tire of them after a while then move on :arrow: to something else. I like playing the organ. I play by ear and some notes, but the organ was my FIL's and it has the rythem section.
I've camped ever since my younger brother and I were both able to sleep on the same cot....long time!!! I love reading, working with the plastic canvas, working in the yard, taking pictures..notice I didn't say photography..LOL Not that good so I just take pictures. I also like to sew. I've been making harness dresses and vests for my furbabies.
I think card making sounds like fun too but would have to follow a pattern. I'm not the creative type!
It sounds beautiful, Mandy.
09-12-2006, 01:41 PM
Janc, when ive finnished my first card, i promise i'll take a pic of it and post it here, so we can have a good laugh lol... i aint that creative, but i'm gonna try :D
I know someone that makes the most beautiful cards!!! :thumbup:
Few years ago, before i got into computers and forums i made 3D pictures, but they were easy "step by step" ones LOL :D
09-12-2006, 01:45 PM
Is there something special to making cards? I think I would like to try although I don't have much of an eye for design. Do you use kits and can you buy them someplace to get started?
Sounds great, Mandy. I'll be looking forward to it.
09-12-2006, 02:42 PM
I like photography so I take lots of pictures I also Sew ,and make jewlery .My fav thing to sew is clothes for my Dog Miss Mini .
09-12-2006, 03:14 PM
HAHA! This is a funny thread. I don't have time for hobbies...but if I did, I like to read.
09-12-2006, 04:04 PM
Is there something special to making cards? I think I would like to try although I don't have much of an eye for design. Do you use kits and can you buy them someplace to get started?
Not nothing too special i don't think. From what I am finding out just creativity, blank card stock, embellishments, etc....The hobby stores carry individual pieces or kits for your choosing.
There are card making books w/ helpful hints and ideas. The possiblilities are endless. ;)
09-12-2006, 04:43 PM
I thought it might be fun to share each of our hobbies. With winter time approaching I figure some of you might be artsy fartsy and beginning their crafts possibly?
I enjoy card making (yet I'm not that good at it yet), cooking, riding my horse, and camping. :) this thread is a great idea rivermom.You are right,with winter coming and christmas not far away,it's a good time to try to make some hand made gifts for friends and family.I like all kinds of crafting and some woodworking.Haven't done much since my mom passed away(she loved making things too and we crafted together a lot of times,making gifts for christmas)There is a craft program on HGTV that comes on every weekday morning,9:00am (easter standert time) i live in GA.This program is hosted by a lady ,her name is carol duvall.She is really good and you can get a lot of good idieas.Also,if you have a MICHAELS CRAFT STORE or a HOBBY LOBBY STORE close to you ,you can get anything you need for crafting.I like card making too.Do you know about rubber stamps ,they are great for card making.I also like cooking but enjoyed it more when my children where still at home.
09-12-2006, 04:52 PM
I do a little bit of a lot of things. I really enjoy cross stitching and stained glass, not that great at stained glass yet though. I also love making blankets and quilts. And I've really been wanting to play around more with some photography. I like stained glass too courtney.Not real good at it either but trying(iam talking about the kind you do with glass paint.But what i would really like to do ,is the real thing.I knoe of one website that specializes in stained glass supplys and also some vidios you can learn from.Do you know any websites like that?
Sherry Lynn
09-12-2006, 05:04 PM
I used to do a lot of stained glass. I did the Tiffany method with the copper tape.
I had an accident a couple of years ago, so I'm limited in physical activities these days, but I used to really enjoy gardening and taking the furkids to parks to walk. I could walk forever!!
Now-a-days I'm doing a lot of reading, playing on the computer (games and forums) and messing around with itunes.
I worked in catering for years, so I enjoy cooking... the savory kind... I can't bake worth a crap!
09-12-2006, 05:22 PM
I used to do a lot of stained glass. I did the Tiffany method with the copper tape.
I had an accident a couple of years ago, so I'm limited in physical activities these days, but I used to really enjoy gardening and taking the furkids to parks to walk. I could walk forever!!
Now-a-days I'm doing a lot of reading, playing on the computer (games and forums) and messing around with itunes.
I worked in catering for years, so I enjoy cooking... the savory kind... I can't bake worth a crap!
sherry lynn ,i would love to know how to do the tiffany method ,i love tiffany lamps,have several,I am so sorry that you had an accident ,but thank god you are alive.I was in the catering bussines too for years ,i owend and operated a german restaurant,It was hard work but i really loved it.I catered many events with german or with american food,I too loved to cook and i still do some times.Not like i did when my children where still at home
Sherry Lynn
09-12-2006, 05:40 PM
The Tiffany method is when you cut and grind the glass and then wrap the edges with a tape that is sticky on one side and has copper on the other. Then you put the pieces down on your pattern, pin them in place and solder the pieces together. The solder will only stick to the copper, no the glass.
You only need to use lead came around the edges to hold the piece in place.
Tiffany came up with the method (probably not as advanced/easy as it is today) and that is how he was able to make the intricate details in his works. If you want to make a lamp, you buy styrofoam molds to put your pattern on and solder your pieces together that way.
I did a quick Google and here is a site I found that will give you more info. I didn't read it carefully, but it looks like it's a good start to learn the method.
Edited to add: My father's family is German, so I love the food and learned a few things from my Grandmother.... any favorite recipes you want to share?
My hobbies include:
Internetting ;)
Teaching Keeley tricks
And I used to collect elephants when I was growing up. I have too many to know what to do with, so now I only get the elephants I HAVE to have.:D
09-12-2006, 06:21 PM
thank you so much for the info about the tiffany glass and website ,i will check them out.That's amazing that your dad's family is german .In our family it is me that is german.When anyone asks my children ,they will tell them their mom (me) is german.It is just the other way around.I have many german recepies,what do you know about german food and what is it you like?How long has your dad been overhere and can you speak any german?I have been in this country a long time,since 1966 to be exact.America has become my second homeand i love it but i still love my home country also and everything about it.Exspecially the food.There are a few german items overhere you can find in the grocery store,but not many.Have you ever been to germany?
09-13-2006, 04:34 AM
You mean there are other hobbies besides playing with our furbabies!! lol!
I sew,(mostly for the "girls"), quilt, and paint.
09-13-2006, 05:22 AM
Sounds like we all like doing a lot of the same things. I did forget to mention that I also like woodworking. I've made a lot of wood Christmas figurines including a nativity scene and a step/stool seat for my son when he was little, and the little shelves in my family room. I like doing that more in the winter in our heated garage. In the summer the sawdust just sticks to me.
09-13-2006, 06:18 AM
I enjoy reading - love, love, love to read!!! I also enjoy, when the "mood" hits me, cross stitching. And I love reading. I'm trying to get into scrapbooking but not quite sure how to begin. I've done a couple of books for my boys but it just doesn't look like some other books I've seen. So I'm in the planning stages for this. Oh, and I love to read! On rainy days, I enjoy a great classic movie, whether in color or black & white. And last but not least, I LOVE to read - have I told you that?? :D :D
ice queen
09-13-2006, 07:12 PM
thank you so much for the info about the tiffany glass and website ,i will check them out.That's amazing that your dad's family is german .In our family it is me that is german.When anyone asks my children ,they will tell them their mom (me) is german.It is just the other way around.I have many german recepies,what do you know about german food and what is it you like?How long has your dad been overhere and can you speak any german?I have been in this country a long time,since 1966 to be exact.America has become my second homeand i love it but i still love my home country also and everything about it.Exspecially the food.There are a few german items overhere you can find in the grocery store,but not many.Have you ever been to germany?
my great-grandmother was german-her last name was worland. there are not any worlands in this state so we have kept her last name and added our husbands last name for the last three generations as a tribute.
ice queen
09-13-2006, 07:21 PM
i also love to read. i read really fast so a book a day is no hardship to me. in the winter i like to crochet and my mil is showing me how to sew on her machine and tonight i just finished a dress pattern for my little yorkie Whiskey. my youngest daughter has a skirt made of the same pattern (she is cow crazy) so now she has a matching outfit with her puppy!!! it is so cute it is black and white....might make her some little horns(whiskey) and she can be a cow for halloween!!! i also like to work in the yard and plant flowers although i admit i do not have a green thumb but i am trying!!!:rolleyes: now i have become a forum addict....this is my hubby's conmputer and when he comes home from offshore he veggies out on it...i think there might be a knock down drag out fight if i don't get my four hour fix everyday!!! i also make homemade candles-extra strong....i love candles and realized one day how much $$$ i was spending on them and said to myself...i'll make my own!!! i've gotten pretty good at it even sold a lot of my house always smells delicious!!! i also like to cross stitch though it makes me go cross-eyed!!!
09-13-2006, 07:30 PM
Oh, well, besides YorkieTalk, I love to read and go for walks (at least 2 x's/day). I'm in the process of rediscovering myself after making a pretty big career change though, so, perhaps I'll have more by next year!
I've enjoyed reading about all of your hobbies, your a pretty diverse bunch!
09-13-2006, 07:44 PM
Not much time for hobbies, guess for now,
(those two don't go together very well)
My Harley (though it's been a while since I've ridden)
Most of my time is work, cleaning, washing, and church related activities. I teach children's Bible class, and also do some teaching of women. I spoke at a Ladies' Day we had in January. We have a ladies' retreat coming up the end of October, and I an writing the lesson for one of the sessions. My church work is by far the most rewarding.
09-14-2006, 11:46 AM
I like stained glass too courtney.Not real good at it either but trying(iam talking about the kind you do with glass paint.But what i would really like to do ,is the real thing.I knoe of one website that specializes in stained glass supplys and also some vidios you can learn from.Do you know any websites like that?
I do the stained glass using the copper foil like sherry does. Altough I'm sure she's much better than me, most people are. I'm not so hot yet, I haven't even convinced myself to try curves yet. Yeah I know, what's stained glass without curves? I do some quilting too so a lot of my stained glass has a quilt feel to it. I actually have done a few common quilt squares in stained glass. I'd really like to get pretty good one day then if we ever built a house I would love to incoperate some stuff through out it. Like I would like to have a piece above the door going from a master bedroom into the master bath, don't ask why I just think it would look really neat.
Honestly its not that hard. Ok its not the easiest thing, but it doesn't take much to get a finished product, it may just not look as good as some people can do. If you have any small community colleges around there check with them because a lot of times they do stained glass classes in the summer. I haven't taken a class yet, I grabbed a book then found out what the bare minimum was to get me started and off I went. If you have a Hobby Lobby around you they have some basic supplies. I haven't ordered anything off the internet yet though, I know has stuff for it, and I believe you can even sign up for their mail catalog on the site too.
I'd love to try the glass fusing, I believe that's what its called. Where you use a kiln to melt the glass and you can use different forms to get different shapes. I'd also really really love to try glass blowing but highly doubt that will ever happen. I love all things glass if you can't tell.
09-14-2006, 04:32 PM
I do the stained glass using the copper foil like sherry does. Altough I'm sure she's much better than me, most people are. I'm not so hot yet, I haven't even convinced myself to try curves yet. Yeah I know, what's stained glass without curves? I do some quilting too so a lot of my stained glass has a quilt feel to it. I actually have done a few common quilt squares in stained glass. I'd really like to get pretty good one day then if we ever built a house I would love to incoperate some stuff through out it. Like I would like to have a piece above the door going from a master bedroom into the master bath, don't ask why I just think it would look really neat.
Honestly its not that hard. Ok its not the easiest thing, but it doesn't take much to get a finished product, it may just not look as good as some people can do. If you have any small community colleges around there check with them because a lot of times they do stained glass classes in the summer. I haven't taken a class yet, I grabbed a book then found out what the bare minimum was to get me started and off I went. If you have a Hobby Lobby around you they have some basic supplies. I haven't ordered anything off the internet yet though, I know has stuff for it, and I believe you can even sign up for their mail catalog on the site too.
I'd love to try the glass fusing, I believe that's what its called. Where you use a kiln to melt the glass and you can use different forms to get different shapes. I'd also really really love to try glass blowing but highly doubt that will ever happen. I love all things glass if you can't tell.
What a great hobby!
09-14-2006, 08:23 PM
my great-grandmother was german-her last name was worland. there are not any worlands in this state so we have kept her last name and added our husbands last name for the last three generations as a tribute.
that is so nice ice queen that you honored your great grandmother by keeping her name with your husbands name for the last 3 generations.That is a very special thing to do.So you have some german blood in you too.How about that?Do you have anything german that you like? Do you feel at all connected to your german heritage and does anyone in your family speak german?
09-14-2006, 08:36 PM
i also love to read. i read really fast so a book a day is no hardship to me. in the winter i like to crochet and my mil is showing me how to sew on her machine and tonight i just finished a dress pattern for my little yorkie Whiskey. my youngest daughter has a skirt made of the same pattern (she is cow crazy) so now she has a matching outfit with her puppy!!! it is so cute it is black and white....might make her some little horns(whiskey) and she can be a cow for halloween!!! i also like to work in the yard and plant flowers although i admit i do not have a green thumb but i am trying!!!:rolleyes: now i have become a forum addict....this is my hubby's conmputer and when he comes home from offshore he veggies out on it...i think there might be a knock down drag out fight if i don't get my four hour fix everyday!!! i also make homemade candles-extra strong....i love candles and realized one day how much $$$ i was spending on them and said to myself...i'll make my own!!! i've gotten pretty good at it even sold a lot of my house always smells delicious!!! i also like to cross stitch though it makes me go cross-eyed!!!
i love candles too and have been thinking of making some .Don't know exactly how .I went by MICHAELS and looked at all the supply's they sell to make them .It was a little confusing,i really didn't know where to start.And it is pretty expensive to buy all they say you need .So i left again to give it another try after i figure out just how to start.I can't afford to buy a bunch of stoff that i may not really need.Any advice?
09-14-2006, 09:16 PM
I do the stained glass using the copper foil like sherry does. Altough I'm sure she's much better than me, most people are. I'm not so hot yet, I haven't even convinced myself to try curves yet. Yeah I know, what's stained glass without curves? I do some quilting too so a lot of my stained glass has a quilt feel to it. I actually have done a few common quilt squares in stained glass. I'd really like to get pretty good one day then if we ever built a house I would love to incoperate some stuff through out it. Like I would like to have a piece above the door going from a master bedroom into the master bath, don't ask why I just think it would look really neat.
Honestly its not that hard. Ok its not the easiest thing, but it doesn't take much to get a finished product, it may just not look as good as some people can do. If you have any small community colleges around there check with them because a lot of times they do stained glass classes in the summer. I haven't taken a class yet, I grabbed a book then found out what the bare minimum was to get me started and off I went. If you have a Hobby Lobby around you they have some basic supplies. I haven't ordered anything off the internet yet though, I know has stuff for it, and I believe you can even sign up for their mail catalog on the site too.
I'd love to try the glass fusing, I believe that's what its called. Where you use a kiln to melt the glass and you can use different forms to get different shapes. I'd also really really love to try glass blowing but highly doubt that will ever happen. I love all things glass if you can't tell.
i really like the idea of making stain glass .My daughter in law's mother is into stained glass.She makes some of the most beautiful things.But she has no desire to share some info with me.I got started about 2 or 3 years ago to really like to get into working with glass,but didn't even find a book on the subject.Off all the craft books on the market ,i never found on.I wen't by Hobby Lobby a while back and they had several panels of diffrent colors of glass for sale and a glass cutter but they didn't even sale an instructional booklet much less a real book.I think the idea of you incorperating some stain glass panels in your new house ,whenever you are ready to buid, will look really great .I would love that too,exept i am not getting to build a new house like you.I would have to put them in the house i am living in . Boy,would i have to learn a lot to see this happening.But why not ,everyone has to start some time.I would also love to have a kiln to melt glass,but i guess they are very expensive,if you want a good size one.Yea,i like a lot of diffrent kinds of crafts,but working with glass i really want to learn and get in too .I don't know about blowing glass,that requiers a lot of space and equipment from what i seen on craft showe's .Many years ago i was living in okinawa ,japan.We were stationed there with the army.While there i got to go to a place where they blew glass.Boy was it hot ,but facinating.I bought a lot of stoff from them ,encluding diffrent colored glass grapes.I still have those, all the other stoff is gone.don't remember what happend to it all.But it was very nice stoff and it was facinating to watch them blowe it.They were very good at it
ice queen
09-15-2006, 03:41 AM
i love candles too and have been thinking of making some .Don't know exactly how .I went by MICHAELS and looked at all the supply's they sell to make them .It was a little confusing,i really didn't know where to start.And it is pretty expensive to buy all they say you need .So i left again to give it another try after i figure out just how to start.I can't afford to buy a bunch of stoff that i may not really need.Any advice?
i tried to use some of the supplies they sell at michaiel's and hobby lobby but with the prices-no way could i keep going that route so i just got on google and typed in candlemaking. i have been ordering from websites ever since. i think the only thing that i use that i bought from michael's was the metal pitcher and the thermometer. i buy my wax, dye , and fragrance from -live their french market f.o.!!! and alot of my other fragrance oil i buy from aroma but you might be able to find some websites located in your state so the shipping and handling won't be as high. and as for the candle jars i buy whatever glass votives are on sale at walmart. it'll run you anywhere from about 75 to 100$ to get all your supplies but once you have them you can make at least 10 to 15 candles easily.:D :D
09-15-2006, 07:46 AM
i love to crochet
09-15-2006, 09:43 AM
i tried to use some of the supplies they sell at michaiel's and hobby lobby but with the prices-no way could i keep going that route so i just got on google and typed in candlemaking. i have been ordering from websites ever since. i think the only thing that i use that i bought from michael's was the metal pitcher and the thermometer. i buy my wax, dye , and fragrance from -live their french market f.o.!!! and alot of my other fragrance oil i buy from aroma but you might be able to find some websites located in your state so the shipping and handling won't be as high. and as for the candle jars i buy whatever glass votives are on sale at walmart. it'll run you anywhere from about 75 to 100$ to get all your supplies but once you have them you can make at least 10 to 15 candles easily.:D :D
Thank you so much for the advice icequeen,i will check into it and maybe i can make some pretty candles once i learn how.I appreciate your help.I hope i can get good enough to make some for christmas presents,i know several people in my family that like candles.
09-18-2006, 09:51 PM
I love to scrapbook!!
09-19-2006, 04:12 AM
I love crafts, I paint ceramics, make artificial flower arrangements. I write poetry. and in the summer time I love to work in the yard!!
Sherry Lynn
09-19-2006, 04:27 AM
Coutney and hanau.... The two things that I would recommend that will make stained glass easier are a good grinder and a good glass cutter...
09-19-2006, 04:47 AM
Lately only hobby i seem to have is 4WT! I'm terrible! :eek:
09-19-2006, 09:54 AM
Coutney and hanau.... The two things that I would recommend that will make stained glass easier are a good grinder and a good glass cutter... Tank you so much Sherry lynn for the advice and 2 links I appreciate your help so much .
09-19-2006, 10:23 AM
I love to scrapbook!!
hi Amber_IV,i have done several scrap books too and enjoyed doing it.I made them for my grown children.What i did was go all the way back to theire beginning (as new baby's)and encludet every person that had anything to do with their life untill the time i gave it to them.It encludet several generations.They really loved them.It was a lot of work to get so many pictures together,but it was worth it.That is a gift to be enjoyed for generations to come.
09-19-2006, 10:31 AM
I love crafts, I paint ceramics, make artificial flower arrangements. I write poetry. and in the summer time I love to work in the yard!!
Hi TamChristopher I love to make artificial floral arrangments as well ,also floral reaves to hang on the wall or door.I am not so good at painting ceramics ,whish i was.I like to make christmas reaves and arrangements .I have made some with lights in them before.
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