View Full Version : My baby is 18 xxx

04-19-2007, 12:03 AM
My baby boy is eighteen today :bday: we had a nice time when he got up opening his pressy's (hubby is away ski ing again with work this time). his sister then popped in on her way to work to wish him a happy birthday and he has now gone to school.
I wanted to give him a party but he wants to go out tonight with his friends guess that is him grown up no more jelly and icecream:D

04-19-2007, 02:26 AM
I understand highlans!! My son is 16 and no longer wants parties either. Why do they have to grow up????? Just do as I am and enjoy him while you can.

Happy Birthday to your son!!!!

04-19-2007, 03:02 AM
Happy Birthday to your son Highlans :bday: They grow up way to fast!!

04-19-2007, 03:44 AM
Hope you and your son enjoy the day. If not together, at least thinking of each other. They do grow up so very fast!!!!

04-19-2007, 04:44 AM
Eighteen is a hard birthday for us parents because it's an age that's considered becoming an adult. Enjoy the time that you have with your son and this "next" stage of his life. Tell your son "Happy Birthday" from me!!!

04-19-2007, 05:58 AM
Happy birthday to your young man!

My "baby" will be 19 in May, so I can relate.

04-19-2007, 06:29 AM
Happy birthday to your son!!!! Eighteen is an exciting year with so many new experiences to have. I'm sure he will have a wonderful year. Like the others said, cherish every bit of time with him that you can. Have a wonderful day!

Chandra Amaya
04-19-2007, 09:34 AM
:bigbday: Hope he has a wonderful day. My oldest is only 14 but I dred him hitting 16 & 18. It seems so odd to look at them & remember bringing our little babies home. :)

04-19-2007, 12:34 PM
Thankyou all for your birthday wishes for my son he so far has had a wonderful day, came home from school with some very nice pressy's from his friends.

They have all just gone out on the town to party as he is now able to go into a pub and drink (18 here). Hope he is not to bad when he gets in:( .

So I am now sitting here on my own remembering the last 18 years:eek: how time has flown, I hope his future is bright and he achieves all he wishes:) but he will always be my baby and I know all you mums will understand that. xx

04-19-2007, 12:42 PM
Ahhhh going out for the first time, i bet he will have a blast :D
Highlans, yes i sure understand * he will always be your baby*
Is he taking driving lessons yet?

04-19-2007, 12:50 PM
Ahhhh going out for the first time, i bet he will have a blast :D
Highlans, yes i sure understand * he will always be your baby*
Is he taking driving lessons yet?

He has not started his lesson's hopefully he will in the next couple of weeks he passed his tick test a month ago, (highway code) I think you have the same in Holland. We hope to be able to get a small car for him soon as he is unable to drive my car its a MX5 as the insurance would be to high. Then I will have another worry lol.

04-19-2007, 12:57 PM
He has not started his lesson's hopefully he will in the next couple of weeks he passed his tick test a month ago, (highway code) I think you have the same in Holland. We hope to be able to get a small car for him soon as he is unable to drive my car its a MX5 as the insurance would be to high. Then I will have another worry lol.

Gosh we will always worry about them. I always wondered what my Mom meant when she said "small children, small worries - big children, big worries" but now i sure know! My son will be 16 in august, which means he can ride a scooter, after he gets a scooter license. I have been trying to talk him out of it, and said he should rather save up for a car, but hes mind is set.

04-19-2007, 01:20 PM
Awwww, you guys still have babies. My son is 32 and my oldest daughter turned 30 yesterday. My next daughter is going to be 25 soon and my youngest daughter is about 15. I still worry over them and, yes, they're still my babies, but I'm not old enough to have children THAT old!!!!!!!

04-19-2007, 04:25 PM
Gosh we will always worry about them. I always wondered what my Mom meant when she said "small children, small worries - big children, big worries" but now i sure know! My son will be 16 in august, which means he can ride a scooter, after he gets a scooter license. I have been trying to talk him out of it, and said he should rather save up for a car, but hes mind is set.

Happy Birthday to your son Highlands, Hope he has a great day! My baby turns 20 in May, where does time fly? lol Mandy my mom always said that expression and I do to.. It is so true.

04-19-2007, 04:39 PM
Happy birthday to your son. I have five kids with a big gap in their ages but they are all still my babies. The youngest is nine so I fill in with my maltese to baby. I have always had to have ababy around but I'm too old now so I have to have the dog to fill in.