View Full Version : Anyone ever try the Master Cleanse?

09-12-2006, 08:37 PM
I'm thinking of trying this and wondered if anyone ever tried it. Please let me know your results and what it was like.

09-13-2006, 06:08 AM
Not sure what it is? Can you explain a little more please?

09-13-2006, 06:12 AM
I, too, would like to know what this is. Sounds interesting! :p

09-13-2006, 06:13 AM
I saw this product at Dr. Natura's site. The photos of what is supposed to come out of us is disturbing.They were also talking about parasites living in all of us & we don't know it. I could'nt stop thinking about it for weeks. I kept thinking, " I have worms in me??!!!", but was to afraid to try the product. Partly because of the price, partly because I was afraid I would get diarreah (sp?)from it (who want that)....So I told my sister about it (she'll try anything), & she did. She always has "going "problems. She said it was'nt as drastic as the site said & the only thing that was different was that she "went" a couple of times a day, which was highly unusual for her. I asked if she saw worms & she said no. I also asked if anything looked like the photos & that was a no also. I don't think she was impressed w/ it. Someone else may have a totally different result, & I would be curious to hear about their experience also.

09-13-2006, 06:17 AM
Whether we like it or not, we all over COVERED inside and out with bacteria and germs. Did you know that we're ALL covered, from head to toe, with a thin layer of POO POO! :eek: Yes ladies, it's true. We are filthy filthy beings. No way to get around it. And, if you go messing with your digestive system too much, you will kill all the GOOD bacteria in your tummy and the bad bacteria will start taking over, and it's VERY hard to get your digstive system regulated again. I've seen people have to go in the hospital for this. So, be careful.

Sherry Lynn
09-13-2006, 06:27 AM
I do a cleanse every year, but I've never had the dramatic results some people have. But then... even though I eat meat, I also eat a lot of veggies and fiber and I don't do junk food or sweets very often. I've never felt the boost of energy that some people do, but then I don't get that with vitamins or supplements like other people do, either.

Here's what I use, but there are lots of other good products out there.


And here is a link that compares different products.


Something that I've been using for the last month that I'm really happy with is the new Benefiber supplement that you can add to foods or drinks. It has no taste and doesn't change the flavor or texture of the food. I've been keeping it on the counter so that I remember to add it to things when I'm cooking. I got it at Costco. Here's another link.


(sorry for such a long URL... I don't know how to make it shorter on this forum...)

Sherry Lynn
09-13-2006, 06:31 AM
jck4b - Your sister sounds like me. Tell her to try the Benefiber. She'll love it and it's MUCH cheaper!

09-13-2006, 06:37 AM
I do a cleanse every year, but I've never had the dramatic results some people have. But then... even though I eat meat, I also eat a lot of veggies and fiber and I don't do junk food or sweets very often. I've never felt the boost of energy that some people do, but then I don't get that with vitamins or supplements like other people do, either.

Here's what I use, but there are lots of other good products out there.


And here is a link that compares different products.


Something that I've been using for the last month that I'm really happy with is the new Benefiber supplement that you can add to foods or drinks. It has no taste and doesn't change the flavor or texture of the food. I've been keeping it on the counter so that I remember to add it to things when I'm cooking. I got it at Costco. Here's another link.


(sorry for such a long URL... I don't know how to make it shorter on this forum...)

So, you only do it once a year? I read the website and it seems like people on there do it frequently. It seems plausible. I hear all the time on E! that celebrities are OBESSESSED with Colonix and they do it often. Jack Osbourne went to Asia for about 6 months and came back all slim and trim. He said he did Colonix all the time while he was there and that is how he lost so much weight. I know Paris Hilton does Colonix all the time, too.

It does say on there that "While cleansing the colon, you have to replenish the good bacteria that protects the flora balance, which in turn protects you as it is part of your immune system." That is what I was warning about in my previous post. How can you ensure that the good bacteria is replenished? Is that part of the regimine that you buy? :confused:

ice queen
09-13-2006, 06:48 AM
Girl....save your money and get some Benefiber...you can't taste it at all!!! those celbrities probably do more damage to their bodies trying out all those new-fangled ideas...ask yourself do you really want to spend six months with a plastic tube up your ass just to lose weight? plus all those celebrities are all on cocaine or speed or something. didn't jackie-boy just get out of drug rehab and paris hilton she's just got to be on something cuz i don't see how she has the energy to fly all around the world and go to a jillion parties a night and go shopping all the time...that's just not natural-but that's just my opinion...:rolleyes: :D :D :D

Sherry Lynn
09-13-2006, 06:48 AM
I'm not a fanatic about it, but I figure it can't hurt. I asked my Dr about it and she said its a good thing. I wouldn't do it more than twice a year, though, and I wouldn't do it all the time...

There are supplements that you can buy to maintain the balance of your digestive tract. Here is a link to the products I use. I use the Transformation products that I buy at a local store. The owner of the store is actually a Pharmasist trained in Western medicine but prefers holistic natural remedies. He's FABULOUS and facinating to talk to. This is what he suggests.


With these products I actually feel the results. I get my rest and feel more energetic when I take them.

ice queen
09-13-2006, 06:49 AM
Whether we like it or not, we all over COVERED inside and out with bacteria and germs. Did you know that we're ALL covered, from head to toe, with a thin layer of POO POO! :eek: Yes ladies, it's true. We are filthy filthy beings. No way to get around it. And, if you go messing with your digestive system too much, you will kill all the GOOD bacteria in your tummy and the bad bacteria will start taking over, and it's VERY hard to get your digstive system regulated again. I've seen people have to go in the hospital for this. So, be careful.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: grody!!!! now i gotta take a shower!!!:D

ice queen
09-13-2006, 06:51 AM
oh try the new activa yogurt...it's supposed to help balance your digestive system and it tastes good too!!:D

09-13-2006, 06:53 AM
Girl....save your money and get some Benefiber...you can't taste it at all!!! those celbrities probably do more damage to their bodies trying out all those new-fangled ideas...ask yourself do you really want to spend six months with a plastic tube up your ass just to lose weight? plus all those celebrities are all on cocaine or speed or something. didn't jackie-boy just get out of drug rehab and paris hilton she's just got to be on something cuz i don't see how she has the energy to fly all around the world and go to a jillion parties a night and go shopping all the time...that's just not natural-but that's just my opinion...:rolleyes: :D :D :D

Oh, I agree 100% that Jack Osbourne AND Paris Hilton are both on something. I would not be interested in doing the Colonix to lose weight...I would just like to do it to be more healthy. I am not a healthy eater. I need to get on track with my health and start eating better and exercising. I can tell when I don't eat well that I feel like CRAP!

09-13-2006, 08:10 AM
The Master Cleanse is not a colonic. It is a flavored water that you drink while fasting. It is made up of water, lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Beyonce recently did it and lost 20 lbs. I am thinking of trying it because all of the people I know that have done it feel amazing and lose a lot of weight. I am probably going to start it next week. So I will let you guys know how I feel and what the results are.

ice queen
09-13-2006, 10:45 AM
shannon...ooooppppssss!!! i'm sorry i guess i missread....shoot yeah i've done that. i usually do it about a week before my period cuz it helps with the bloaties!:p I heard that what's her face from the howard stern show-she's the girl that is a d.j. with him did that and lost LOTS of weight but i think all she did was drink that stuff and fasted i don't think she ate at all which i don't think is healthy at all....i ain't giving up my food!!!I'm a foodie and proud of it!!! but yeah isn't anything wrong with that drink....i did it without the maple sugar though...has a twang but i got used to it!good luck:D

09-13-2006, 11:44 AM
Ohhhh, now I know the one your talking about... it's the "lemonade fast". Yes, I checked on that one also, but one of the things your supposed to do is drink a big jug of sea salt water, I'm not sure if it's everyday, and get ready to leave skid marks to the bathroom.:eek: You can do this fast for as little as 10 days or as much as 30, most only do the 10 -14 day fast.I have heard the weight loss is just a bonus to the fast but that almost all of it comes back on when you start eating again.I still can't get up the nerve to do it, even if I did I won't be doing the salt water. Good luck if you decide to do it. I did tell my sister about it & she has'nt took the bait yet. Darn.:D

09-13-2006, 03:51 PM
I saw this product at Dr. Natura's site. The photos of what is supposed to come out of us is disturbing.They were also talking about parasites living in all of us & we don't know it. I could'nt stop thinking about it for weeks. I kept thinking, " I have worms in me??!!!", but was to afraid to try the product. Partly because of the price, partly because I was afraid I would get diarreah (sp?)from it (who want that)....So I told my sister about it (she'll try anything), & she did. She always has "going "problems. She said it was'nt as drastic as the site said & the only thing that was different was that she "went" a couple of times a day, which was highly unusual for her. I asked if she saw worms & she said no. I also asked if anything looked like the photos & that was a no also. I don't think she was impressed w/ it. Someone else may have a totally different result, & I would be curious to hear about their experience also.

that sounds REALLY gross!

09-13-2006, 08:12 PM
Shannon, Let us know how it works. Where do you get this Master Cleanse?

09-13-2006, 09:29 PM
I looked it up online. You make the concoction yourself. So there is nothing to buy.

Sherry Lynn
09-14-2006, 06:15 PM
The Master Cleanse is not a colonic. It is a flavored water that you drink while fasting. It is made up of water, lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Beyonce recently did it and lost 20 lbs. I am thinking of trying it because all of the people I know that have done it feel amazing and lose a lot of weight. I am probably going to start it next week. So I will let you guys know how I feel and what the results are.

I've done that before, too, but it was years ago and I didn't refer to it as "Master Cleanse". I've done it when fasting. The first couple of days were tough while getting all the BS out of your system, but after a while you have SO much energy and start really feeling great. Really light and thinking clearly.

The longest I've ever done it for is 10 days and then went with juicing for a couple of days before slowly starting back on food.

I forgot about that one. I think I may do it again. Hubby is going to be doing a lot of traveling in the next coule of months, so it would be good timing...

09-14-2006, 06:30 PM
Ok so Sherry Lynn, did you have any weird side effects. My frined tried to get me to do it a month or two ago, I was chicken. I read all kinds of things like vomitting and blood in stool and other stuff. I really would like to do it for the whole cleansing part. They keep talking about all the mucus that you get rid of and boy would I like to get rid of that.

Here's the website that I read about it on if anyone else cares to look

09-17-2006, 08:30 PM
hmmm.. never heard of it.