View Full Version : Moving Back Home...

04-25-2007, 10:09 PM
Well, I'm getting kicked out of my place May 5th, good riddance I tell you, $550 per month for a single room and a community bath? You're kidding right? But it was required for me to live in the dorms, and I wanted this experience. It's funny how I can complain about a place, but when I'm faced with leaving it I get a little sad. This place has been my home for over half a year and I'm kinda sad to see it go.

In case you're wondering, the semester's pretty much over and I'm moving back to my hometown for the summer and moving back to school in August, but I'll have my own place then, which means I GET TO HAVE A KITCHEN!!! And my own living room and bedroom that I don't have to share! It'll be great!!!

I'm sure my mum and family are excited to have me back home, but I'm not looking forward to leaving my guy. He's going to be busy all summer so I'll get to see him maybe 2-3 times over the next 3 months(going from seeing him every day to that is gonna be rough). I'm planning a surprise Sunday visit for sometime in July before we go on vacation. I'm not going to tell him, I'm just going to show up at church that morning and see his face when he comes in, it's only a 2 hr drive so it's not bad. That'll make being away from him better, I'm just so excited about it!!!

04-26-2007, 05:14 AM
Your family will be very excited to have you back home with them! Awww and what a sweet surprise you have in store for you BF, he is going to be thrilled to see you :)

04-26-2007, 05:43 AM
I'm sure your family will be glad to have you back, just be sure to help your Mother, Lissa. I've grown quite fond of her. Oh my goodness, I'm sounding like a bossy know it all, aren't I? I just know how busy your Mom is and I want her to enjoy having some help around the house.

Okay, I put my soap box away.....LOL Sorry, Lissa, it's just the mother coming out in me....

04-26-2007, 09:29 AM
Your Mother is going to be very happy to have you home and I'm sure, as busy as she is, she would love a little help from you. I think that the two of you have a really good mother/daughter relationship. You're very blessed!

04-26-2007, 10:37 AM
It's so nice that you're going to be with your family for a while. You'll be surprised at how much you've matured since you left! I can understand the feeling sad though. That part of your life is over, but when one door closes another one opens.

Have an easy move,

04-26-2007, 12:16 PM
It's not my fault Mum's so busy, she over fills her plate :p But I'll try to help out some.

I'm taking part of my stuff home with me tomorrow, the rest'll go back with me on May 5th. So far I've got almost my entire closet packed away and in my car and most of my books.

I'm really hoping that my little surprise will work out. I just really want to see the look on his face when I walk in the room. I'll have to be a bit late so he won't see my car in the parking lot, it really stands out and there's no way he wouldn't recognize it. Of course he'll be coming back from volunteering at a camp in New Mexico the day before so I hope he won't decide to sleep in that morning and go to evening service instead.

04-26-2007, 07:20 PM
I griped about living in the dorms, too, but now I look back on it as a very unique experience and I'm glad I did. But man was it nice to have my own apt. with a kitchen! I appreciated it all the more!

04-26-2007, 08:34 PM
My room's so bare!!! I vacuumed and everything today so it looks nice and clean, don't want my last week here to be a messy one.

One thing I won't miss: MY ROOMMATE TALKING ON HER CELL PHONE!!! She's on it right now and she talks SO LOUD!!! And I've told my mum about her, the way she talks, she's one of the most racist people I know, but it's apparently permissible cause she's a 'minority'.

04-27-2007, 07:17 PM
I'm sure you will enjoy being home this summer and I know your mom will be so glad to have you.
Hope your surprise really works out.

04-28-2007, 04:20 AM
It is so nice when my DD comes home now. Our relationship is the best ever. I truely enjoy her.

I am sure its that way for you and your Mom. I'll bet you will have a great time.

05-01-2007, 05:17 PM
My room's so bare!!! I vacuumed and everything today so it looks nice and clean, don't want my last week here to be a messy one.

One thing I won't miss: MY ROOMMATE TALKING ON HER CELL PHONE!!! She's on it right now and she talks SO LOUD!!! And I've told my mum about her, the way she talks, she's one of the most racist people I know, but it's apparently permissible cause she's a 'minority'.

That is really annoying. I had a professor with that attitude. To me, racism is racism no matter who is doing it.

Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful summer back at home. I never lived in the dorm, but I think it would be a good experience to have. Good luck!

05-02-2007, 09:46 AM
My room's so bare!!! I vacuumed and everything today so it looks nice and clean, don't want my last week here to be a messy one.

One thing I won't miss: MY ROOMMATE TALKING ON HER CELL PHONE!!! She's on it right now and she talks SO LOUD!!! And I've told my mum about her, the way she talks, she's one of the most racist people I know, but it's apparently permissible cause she's a 'minority'.

I can't stand cell phone yakkers. Who cares about their nonsense? It's a big problem in NYC. They were talking about some gadget n the market that would cut off somebody's cell phone without them knowing it was you. I haven't heard about it, but I'd love to have one. You'll soon be rid of her and her racist comments.

05-02-2007, 09:48 AM
I can't stand cell phone yakkers. Who cares about their nonsense? It's a big problem in NYC. They were talking about some gadget n the market that would cut off somebody's cell phone without them knowing it was you. I haven't heard about it, but I'd love to have one. You'll soon be rid of her and her racist comments.

Oh my! There was this woman who lived next door to hubby and me at our old apartment who always went out to her back porch (right next to our bedroom window!) every night to talk as loudly as possible on her cell phone! She was SO annoying. She did it almost every night until at least 3 in the morning. I'm so glad to be away from that...

05-02-2007, 09:57 AM
Oh my! There was this woman who lived next door to hubby and me at our old apartment who always went out to her back porch (right next to our bedroom window!) every night to talk as loudly as possible on her cell phone! She was SO annoying. She did it almost every night until at least 3 in the morning. I'm so glad to be away from that...

Stand and YACK till 3 in the morning? :eek: Thats insane!!!

05-06-2007, 04:45 PM
Well, I've moved back home. My boyfriend came down with us but headed back this afternoon. I wanted to wait until he left before I started crying but I couldn't hold it in and he ended up staying longer than he'd planned cause he had to calm me down, and he almost lost it himself. I've seen him everyday since we got together with the exception of the few times I went home without him, Thanksgiving break, and a month over winter break. Three months without him seems like so long, luckily I've got my family here and a goal to weigh 30 pounds less when I move back.

05-06-2007, 06:56 PM
Stand and YACK till 3 in the morning? :eek: Thats insane!!!

Yeah, it was pretty insane! And she had no respect for the other people living there because she talked SO loudly next to the windows. Oh well, no more of that here. :D

05-06-2007, 07:00 PM
Well, I've moved back home. My boyfriend came down with us but headed back this afternoon. I wanted to wait until he left before I started crying but I couldn't hold it in and he ended up staying longer than he'd planned cause he had to calm me down, and he almost lost it himself. I've seen him everyday since we got together with the exception of the few times I went home without him, Thanksgiving break, and a month over winter break. Three months without him seems like so long, luckily I've got my family here and a goal to weigh 30 pounds less when I move back.

Aww Lissa, I'm so sorry you have to be a part for 3 months. That's a very difficult thing to do. If it makes you feel any better, my hubby and I were apart for all of our engagement except for a few weeks during Christmas time and we developed INCREDIBLE communication skills that have truly been an asset to our marriage for the past three years. When you can't hug or touch the person you love, your words are so critical to let them know how you feel and you really learn to listen well and to say exactly what you mean in the most effective way possible. I hope the two of you are able to grow closer as well. I'm sure you will. And when you see him again, it will be SUCH an amazingly happy experience that you will never forget it! :) The first hug after a long separation is wonderful! Try your hardest to enjoy your vacation until you get to see him again.