View Full Version : Stay-at-home Mom's Work Worth $138k Per Year

05-02-2007, 11:52 PM
NEW YORK (Reuters) - If the typical stay-at-home mother in the United States were paid for her work as a housekeeper, cook and psychologist among other roles, she would earn $138,095 a year, according to research released on Wednesday.

This reflected a 3 percent raise from last year's $134,121, according to Salary.com Inc, Waltham, Massachusetts-based compensation experts.

The 10 jobs listed as comprising a mother's work were housekeeper, cook, day care center teacher, laundry machine operator, van driver, facilities manager, janitor, computer operator, chief executive officer and psychologist, it said.

The typical mother puts in a 92-hour work week, it said, working 40 hours at base pay and 52 hours overtime.

A mother who holds full-time job outside the home would earn an additional $85,939 for the work she does at home, Salary.com.

Last year she would have earned $85,876 for her at-home work, it said.

Salary.com compiled the online responses of 26,000 stay-at-home mothers and 14,000 mothers who also work outside the home.


05-03-2007, 05:44 AM
Where do I submit my bill? I have 33 years worth of back pay coming!
:yelrotflmao: :yelrotflmao: :yelrotflmao:

05-03-2007, 08:19 AM
No kidding, I want my money!!!

05-03-2007, 08:51 AM
Wow! I never thought of adding it up like that, LOL.

05-05-2007, 12:15 AM
They missed out sex slave that's gota be worth a few bob:D

05-05-2007, 01:34 AM
They missed out sex slave that's gota be worth a few bob:D

ROFLMAO!!! You got that right girl :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

05-05-2007, 02:46 AM
What about perks and fringe benefits? I want it all.....NOW!

05-05-2007, 07:59 AM
Mothers definitely do more than their share of work. Too bad that can't really get paid $138k...

05-05-2007, 02:26 PM
Wouldn't that be wonderful? Who is in charge of this anyway....LOL Lets get our money....LOL