View Full Version : Body wash

09-13-2006, 10:35 AM
I've was just reading on another site that if you use anti-bacterial soap it may increase your chances of yeast infections. My husband & I use Dial antibacterial soap. I'm thinking this may be a bad idea. Also I have somewhat sensitive skin that gets dry really really easily. I also have problems with over active sweat glands & tend to get stinky. What body washes do you recommend, I'm gonna need something none antibacterial, with skin mosturizers, & works hard on de-stinking.

09-13-2006, 10:55 AM
i wish i knew this awhile ago.. i always use body washing, all different smells, that why i have a problem now... im a jerk.....i use all smelly perfumy shit . i love to smell good..oh well

09-13-2006, 03:50 PM
Body washes makes my hoo hoo itch if I use them too much. We use the Lever 2000 and I've NEVER had a problem with itching.

ice queen
09-13-2006, 06:19 PM
i use all kinds of girly-smelling body wash too but my mom told me only to wash "my business" with Ivory soap. it's funny cuz i've causght my hubby washing his face with my Ivory and try so hard not to laugh!!! he always asks me why i'm looking at him so funny-if he only knew!!! I WILL get my revenge on him for him being so messy and not helping me around the house or yard....in ways he'll never imagine-hahehehe!!!:p :p :D :D

09-13-2006, 07:28 PM
We've used Dial for years, and not had any problems. We so don't use the yellow Dial, because I'm alergic, just the Mountain Fresh, Tropical, or the Oatmeal and Lavendar. All of these have moisturizers, I think. At least they have not been very drying. I've tried others, but they don't seem to control the stink like Dial.

09-14-2006, 05:19 AM
We've used Dial for years, and not had any problems. We so don't use the yellow Dial, because I'm alergic, just the Mountain Fresh, Tropical, or the Oatmeal and Lavendar. All of these have moisturizers, I think. At least they have not been very drying. I've tried others, but they don't seem to control the stink like Dial.

We've been using the blue dial (not sure what scent) we also have used the purple. I'm very sensitive to fragrances so only certain smells work for me.

09-14-2006, 05:43 AM
We use Zest here. We are all sweaty pigs and it really helps. I have very dry skin also. My elbows are the worst and sometime crack if I don't keep lotion on them. Since my skin is so dry, it's hard for me to find something with fragrance that really helps. I have found that St. Ives 24 Hour Moisturing lotion does work wonders and last a long time.

09-17-2006, 08:32 PM
i use dial and have never had a prob