View Full Version : Sense of accomplishment

05-13-2007, 01:10 PM
Since I have the house to myself today, I decided to tackle a major project.
I dug everything out of my closet, sorted all my clothes, and packed away my winter stuff. I gathered 3 large garbage bags of things to donate, tossed out another one of things that were stained, out of shape, etc. I reorganized and really got heartless about items I've had for a long time but never use.

Right now I'm taking a break, before tackling Gregs closet. He isn't much into clothes, so it should be a much simpler job. He is a packrat though, so I imagine I'll fill another couple of bags in there. I'lll be glad to get this behind me. It's always nice to feel that sense of accomplishment when it's done.

So what's been sitting on your to-do list for too long?

lynne b
05-13-2007, 02:12 PM
I have a very long list of things that NEED done. I started painting yesterday, got 1 room almost done. only 4 more to go . and then the list go's on and on and on.

05-13-2007, 03:39 PM
Closet and Laundry Room are big on my hit list. I'm about to go bizerk on both of them!!!!

05-13-2007, 06:11 PM
I still have a few "miscellaneous items" boxes that I haven't unpacked yet, so that is top of my to-do list for now.

I'm glad you were able to get your closet done Tink. It's great to get rid of stuff that you never wear anymore. It makes your closet feel so much bigger. Congrats!

05-13-2007, 07:42 PM
Unpacking my stuff, I'm kinda waiting for the trailer (I'm living in my parents rv trailer next year) so I was just gonna avoid unpacking and repacking a couple things. I should be able to start that in a week or so, but in the mean time my bedroom has become a complete mess!

Also once I get the trailer I'm changing a couple things about it (changing the curtains, adding a little shelf in the bathroom, etc) and I'm gonna be working on that all summer.

05-14-2007, 12:34 AM
My closet needs to be sorted out, i might just tackle that today!

05-14-2007, 05:02 AM
I've already cleaned out the closets. So much junk gets accumulated. I really need to paint my bedroom and bath, but my room is sooooo big and it will take quite some time to get it done, so I just haven't started yet. Still need to work on flower beds and misc. stuff outside. I just have so many odds and ends on my list of things to get done...I'm waiting till school is out so I don't have to keep watching the clock to go back and pick the kids up. Only 9 more days to go...yeah!!!!

05-14-2007, 06:20 AM
Janet, we need to gt together and help paint each others bedrooms. LOL

Mine needs it desperately too! I'm thinking once I get the house organized I should start painting what I haven't done yet... We'll see I guess. I don't seem to be able to get much done with anyone here, so I'm hoping as the house empties I'll be able to accomplish more too.

05-14-2007, 08:04 AM
My side of the closet is a HUGE mess. I've been taking clothes out a little at a time when I think "Oh, I should get rid of that!" and putting them in a box (ok, the box is full and I'm putting them on TOP of the box) to get rid of. I'm going to have to take a day sometime and really get it cleaned out.

I also have a walk-in pantry that's getting pretty bad too. And some cabinets that need to be organized. Oh, and I only have 2 curtain panels cut out!! They're first on my to-do list.

I wish that I felt like I had the energy to do these projects. The last several days I just really don't feel that I have any energy.