06-06-2007, 08:20 AM
It has been awhile since I've visited! And I'm in a much better place in my life now.
If anyone cares, here's an update! I guess sometimes you just can't see what's right in front of you. Kyle and I met at the same time I met my ex, Ryden. They were friends and we all went on a snowboarding trip together. Ryden and I always joked that I should date Kyle instead because we were way more alike, but of course it was just joking, I never looked at another guy while I was dating Ryden. After we broke up, Kyle and I hung out a lot as friends, and with his other friends who seemed to be a lot more fun for me. Instead of having to go drinking every night of the weekend they'd go bowling for one night, or sit around and watch the hockey game. Kyle had a girlfriend for a month or two who none of us really liked but we all put up with her because she was Kyle's girlfriend. Then they broke up. We kept hanging out but it got to be more and more just Kyle and I, less of his friends around all the time. Our hanging out turned into more date-like activities like movies and mini-golf, just the two of us. I think we both knew inside that we liked each other, but we were both way too scared to make a move! One night, finally after over a month of awkardness, he kissed me. But he says I kissed him. Either way, right after I said "How long have you wanted to do that for?" and he said "Oh a little while" :D
We both had a talk with Ryden about it. It was the first real talk I've had with him since we broke up. I said we've went long enough without talking, and it's about time we catch up and maybe try to be friends, and he agreed. He has no problems with Kyle and I being together, saying we're both great people and he would love to see us both happy. Ryden and I are both small town people, we've grown up with friends dating exes so I knew he'd be okay with it, but city-boy Kyle wasn't so sure. He's okay with it now though! On Friday I had a pubcrawl for my birthday and a lot of Kyle's friends came out for it. One guy who I've also known since I've known Kyle said "Everyone knew this was gonna happen from the start! You and Kyle are good for each other!"
So we're just taking this relationship slowly now. Very very very slowly. We both want something that's going to work long-term and not be based just on physical attraction. I love cuddling with him, and talking, and hanging out doing fun things.
In other good news, one of my best girl friends from back home is moving to my city on the 30th. Not just to my city, but to my house! We have an extra bedroom and could use some help with rent and bills, and I'm so excited to have another girl to talk to!
Today is my birthday and I feel like everything is going my way these days. I'm going to try to get back here more often and get back into 4WT!
If anyone cares, here's an update! I guess sometimes you just can't see what's right in front of you. Kyle and I met at the same time I met my ex, Ryden. They were friends and we all went on a snowboarding trip together. Ryden and I always joked that I should date Kyle instead because we were way more alike, but of course it was just joking, I never looked at another guy while I was dating Ryden. After we broke up, Kyle and I hung out a lot as friends, and with his other friends who seemed to be a lot more fun for me. Instead of having to go drinking every night of the weekend they'd go bowling for one night, or sit around and watch the hockey game. Kyle had a girlfriend for a month or two who none of us really liked but we all put up with her because she was Kyle's girlfriend. Then they broke up. We kept hanging out but it got to be more and more just Kyle and I, less of his friends around all the time. Our hanging out turned into more date-like activities like movies and mini-golf, just the two of us. I think we both knew inside that we liked each other, but we were both way too scared to make a move! One night, finally after over a month of awkardness, he kissed me. But he says I kissed him. Either way, right after I said "How long have you wanted to do that for?" and he said "Oh a little while" :D
We both had a talk with Ryden about it. It was the first real talk I've had with him since we broke up. I said we've went long enough without talking, and it's about time we catch up and maybe try to be friends, and he agreed. He has no problems with Kyle and I being together, saying we're both great people and he would love to see us both happy. Ryden and I are both small town people, we've grown up with friends dating exes so I knew he'd be okay with it, but city-boy Kyle wasn't so sure. He's okay with it now though! On Friday I had a pubcrawl for my birthday and a lot of Kyle's friends came out for it. One guy who I've also known since I've known Kyle said "Everyone knew this was gonna happen from the start! You and Kyle are good for each other!"
So we're just taking this relationship slowly now. Very very very slowly. We both want something that's going to work long-term and not be based just on physical attraction. I love cuddling with him, and talking, and hanging out doing fun things.
In other good news, one of my best girl friends from back home is moving to my city on the 30th. Not just to my city, but to my house! We have an extra bedroom and could use some help with rent and bills, and I'm so excited to have another girl to talk to!
Today is my birthday and I feel like everything is going my way these days. I'm going to try to get back here more often and get back into 4WT!