View Full Version : Dental

07-30-2007, 05:04 PM
To make a long story short. I have never had great teeth, as a child I chewed a lot of bubble gum. On visits to the dentist I was tortured lol , back in the day the dentist didnt use novaine and the drill never had water so it was hot.. That instilled a fear in me for life..

I have mostly pernmanet bridges and caps and have been having a problem with my tooth underneath one small bridge. I needed root canal and have started it a few weeks ago, during the drilling I guess the bridge got loose and it has fallen he recemented last week but stayed on for a day. Today he finished the root canal and made two posts and bonded the bridge back and used pernmanet glue. Now the problem, he took an exray and it shows the tooth next to it is decayed. So the tooth that he did the work on has to hold the back tooth, for how long we don't know. He said that evenutally I will need an implant...Nowwww I am chicken has anyone had any implants put in? If so was it painful and how did it go?.

07-30-2007, 07:33 PM
Dear Gina,

I have had almost my whole mouth redone with lots of implants. I had to go to NYU
College of Dentistry where they're dentists learning to do implants, otherwise I could never have afforded it. It takes forever there, but I have had no pain and no problems with the implants at all.

It's such a great medical advance.

If you want to know anything else, just ask me.


07-31-2007, 04:31 AM
My husband had an implant done last year and said he didn't feel anything and had no pain afterwards.

I was always afraid of the dentist too. I had never been to one until after I was married. I was in a school program and never had problems with my teeth, other than I wish I would have had braces.

My dentists uses the novicane and puts me in this warm, vibrating chair to relax me even for a cleaning.

07-31-2007, 05:18 AM
Oh well ladies thanks for the input, I guess when the day comes I have to phyc myself..lol First I have to get through the pulling of the bad tooth.. I AM SUCH A CHICKEN!! lol