View Full Version : My Girls!

08-06-2007, 01:49 PM
I just had to share a few pictures of "my daughters" with you ladies. The three girls in the first picture are Isba (6), Karin (5), and Eunise (4) in order from left to right. Isba and Eunise are sisters. They were all the sweetest most adorable little girls in the world (besides Crissy of course!) They called Brendon and me Mamita y Papito the entire time we were there and they even cried when we left. :(

I think Eunise was just the cutest! She said and did EVERYTHING that her sister Isba said or did. I have never seen anything quite like it before in my life. Isba was definitely much more outgoing and adventurous (and mischievous, lol), but mild mannered little Eunise did all of the same things in a polite and respectful way, always with the biggest smile I've ever seen. It was indescribably adorable!

The second picture is Maria Josefina, 3 year old daughter of 19 year old Lupita. We called her Maria and the locals called her Marijo. She was extraordinarily cute in a different way. My favorite was when we would tell her "?que dice el mono?" (what does a monkey say) and she'd say ooohh eeehhh eehhh ahhh while bouncing up and down and side to side (imitating what Brendon had done first). It was the source of much entertainment for us "gringos". lol. She stole my heart, that's for sure!

More to come! I'm slowly making my way through over 1500 pictures! :)

08-06-2007, 03:54 PM
What little sweeties!
It's so great that you connected like you did with them. Are you going to keep in touch with them?

08-07-2007, 10:40 AM
Awwww they are precious Angie! Not hard to fall in love with those little ones. :)

08-08-2007, 04:13 PM
What little angels! I can see why they fell in love with you and Brendon and vice versa!

Love, Judy

08-08-2007, 04:27 PM
Gosh I miss them. :(

08-09-2007, 12:28 PM
I told you that the little ones would grab your heart! They are so precious! I bet you would have brought them home if you could have.