View Full Version : I can't seem to do anything right today!!

09-07-2007, 06:06 PM

Hubbys birthday is this sunday.. and he had been wanting this part for his new race car so I went ahead and bought it as a surprise.. well it turns out he wansnt sure if he wanted that one or another one so I ordered it, even paid 2 day air and it arrives monday but he doesnt seem happy, he says I made the decision for him.. and he says he is ok with it but he is acting like he is not.. now he doesnt want to do anything today and is all gloomy on the couch watching tv... I feel so bad I just cried.. I thought I was doing something nice for him ,since I knew he wanted it, but it appears my good deed went south...

SO I told him I can call the company and see if they will exchange it without charging me additional shipping but he says , no its ok Ill just stay with what you ordered.. but I sense its not what he wants... what do I do....!!! Do you think if I return it without signing for it ... they might let me exchange it without charging me more shipping? I know they have a return or exchange policy.....AHHH MEN!:(

09-07-2007, 06:19 PM
Cindy, I'm so sorry you're feeling bad right now! You did a wonderful and sweet thing by buying him what he said he wanted. It seems like he's just being ungrateful. You've done everything you could in this situation first by being nice enough to buy him a gift and secondly by offering to send it back and get something else. Sometimes men are stubborn and they don't really know what they want. Hopefully he'll realize what an amazing and caring wife he has!

09-07-2007, 07:29 PM
thanks Angie.... Im done feeling guilty.. I tried..

09-07-2007, 11:44 PM
Awwww cheer up girl, you were very thoughtful for buying him something that you thought he wanted. They talk about us, not being able to make up our minds? Men can be like old woman with wet panties :rolleyes:

09-08-2007, 12:29 PM
Cindy, you poor girl, you were doing a wonderful thing. Husbands just don't have a clue sometimes. I just don't know why they are like the way they are. I would ask him one more time about exchanging it and then drop it. If he can't be honest about a gift....about which one he truly wants, then let him keep the one you bought.

Next time get him a gift certificate...LOL

Oh, and don't feel guilty for doing a sweet thing.

09-08-2007, 12:44 PM
I'm sorry that he's made you feel bad about your gift:car: . Sometimes I just don't get men!! :scratchhead: You probably will still have to pay for the extra postage even if you return it. You're just going to have to let him know that he can either send it back or use it, the decision is up to him and wish him a happy birthday:cake2: . Hopefull he'll get over his bad attitude and quit making you feel bad.