View Full Version : NEVER been so frustrated!!!!!

09-09-2007, 02:17 PM
I have never EVER been more frustrated with Brendon. EVER! I'm so upset and stressed that I can't stop shaking... and the bad thing is that it's not even really his fault. Well, it's kind of not his fault.

So I shot a wedding recently with my friend Lauren (the same one who is in the pictures I posted earlier) and I've spent HOURS and HOURS making sure they look as absolutely perfect as they possibly could before I give them to her to give to the client. So today is the day she needed them and I was doing last minute adjustments, deciding exactly which pictures I wanted to send and which ones weren't good enough. So I had deleted a few which leaves a gap in the numbering. For example, if I deleted the second picture, the files would be Wedding001, Wedding003, Wedding004, etc. no longer nice and neatly numbered. So Brendon says "I'll batch rename them for you". He's done this for me before so I thought nothing of it and told him that would be great. Always good to look more professional, right?!?

He renames them, I open the folder...and they are ALL gone. ALL OF THEM! I panicked. I haven't stopped panicking! It took me SO LONG to get them all done and now all of that work is just gone...and I was suppose to turn them in today! I still have the original, unedited photos, but it'll take at least a week to edit them and have them ready again.

I'm so upset! Lauren will be really disappointed, the client will have to wait for her photos, and I have TONS of work to do now on top of everything else. I feel like I've let so many people down. I just can't stop crying.

Thanks for letting me vent.

09-09-2007, 11:49 PM
Angie, i'm sorry you are so upset! Calm down girl, i'm sure Brendon feels aweful right now, can he not pull them back up somehow? He probably hit a button without realizing it. Dont be too hard on either of you, accidents happen ;) Your friend will understand if you explain to her what happened. Good luck girl ;)

09-10-2007, 04:02 AM
When he renamed them were they somehow saved somewhere else?? Have you checked the desktop or done a search using the new names? My trash can also saves a copy that can be retreived later if you realize you made a mistake deleting something.

Hope you find them and if not, this is one of lifes complications that seems and truly is big now, but in the whole scheme of things will be a distant memory in a few months. Take care, and so sorry this happened to you. :(

09-10-2007, 04:35 AM
Thanks SO much girls! I'm feeling much better now. I talked to Lauren and she was such a sweetheart. It turns out she had an AWESOME day at the wedding so she has way more than enough pictures to give the client. I think she was more worried about how upset I was than the pictures. I'm lucky to have such a nice friend... :)

Marilyn, we've done complete searches of the hard-drive several times, checked the recycling bin, looked for hidden folders and files...and just about anything else imaginable to try to find them. After class today, Brendon is going to use some data recovery software he wrote to try to retrieve them, but if he doesn't find them, I'll just start over...

I just keep thinking "it could be worse" so I guess I'm pretty lucky.

09-10-2007, 04:46 AM
I'm glad your friend understands, i just knew she would. Happy you are feeling better :)

09-10-2007, 04:47 AM
I'm glad your friend understands, i just knew she would. Happy you are feeling better :)

Thanks Mandy! I'm a million times less stressed now!! Crazy how we get worked up over things that turn out to be minor, isn't it?

09-10-2007, 04:54 AM
At THAT time, it seems like a HUGE problem, after a good night sleep, we feel a lot lighter.
In a few months time, you will think back, and smile about it. ;)

09-10-2007, 04:58 AM
At THAT time, it seems like a HUGE problem, after a good night sleep, we feel a lot lighter.
In a few months time, you will think back, and smile about it. ;)

You are definitely right...it's just hard to think of all that in the middle of a "crisis". Life is too short to stay stressed for long...

09-10-2007, 05:07 AM
You are definitely right...it's just hard to think of all that in the middle of a "crisis". Life is too short to stay stressed for long...

Exactly!! Now go give your hubby a big cuddle ;)

09-10-2007, 05:09 AM
Exactly!! Now go give your hubby a big cuddle ;)

I would, but he's in class. lol. I'll cuddle the puppies instead!!! :D

09-10-2007, 04:32 PM
I'm so glad it worked out! That's a mistake you guys won't be making again!

09-10-2007, 04:44 PM
I'm so glad it worked out! That's a mistake you guys won't be making again!

Live and learn, right??

09-12-2007, 06:29 AM
Sorry you went through all that work just to have it destroyed. Glad your friends so understanding.

09-21-2007, 08:50 AM
God! i'd have killed him had i been in ur shoes lol. serioualy i dont have that much patience to lend my brains to the same time consuming work all the way again!
Really sorry you had to go thru all that stress. *hugs*.

Chill and Enjoy!