View Full Version : What to do?

09-25-2007, 07:04 PM
I discovered tonight that a family member has just stolen over $40 from me. I have proof that I can't ignore and a witness. I have borrowed this person money numerous times, have provided a home and meals when they had none. I'm co-signer on a car loan that they're behind on so I am now expected to make the payments... in other words I've been a sucker and they've just totally taken advantage.

So in my position what would you do?

09-25-2007, 07:08 PM
Oh my goodness Tink, that's awful! I'm so sorry your trust was broken like that!! I'd be so furious, but sad at the same time. It's hard to believe that even our own family sometimes can't be trusted...

Is there any way you can have your name taken off the lease for the car? (I don't know how co-signing works, so it might not be possible...)

Are you planning to talk to him/her about what happened?

09-26-2007, 12:51 AM
That is awful!! Hmm.... it's never easy to confront anyone that has stolen from you, but maybe that will be a lesson for him/her if you do say something about it?

09-26-2007, 04:06 PM
You reposses the car and sell the darn thing. That's exactly what my Mom had to do to her great-grandson. She figured if she was making the payments, she was gonna have the car. She got it and then sold it. Hard to feel sorry for ungrateful people, Tink. You can only be walked on if you lie down.

I just recently had a 'friend' steal $400 from me. Needless to say, I told her I didn't need friends like her in my life and let her know where she could go. I truly hope to never see or speak to her again.

09-26-2007, 06:51 PM
You reposses the car and sell the darn thing. That's exactly what my Mom had to do to her great-grandson. She figured if she was making the payments, she was gonna have the car. She got it and then sold it. Hard to feel sorry for ungrateful people, Tink. You can only be walked on if you lie down.

I just recently had a 'friend' steal $400 from me. Needless to say, I told her I didn't need friends like her in my life and let her know where she could go. I truly hope to never see or speak to her again.

Janet I love the gumption that your mother possess good for her :thumbup: Tink if you have the proof and a witness I definetly let he or she know that I am aware of the stealing of money. Some people have the audacity after showing them kindness.... Let us know how you handle it..

Janet sorry to hear that a so called friend stole that much from you, what a creep.

09-27-2007, 09:57 AM
I think that if it were me, I'd be selling the car too. If I were making payments on it then I'd consider it mine! I would never co-sign another note with this person either and I'd keep my purse and other valuables hidden or locked up when they were there. It's easier to prevent them from taking things then it is to try and get it back. I know that the advice that we've given is easier said then done so good luck with what ever you decide to do.

10-06-2007, 06:45 PM
Dear Tink,

I just read this and I'm sorry you were taken advantage of. I hope you have the title, or can get your hand on it. I would sell the car and confront him/her about the $40
in a matter of fact tone.

It does hurt to be taken for granted, but it happens. I think people have to be taught how to treat you.

Good luck.