View Full Version : What Is Your Most Embarrasing Moment

09-16-2006, 02:15 PM
Come On Ladies Lets Not Be Shy We Want To Hear All About It !!:d

09-16-2006, 02:21 PM
I will try to make a very long story short.....I met a new girlfriend. We both took our kids to story / play time at the mall. My son who at the time was 4 says "Mom, I've gotta go potty". At that moment he took hold of his shorts he was wearing, shook them, and poop balls fell out and rolled across the mall floor.

I could have died with all the Mother's (especially my new girl friend) stared at me to see how I was going to handle the situation.

09-16-2006, 02:22 PM
I will try to make a very long story short.....I met a new girlfriend. We both took our kids to story / play time at the mall. My son who at the time was 4 says "Mom, I've gotta go potty". At that moment he took hold of his shorts he was wearing, shook them, and poop balls fell out and rolled across the mall floor.

I could have died with all the Mother's (especially my new girl friend) stared at me to see how I was going to handle the situation.

Oh---MY---GOODNESS!!! And just how did you handle it? Kids...they do the darnest things, don't they? :D

09-16-2006, 02:29 PM
I won't go into details , but when I was about 16 or 17 about 3 or four of us girls went bowling. We were all telling jokes. I forgot there was a person in the car of a different race (it was the first time she came with us) and I told an off color joke. I will never forget the humiliation I felt. At that time there were not many other races in our town. I had just finished telling the joke when we pulled up to my house. From that moment on, I didn't repeat those kinds of jokes. That was a life lesson for me.

09-16-2006, 02:31 PM
well when my son was 3 years old i was at Lowe's and we were walking through the store well my son saw a black man and yelled at the top of his lugs as he was pointing "LOOK MOM THAT MAN IS BLACK!" OMG i almost died i was so embarrassed i apologized and ran out of the store. in my area we don't have a lot of diverse minorities mainly white and Hispanic and so he doesn't see a lot of different races up close( I REALLY HOPE I DON'T OFFEND ANYONE) but it was funny

09-16-2006, 02:47 PM
Oh---MY---GOODNESS!!! And just how did you handle it? Kids...they do the darnest things, don't they? :D

LOL - Honestly Janet I don't even recall what I did at that moment to make light of that situation. It was so long ago as my son is now 18. :p

09-16-2006, 02:55 PM
LOL - Honestly Janet I don't even recall what I did at that moment to make light of that situation. It was so long ago as my son is now 18. :p

LOL at that time you probably thought you'd be scarred for life. Glad it's a great memory though....

09-16-2006, 03:01 PM
When my son was about 2 - 3 years old, he asked he's Dad, why he's private parts are bigger then he's :confused: My husband gave me the "U answer this 1 " look, i continue'd to tell him that Daddy has Wallnuts and you have Peanuts, i don't know what got into me for saying something so stupid :rolleyes:

Next thing i know, we visiting with family and friends, having a BBQ and a swim party, i think my son saw he's Dad in he's swimming trunks and remembered the "nut" story, loudly he says, MY DAD HAD WALLNUTS, and i have peanuts :eek:
I was SO embarrassed i felt myself turning all colors LOL

Needless to say, everybody was laughing histerically :eek: :eek: They all still remember that story LOL

09-16-2006, 03:03 PM
Oh that is funny... At least everybody got a good laugh.

09-16-2006, 05:21 PM
LOL All of those kid stories are so funny. They have a gift for saying the wrong things at just the right time.:p :p

09-16-2006, 05:49 PM
I took my son to his best friends birthday party when he was about 7. I dropped him off. When I dropped him off some of the kids were leaving. Stupid me didn't think anything about it. I went back later and he was the only one there. I took him when the party was suppose to be over not starting and they never said a word to me about it. They even had plans to go out that evening. I felt so bad.
