View Full Version : First puppy turndown

10-19-2007, 09:13 AM
I just had a couple here who were supposed to have put down a deposit on one of the female pups. The lady was complaining when one of the pups untied her shoe! Her husband wanted a guarantee the one they chose wouldn't shed. Between the 2 they had no clue what owning a young puppy is all about, so they left and I still have the puppy available.

I'd rather keep her than worry about them being unhappy with her and possibly taking it out on her later.

Ho Hummmmmmmm but thanks to Janet I know some just aren't good prospective puppy owners!

10-19-2007, 09:56 AM
I'm glad that they didn't take her. How do they expect a puppy to act? It's perfectly normal for a puppy to play with shoe laces, and...... you can't guarantee if a dog is going to shed or not when it's a mix of 2 breeds! They definitely wouldn't have been good owners!

10-19-2007, 10:25 AM
Our dog was born with a sensitivity to demodactic mites - demodex. All dogs have these mites but only some have this genetic trait. As a male, he shed in spots when under stress. Females with demodex shed all over every month. He also has severe allergies. We are so glad he got us as another family might have thrown him away - he's a lot of work. We sometimes wonder whether his littermates are OK. So keep being cautious - puppies are worth it.

10-19-2007, 03:36 PM
Maybe going w/ your gut feeling about this couple will give you the answer. It sounds to me already that red flags have been raised and you've seen that this couple show signs that possibly this pup isn't the best match for them.

I've never been in your shoes selling pups and I can only imagine all the emotions that take into play. :confused:

10-20-2007, 06:21 AM
Sometimes it's really hard to tell. That's why I always let all the puppies and adults out. Then I watch how the people react to things they do. If you can get the people to stay long enough...they end up letting their guard down a bit.

10-20-2007, 08:32 AM
Tink, I'm so glad you are being cautious. Too many people buy puppies and then realize that they require work, time, and attention. The puppy then gets ignored or put in a shelter. Finding the right owners is SO important. You are a good breeder!

10-20-2007, 08:41 PM
I agree with everyone else Tink. I am really glad they didn't take her. You would never have stopped worrying about her.

10-21-2007, 10:23 AM
Dear Tink,

I'm so glad they showed their true colors and didn't get one of your babies!

I hate them.

11-20-2007, 08:30 AM
my friend had her dog shipped on a palne from tx and i went with her, her dog walter and her dogs sister are both samll dogs (chorkies) and were 8 weeks old they were fine no problems at all. and out of all the dogs that came off that plane only 1 had pooped all over but looked to be ok. i now have the other chorkie lola the other owner didnt want her.

11-20-2007, 08:31 AM
oops wrong area for post lol.