View Full Version : What is the best/worst thing about your hometown?

09-16-2006, 07:45 PM
Since we are all from different places I would love to know what is the best thing/worst thing about where you live. I am from NYC, born and raised in Brooklyn but currently residing in the Bronx (the home of the NY Yankees:) )

Best things about NYC:
The museums, Broadway, Times Square, Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.
The christmas tree at Rockefellar Center. It is always so beautiful.
The cultural diversity.
Derek Jeter (shortstop for the Yanks). I have seen him at Yankee Stadium, he is even more gorgeous in person.:p
The stores. Every major designer on the planet has a store on Madison Avenue.
The food. No one makes hot dogs (Nathan's at Coney Island are divine) pizza or bagels like NY. (IMO;) )
We have everything. If you can't find it in NYC, it doesn't exist.:)

Worst things about NYC:
It is too expensive. Working folks can barely scrape by.
It is too crowded.
We are a target for terrorists.
The subways. They are crowded, hot and smelly. :mad:
It is too concrete. You have to go to a park just to see a tree. My poor dog is afraid of grass because he is so used to the cement.:rolleyes:
People can live next door to each other for decades and never say hello or know each other's names.

I would love to hear about your hometowns.:)

09-16-2006, 07:51 PM
I am in the deep south - Vicksburg, Mississippi!

Best things about Vicksburg:

Sight of one of the pivotal battles of the Civil War - had Vicksburg not surrendered, the war might have turned out differently.
Lots of original buildings, antebellum homes, and architecture here.
Small town so no "big city" problems (traffic, noise, etc.)
Lots of trees, wooded areas here:) (we live on 5 acres of wooded property and I LOVE the privacy)

Worst things about Vicksburg:

Because it's so small, there's not a lot to do here....for adults or teens!
We have one mall and it sucks! Have to drive an hour away to get decent shopping in!

And that's about it - see, told ya it was a small city:)

09-16-2006, 08:12 PM
I grew up in a tiny little town in Saskatchewan (population less than 500), but I now live in a small city.

Best things about where I grew up:
Growing up with the same group of people, you are forced to deal with disagreements and problems, and end up making friends for life
Everyone is there for everyone else, raising money for anything that needs it.
Being able to say hello to anyone you see when you walk down the street, and when I go home now it seems like everyone is happy to see me and asks about what I've been doing with my life. It's always a warm welcome!
Quiet nights with no traffic!

Worst things:
Everyone knows everything. Sometimes it felt like a soap opera. I felt so bad for the kids I used to teach figure skating to, when EVERYONE knew their family problems, and just who their parents were cheating on each other with.

09-17-2006, 04:07 AM
The best thing about Frankfort is:
1) One can walk from one side of town to the other in about one hour.
2) Prices are not too bad at all, especially if you watch the ads.
3) Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Kokomo are within an hours driving with more choices of restaurants and shopping

The worst thing about Frankfort:

1) Not enough places to shop, Super Wal Mart has pretty much ran everyone off!
2) People that have more than others, sure like to flaunt it!
3) Our city and county government sucks. They don't listen to the people, they pretend they do, but do what they want.
4) Our town is really a small town, use to be able to go to bed without locking the doors. Then one of the church's here in town decided they would go all out to help another group of people move here. Now we have gangs and within the last 9 days have had three shootings. Thank God no one was killed, but it's just a matter of time. I would never live "in" town again. Glad I'm out in the country.

Have anymore to add Linda?

09-17-2006, 04:32 AM
The best....Living out in the country where I don't feel "trapped" with a bunch of people. I can head into town when I want but then leave it all behind to come home to tranquility. :p

The worst...The mentality of so many people here. :mad:

09-17-2006, 07:24 AM
I live in the country but close to Angola. We have Walmart, Meijer, and 101 lakes.
We live close to Crooked lake. Its a very friendly town. Summer traffic is a mess.
I work downtown. We have a circle not a square. You have todrive around.
We also have a state park 6 miles from our house and an outlet mall 10 miles from
my house. We are in the corner of the state. Michigan 10 miles to the north and Ohio 15 miles to the east. We have a small private college called Tri State.
We moved up here 4 years ago. From Frankfort where Janet is from.
It was a good move but I miss my friends from down there. Especially Janet.

09-17-2006, 07:38 AM
I live in the country but close to Angola. We have Walmart, Meijer, and 101 lakes.
We live close to Crooked lake. Its a very friendly town. Summer traffic is a mess.
I work downtown. We have a circle not a square. You have todrive around.
We also have a state park 6 miles from our house and an outlet mall 10 miles from
my house. We are in the corner of the state. Michigan 10 miles to the north and Ohio 15 miles to the east. We have a small private college called Tri State.
We moved up here 4 years ago. From Frankfort where Janet is from.
It was a good move but I miss my friends from down there. Especially Janet.

Oh Linda that is so sweet...I miss you too, but you would just hate the way Frankfort is becoming. So sad.:(

09-17-2006, 06:22 PM
The best thing about my little ho-dunk town is all of the restaruants...but then, I like eating.

The worst thing is all of the street gangs/gangbangers.

09-17-2006, 07:02 PM
My hometown has "maybe" 100 people in it.
We have a welding shop, auto body shop, car dealership, general store, a cabinetmaker, and custom wood worker as far as businesses.
My next door neighbors are Amish; another neighborhood family are swedish immigrants. I don't see anyone not being welcomed or included in the community.

We have several small towns of less than 2,000 people surrounding us in all directions. If we drive an hr we can get to 3 different cities of 40,000 to 60,000 with all the shopping and services we need.

I really don't see a "down side" to living here. It's where my parents and I were born and raised and is truly home to me.

09-18-2006, 12:08 AM
The best thing about my town is all the history and all the old buildings, it's a very pretty town with a beautiful park, lots of water, we live right on the old harbour that they are rebuilding into it's original state. I love all the different restaurants, there's so many of them :thumbup:

The bad thing is, it's always busy here, we live in the center of town, there's a lot of nightlife and every weekend there's something to do, few weekends ago we had Harley day, they came from all over Holland and other neighbouring country's to see the show, you can imagine the noise LOL... this place is always alive. Sometimes it's just too much!

09-18-2006, 09:47 PM
I'll get back to you on this one!

Sherry Lynn
09-19-2006, 06:17 AM
The best thing is we are close to NYC.
The worst thing is we are close to NYC! (see Neecee's post!)

Just kidding....:p

The best things:
Lots of great shopping and restaurants... especially fresh seafood! yummm
At the beach... or as they say here in Jersey... the shore!
Philly and Atlantic City are an hour away... NYC is less.
You can be in the mountains an hour.
Half an hour to the airport.
The Garden State Parkway - especially in Autumn when the leaves change!
Lots of 'green' here in suburbia but still close to anything you might need or want.
Great park systems and cultural events.

The worst things:
Tourists/traffic in the Summer - but the locals know how to get around it!:cool:
We have a Naval Weapons Station nearby... along with NYC... both are surely terrrorist targets.
It's expensive to live here... taxes/insurance/housing... heck, everything!

09-19-2006, 06:40 AM
HMMMMM??? Good things????

1.-1 hour from Cleveland
2.-1 hour from Pittsburgh
3.-3 hours from Columbus!
4-Youngstown State's former head football coach, Jim Tressle, is from here! And is now the Ohio State Buckeyes head coach and has already won a NAt'l Championshop!!!!!!! YAYAYAY


Worst things....
1.-Delphi is on bankruptcy
2.-GM is in bankruptcy
3.- Forum Health is in bankruptcy

Its been very somber news around here for awhile. We may be having some 10,000 people losing jobs. Everything is sooo up in the air right now, people have no clue what is going on.
The car indusrty isn't what it used to be....very sad.
So our economy around here isn't too good and we are way below the national average for job loss.

I don't know why I still live here! LOL!