View Full Version : at home...

10-29-2007, 04:01 PM
so, I am a nail technician at a gorgouse spa close to home and I really like it there. My husband works at Intel and makes enough to support us. So what's the problem?

The day spa is supposed to be tuesday thru thursday at least 5 hours preferebly. But, that's not gurenteed. One week I worked very close to the above schedule. Last week I worked half that. I am happy and Steven says we are doing fine and I don't HAVE to get a second job, however, the house can only get so dirty and I can only clean it so often, so then I'm left with days like today (and tomorrow) where I am pretty much done with everything and will get VERY BORED! I would also really like to be able to bring more money into the home and relationship so that I won't feel so guilty when I want a mall shopping spree.

Soooo! On to the point! Does anyone know of any credible at home, part-time, jobs?:) :)

10-29-2007, 04:22 PM
hi welcome to 4wt!

I worked online (administrator/coordinator/moderator/marketer) for 7 yrs between a couple different parenting sites. I quit almost 2 yrs ago and quite seriously I can't find another job like it to save my butt in spite of my experience.

I wish you luck in your search, 'cause the jobs ARE out there, but connecting with them takes incredible luck. That's how I got BOTH of mine. lol

10-29-2007, 04:28 PM
I am not too familiar with many jobs like you described but I wish you luck. Hope ya find exactly the type of job you want that gives you all the fun shopping spree's! :)

10-29-2007, 08:38 PM
Welcome to 4WT!!! To answer your question........Have you thought of selling stuff on e-BAy! You might check it out and see what areas of selling might suit you. Antiques, clothes, books, etc.......Hundreds of catagories.

I bought a bottle of perfume once at a garage sale for $1 and sold it right before Christmas for $232!!!!! I only did it once though but there are other things just as collectible you just have to find them. At the same time I sold the perfume I sold 2 or 3 other things and made over $300 with a $3-4 investment and I just look at garage sales. This year I didn't look for items but I have several things already here at home that I need to get listed.

Anyway..... Good luck!!!!!

10-29-2007, 11:07 PM
Good luck on your search, i'm not much help here, but i like Diana's idea :thumbup:

10-30-2007, 07:54 AM
Can you sew at all? Some times people just want items mended.

10-31-2007, 09:10 AM
Welcome to 4WT. Good luck with the job search. I completely understand why you need that extra cash flow.

10-31-2007, 12:46 PM
Crossing wires! I was just thinking of ebay last night:) I do love going to garage sales, however due to the wedding budget, I didn't get to go much this summer. I could hunt through some of my stuff though, I know I have quite a few things that I don't really want that could fetch something.

Thanks for all the suggestions everyone! It's just nice to know that others understand. My husband isn't quite getting it that I want to be productive. He thinks I want to be able to spend more money and that if I bring it in I can spend it. It is a little about that, but it is a lot about not sitting at home being bored all day.

Thankfully though, my husband brought up a great point last night:

"What is money for except to spend it? Why do you want to get all this money for? Just to have it and save it? Why do you think I go to work everyday to make money? For YOU to SPEND IT!"

He's a good guy :)

11-03-2007, 11:53 AM
How sweet!