View Full Version : Not feeling the greatest!

11-08-2007, 11:34 AM
I was feeling like sinus problems were heading my way the other day, but I woke up at 3 this morning and my chest was so full. When I cough it hurts so bad. Stopped up nose...the whole works.

Usually I only get this once a year...so I'm ready for it to go away now...LOL I'll be home alone most of the evening so I may just go to bed a little earlier than normal, get some rest besides taking my meds. I'm sure most of it will be gone by tomorrow, I sure hope so anyway, it usually doesn't last too long, I don't think.

11-08-2007, 11:40 AM
Just wrap yourself up in a nice cozy blanket and sip some hot tea and watch movies the rest of the day. Go ahead and pamper yourself. If you only get one of these a year be glad that you'll have it done and out of the way for the holidays. I hope that you're feeling better by tomorrow.:hug:

11-08-2007, 11:50 AM
Awwww janet, make youself a nice "hot toddie" and get nice, and cozy with a blanket, and pillows, with a dvd or something that you enjoy doing, and pamper yourself. Tell the boys, if they hungry, they know the way to the kitchen ;)

11-08-2007, 12:06 PM
Rest up Janet. Take all the advise that you were just given and take a couple days off.

It's no fun not feeling well. Hope you are back to your normal self in no time. :getwell:

11-08-2007, 02:30 PM
Those suggestions sound wonderful. When my son got home from school, he said he was starting to feel his sinuses acting up too. I pray we don't all get sick, but then it'd be best to get it all done and over with.

I just don't like being sick, but thank goodness I don't smoke now...the coughing really hurts, but I'm not coughing very much. I'm seeing the benefits already...yeah!!!

11-08-2007, 02:55 PM
****Haven't tried this yet*****

Janet - I read an email I rec'vd one day that if you apply that Vicks Vaporub on the bottoms of your feet it will cease the cough. Not saying that I am looking forward to my next nasty cough but I am anxious to try it out.

Wanna be the guinea pig?? :p

I was telling the check out lady at the grocery store about this...she was coughing like crazy. BUT...In error I told her to apply cinnamon to the bottoms of her feet.

Crap - I sure hope she didn't try this as she's gonna make a mess outta her floors !! :D I wanna laugh each time I return to the store and use her check out aisle. However, I am too embarrassed to ask her if she tried it. :o

11-08-2007, 05:09 PM
Hope all heals quickly, Janet.

11-09-2007, 02:20 AM
****Haven't tried this yet*****

Janet - I read an email I rec'vd one day that if you apply that Vicks Vaporub on the bottoms of your feet it will cease the cough. Not saying that I am looking forward to my next nasty cough but I am anxious to try it out.

Wanna be the guinea pig?? :p

I was telling the check out lady at the grocery store about this...she was coughing like crazy. BUT...In error I told her to apply cinnamon to the bottoms of her feet.

Crap - I sure hope she didn't try this as she's gonna make a mess outta her floors !! :D I wanna laugh each time I return to the store and use her check out aisle. However, I am too embarrassed to ask her if she tried it. :o

ROFLMAO!!!!!!! OMG you are too much! :yelrotflmao: :lol2: :yelrotflmao: :lol2:

11-09-2007, 02:22 AM
Janet, i hope you feeling better today, next time i have a cold, i am going to try the vicks vaporub on my feet, what a bonus if it helps!

11-09-2007, 05:42 AM
Strange cough remedies! Seriously, a friend of mine was put on one of the newer meds for high blood pressure and started a never ending cough. It did turn out to be a side effect and the one thing I could find that had been proven to counter it was iron supplements. So that's what I sent her - the cough was gone in a day. Not sure what the connection is between coughing and iron. Anyone figure that one out?

11-09-2007, 05:53 AM
Janet it's a new day and hope today is better....I still think you need to be our guinea pig and rub that vapo-rub on your feet. hahaaha....It can't hurt and who knows, might do the trick. :p

Or.....get silly and rub all over and into cinnamon! Might be fun right?? :D

11-09-2007, 05:56 AM
LOL ~ i swear i'm going to try the vaporub next time....:D might combine with cinnamon :thumbup:

11-09-2007, 06:04 PM
Sheryl you just crack me up!!!! LOL I read that same email and forgot all about it. Only thing is, I'm not really coughing much...mostly clearing my throat. My chest feels so much better this evening. I'm really happy about that, that part was awful. I still have the sinus problem a little bit, sometimes I'm stopped up, next minute it's running a marathon...LOL. I'm sure by tomorrow I should be back to normal (if I was ever there in the first place.) I did take some of this stuff called Musinex and I really think that help break of the chest crap.

11-09-2007, 08:49 PM
Glad the Musinex is helping. Hope you are back to all well and fine before you know it!

11-10-2007, 03:57 AM
So glad to see you are doing better Janet! I've heard that the Musinex has been pretty good stuff.

11-10-2007, 07:47 AM
Well, I'm sure as heck not sure what happened between the time I went to bed and then woke up this morning, but it hit me again with a double whammy!! I'm going to play on the computer a bit and go back to bed. bad sinuses, very sore throat...pee when I cough, the whole deal. I honestly feel like I'm dying.........I want to live....I want to live...!!!

11-10-2007, 09:16 AM
UTI? Whatever it is, it sounds awful. Hope this is just your body's way of getting your winter flu over with before the holidays and then you can enjoy the rest of the season!

11-10-2007, 11:51 AM
Well, I'm sure as heck not sure what happened between the time I went to bed and then woke up this morning, but it hit me again with a double whammy!! I'm going to play on the computer a bit and go back to bed. bad sinuses, very sore throat...pee when I cough, the whole deal. I honestly feel like I'm dying.........I want to live....I want to live...!!!

Pamper yourself with a hot toddie girl ;) and a nice cuppa tea!

11-10-2007, 04:27 PM
Hope you feel better Janet.:(

11-10-2007, 04:31 PM
Awww Janet - So glad to hear you were climbing back into bed for some much needed rest.

It's ok, I pee when I cough too!! :p (and laugh, and sneeze, LOL)

Possibly it's time to head to Mr. Doctor for some antibiotics?? If you are not up to yourself in a day or to I hope you head there.

11-10-2007, 04:48 PM
I really should have gone to the Dr. on Friday, but I was feeling a little better and thought I was on the mend. He would have called in a Z Pack for me and I would have been back to normal in just a day or two. Dummy me. I'm not gonna wait the next time....and we all know there will be a next time. First hint, I'll be calling the Dr. for sure. Now I'll have to wait until Monday.

11-11-2007, 01:36 PM
Can this be shared over the phone? I didn't feel very good when I got up this morning.

11-11-2007, 03:21 PM
Can this be shared over the phone? I didn't feel very good when I got up this morning.

Oh no, not you too Diana? From your posts it sounds as if you've been working really hard, so maybe you got yourself rundown? Get some rest and hopefully you will feel better real soon!


I make a mean homemade chicken noodle soup. I wish I could send you some to KS. :( (You also Janet! Hoping you are getting some rest)

11-11-2007, 05:11 PM
Oh no, not you too Diana? From your posts it sounds as if you've been working really hard, so maybe you got yourself rundown? Get some rest and hopefully you will feel better real soon!


I make a mean homemade chicken noodle soup. I wish I could send you some to KS. :( (You also Janet! Hoping you are getting some rest)

Yesterday the girls and I had a garage sale and the weather was nice but it was cool and I had already been having a sore throat in the morning. Anyway, today it's worse. (Said in a really croaky voice!)

I'd really appreciate the homemade chicken noodle soup! When shall I expect you to be here? I'm only a couple of hours from Joplin!!

11-12-2007, 02:29 AM
Ahhhh i hope you girls feel a lot better today, stop working so hard, time for a break. Take care of yourselves, Janet, and diana! Eat fruit, and Sheryl's chicken soup works wonders!! :thumbup:

11-12-2007, 06:25 AM
Janet, how are you feeling today? Are you feeling like getting out of bed yet?

I'm feeling a little better, not much. I started coughing really bad last night after we had been asleep for awhile so I ended up sleeping in the recliner. I think that it helped with my congestion though. I don't think that it will last too long.

11-12-2007, 08:44 AM
Janet, how are you feeling today? Are you feeling like getting out of bed yet?

I'm feeling a little better, not much. I started coughing really bad last night after we had been asleep for awhile so I ended up sleeping in the recliner. I think that it helped with my congestion though. I don't think that it will last too long.

There's that Vapo-Rub experiment to rub on the bottoms of the feet maybe? Gosh someone's gotta try this to see if it works. :p

Glad you are feeling a little better Diana. ;)

11-12-2007, 08:52 AM
Thanks, Sheryl. I'm still waiting for my homemade chicken soup.

11-12-2007, 09:00 AM
Thanks, Sheryl. I'm still waiting for my homemade chicken soup.

And you know, it's all rainy and dreary outside and I thought of you this morning having the soup! It's a perfect day for you to snuggle inside (on your recliner) and stay all cozy.

11-12-2007, 12:58 PM
Aww Janet and Diana, I do hope that your both feeling better today. Sinus infections are not fun... Janet I always end up taking the z pack why suffer. Musinex is suppose to be really good. I have given it to my son. Girls stay indoors and just make yourselves comfy and drink plenty of fluids and get plenty of rest.

I to am peeing at Sheryl advice that she give the woman in store about putting cinnamon on bottom of her lol your too:yelrotflmao: :yelrotflmao: :yelrotflmao: funny !!!

11-12-2007, 07:10 PM
Hope everybody is doing better!!!!! Sounds like you've all given some good advice. The cinnamon thing cracks me up!! :yelrotflmao: :yelrotflmao: Wonder if she really tried it. Seems like if she did, she would have reported the results next time she saw you, Sheryl. She probably thinks you're weird or something and is afraid to bring up the subject.....:yelrotflmao:

Janet & Diana, hope you are much improved. My hubby makes a mean chicken soup and freezes it to share with sick friends. Everyone says it really does the trick.

And Sheryl, hope I don't get sick, but if I do, I'll try the Vicks and let you know. I sure use it on my chest when I get congested and I think it helps a lot. Hubby likes the Musinex. He says it works very well.

Janet, I have some Mexican antibiotics I'd share if we were closer!!!

11-12-2007, 07:23 PM
HAve either of you gotten a flu shot yet? Might not be a bad idea if you're already starting with stuff. I need to get in for one soon myself.

11-12-2007, 08:48 PM
My students are all getting sick and from what I see, here's a summary of what they do that works.

Keep that chicken soup coming! Take your elderberry. Get the flu shot if you are prone to get sick often - it's not too late to build some immunity. Be kind to yourselves. Nap whenever possible.

11-13-2007, 09:31 AM
I feel a lot better than I sound. I'm just trying to stay nice and warm because I'm afraid that getting chilled will cause the gunk in my chest to tighten up. I thought about putting Vicks on my feet but I didn't want to get it all over my sheets and I didn't want to wear socks because I'm having hot flashes and the socks would have been to warm. Thanks for everyone's concern.

11-13-2007, 09:50 AM
I feel a lot better than I sound. I'm just trying to stay nice and warm because I'm afraid that getting chilled will cause the gunk in my chest to tighten up. I thought about putting Vicks on my feet but I didn't want to get it all over my sheets and I didn't want to wear socks because I'm having hot flashes and the socks would have been to warm. Thanks for everyone's concern.

Oh hot flashes suck!! :mad: Do keep warm in all the good ways and happy to see that you are feeling better.

Do you get the flu shot? I used to when i worked at JB Hunt as it was mandatory. But since I quit almost 7 years ago I have not had one since. Odd thing is, is that I haven't had flu since I stopped taking the shot. Go figure? :confused:

Still wanna make ya that soup though! :p

11-13-2007, 09:54 AM
Hope everybody is doing better!!!!! Sounds like you've all given some good advice. The cinnamon thing cracks me up!! :yelrotflmao: :yelrotflmao: Wonder if she really tried it. Seems like if she did, she would have reported the results next time she saw you, Sheryl. She probably thinks you're weird or something and is afraid to bring up the subject.....:yelrotflmao:

And Sheryl, hope I don't get sick, but if I do, I'll try the Vicks and let you know. I sure use it on my chest when I get congested and I think it helps a lot. Hubby likes the Musinex. He says it works very well.


Somebody think I am weird? Imagine that! LMAO!!!! :D Im just curious to see if that stuff works, lol.

11-13-2007, 03:28 PM
I've had my flu shot, but every year I get this sinus, chest congestion, ear ache and sore throat. Finally got a Z Pack anitbiotic from the Dr. I should be back to normal (?) any day now. Those work great.

11-14-2007, 01:57 AM
I've had my flu shot, but every year I get this sinus, chest congestion, ear ache and sore throat. Finally got a Z Pack anitbiotic from the Dr. I should be back to normal (?) any day now. Those work great.

Hope you are feeling tons better girl ;)

11-14-2007, 12:42 PM
....Do you get the flu shot? I used to when i worked at JB Hunt as it was mandatory. But since I quit almost 7 years ago I have not had one since. Odd thing is, is that I haven't had flu since I stopped taking the shot. Go figure? :confused:

Still wanna make ya that soup though! :p

No, I don't get the flu shot. I don't get the flu very often but I have trouble with colds. They like to settle in my sinuses, throat, and chest. I always worry that it could turn into pneumonia.

YOU worked at JB Hunt? I have a cousin and her husband works in the offices there. I think that he's pretty high up in the company. His name is Mark Greenway. Have you heard of him or know him?

Also, I'm still waiting for the soup!!! LOL!!!!!