View Full Version : List Yourself

11-13-2007, 07:25 PM
A couple years ago, I was looking for a book for my dad for Christmas, and there was a bookstore in the mall that was closing down for good. I saw these two interesting books there called List Yourself: Listmaking as the Way to Self-Discovery. Flipping through them, there's just pages and pages and pages of things to list basically. I thought they were neat, but I didn't want to buy anything for myself. After Christmas, they were both still there on the last day of the store being open, so I picked them up. I thought it would be fun and easy, but really they make you think, and they've even made me cry!
I was looking through one again last night before bed, and thinking of this forum. I think it might be a neat idea if every week I randomly open pages and post for you guys maybe 3 or 5 list ideas. You can do any of them or all of them, share them with us or just think to yourself. What does everyone think?
I'll start with a few now:

List all the things you've made or built by hand.

List the places you've visited that have altered your view of the world.

List all the mentors, dead or alive, that you wish you could have access to.

List the tv experiences that touched you most deeply.

List all the things in your wallet.

11-13-2007, 08:12 PM
Fun idea, Lindsey. Great way to get to know yourself all over again.

11-14-2007, 12:18 AM
Good idea, I have started to do list's as I seem to be able to get things done if I see it on paper.