12-06-2007, 01:01 PM
With all the media and such focusing now a days on weight and it's relation to health, I wonder wear I fall... I'm really bothered about it. According to my BMI I am OVERWIEGHT :( However, when I see myself in the mirror I don't see OVERWEIGHT. I see a little "fluff". I suppose I wish they would classify weight into more specific catagories, Like a little overwight, average, other factors... I believe I would fall into other factors. I feel bad though cause I feel like I'm just making excuses for not eating as healthy as I should, or excersing as much as I should, and I don't do either, I also don't eat until I bust, eat slower, and have abandoned the rule of "finishing your plate". Yet I still have that tummy bulge :cry: Enter in the "other factors". Mind you I've only heard of these as being proven to cause weight gain, but both of them relate to me. 1) I am on birth control, a side effect being weight gain, more of weight retention for me though 2) I'm high stress, which creates cortisol (?right one?) which causes fat to retain and gather in your stomach area. With these known, I'm hesatant to even try to diet and excersice, cause I'm sure I'd be waisting my time! I've heard there are pills for the stress thing, but the birth control thing is kind of unavoidalbe right? I also will be completely honest, I don't like to do either of those things, and I don't think I need too... I don't want to bust my ass to get about 5 pounds off my tummy just to have to fight every week to keep 5 freaking pounds off! Especially if those other factors really are going to fight me harder!
I suppose I just need some feedback from OTHER poeple than my mother in law and husband... Do you go by what society says and the media and the BMI? Or by how you feel, and what you know about your body. And what do you say to those who think your just making excuses? Lastly, do you think I'm just making excuses?
I suppose I just need some feedback from OTHER poeple than my mother in law and husband... Do you go by what society says and the media and the BMI? Or by how you feel, and what you know about your body. And what do you say to those who think your just making excuses? Lastly, do you think I'm just making excuses?